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Messages - roblack

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Pineapple thread
« on: Today at 09:47:08 AM »
Also, properly ripened pineapple is on par with mango in taste--absolutely amazing.

Better than mango.

I haven't eaten enough pineapples it seems. Babying these Dellermans and some others, hope I eventually agree.

Happy to report success in grafting 2 scions of Luc's hermaphrodite onto 2 Luc's seedlings (100% success if they hold, have consistently failed with garcinias in past):

Upon visiting, a forum friend found my chip clip grafting tek peculiar =) some clothespins now, but thinking of sticking with the chip clips!

A bit surprised to see a bloom poking out of one of them. These grafts were done around June 5th of this year.

Big shout out to forum member docky for the fresh and choice scions! Woohoo!

At risk of being scolded, I went over 5:






passion fruit




All grow well here and produce without much work or fuss. Tasty and/or nutritious.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Vanilla pompona from seed?
« on: September 04, 2024, 08:08:29 AM »
In the first post he says he can get cuttings for $3-5 but feels that is expensive. Why would you post a link for a vanilla plant for $45??

Are you my old English teacher? Geez, just trying to help. Didn't recall when I came back to this thread that he had a pompona connection. Maybe someone else wants to know as well.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Does anyone have a "Mini" Mango tree
« on: August 30, 2024, 12:12:26 PM »
M. altissima makes a cool little fruit.

I usually mix in (w/ native soil) MG Cactus, Palm, and Citrus Soil when planting mango trees. Trees all look great. ground and in pots.

You probably haven't had a choice ST yet. It took me a few tries.

Lil Gem, Dwarf Hawaiin, ST, CL.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: I didn't need another Mango tree
« on: August 27, 2024, 06:13:18 PM »
I didn't need another, until reading this thread.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Tipping time 🕑 is over
« on: August 27, 2024, 11:34:08 AM »
Stil trimming here.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Grafting Mango Trees
« on: August 25, 2024, 01:21:17 PM »
You can still graft, but might not be as good as a month ago. It is still hot here.

This atticle is from Bangladesh, so may not apply as well, but suggested veneer grafts may work better late in the summer. I like the modified cleft graft they discuss as well, going to try that soon.,in%20August%20by%20veneer%20grafting.

Those are beauties, eh!

How similar is that to c. sessilis?

Sending well wishes your way Giant Gecko!!!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Barbados Cherry Tree
« on: August 25, 2024, 12:36:44 PM »
Sounds like your tree is still a bit young. Hopefully soon!

Ours is 12 feet or more, in ground for 7 years probably now. Doesn't set much fruit still. Any ideas of what might help?

Hey Paul. I am not sure. Bought both plants off eBay. One was listed as Zanthoxylum Simulans (Sichuan Pepper), I think that is the one I still have. Got another around the same time, it was called Hua Jiao Shu.  Think it was a different species. I kept one, gave the other away to a friend who killed it.

1 in ground, it is growing well and would be 10 -15 ft tall already if didn't trim it. No flowers yet. In ground for about 3 years, but not sure. Nasty thorns.

Great post/thread Bov! I love how you name them and note personality differences. They are very interesting. I saw one last year tugging on another one, and initially thought they were fighting. Upon closer inspection, one squirrel had fallen in the road, probably was hit by a car, and its buddy pulled it to safety and was trying to revive him. Didn't make it; but I was impressed with their social nature and camaraderie.

I only kill stuff for food, or it its "coming right for us!" Just don't feel good about killing squirrels, and do not want to eat them. Nothing against people who protect their crops. A farmer without a varmint rifle is giving up a lot, unless a better strategy is in place.

My strategy for now is overabundance, cleaning up fallen fruit, and distracting animals (birds and squirrels) by feeding in front yard. When a squirrel starts messing with fruit, time for the Red Ryder. It doesn't kill them, just bounces off their fat furry butts. Being a good shot, I have no worries about actually harming them. But it must hurt, and scares the crap out of them. Might be why some chatter at me more than others. Bring it on!

...the human fruit thieves are much scarier...

Got a few tools that work well. Felco pruning shears are great with small branches. When I want to make a precision cut on something larger. Felco pull stroke pruner saw is nice. Random loppers working well. For bigger jobs and high up stuff, using a few of the Ego battery power tools (chainsaw and pole saw). Can handle just about anything within reason.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Looking For Imbe Trees
« on: August 21, 2024, 05:48:32 PM »
pm sent, 555

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Looking For Imbe Trees
« on: August 19, 2024, 08:49:34 PM »
Hello All! Looking for imbe trees. The bigger the better. Herm or sexed would be nice. Please lmk what you got. Thanks!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: 2024 FL Mango Season
« on: August 18, 2024, 12:31:16 PM »
Sad to see mango season 2024 coming to an end. Planted Carioca in ground last night, by light of the near full moon, to help cope with profound grief.

Snacking on jakfruit arils is helping a little too. Next in line are green boiled peanuts, bananas, and the last of the lemon drops to slightly ease the pain.

Hello Josh and welcome to the forum. Mango season in FL is pretty much over. You may be able to find some local late season varieties if you know where to look or get lucky. To post inquiries to purchase, sell, or trade, use the following section of the forum:

...this section (veggies and herbs and stuff) gets way less traffic and the right people for your request won't see it.

10 seeds for me if I can jump on a group buy. Please lmk

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Best Home Freeze Dryer 2024
« on: August 17, 2024, 10:05:18 AM »
That Magic Mill dehydrator looks nice! I have an old 9-tray Excalibur that does jerky and other stuff very well. Have no intention of doing jerky in the freeze dryer, because the dehydrator does a great job.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Where should keep a mango seedling??
« on: August 16, 2024, 09:25:43 PM »

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