Tropical Fruit Discussion / My guava refuses to bloom . . . .
« on: September 06, 2024, 03:52:06 AM »
I bought a 'Ruby Supreme' guava about five years ago. Four years ago it went into the ground.
It has grown like gangbusters and two years ago in June it was cut back to fence high (4 ft.).
It rapidly grew back to 8 ft tall. in about four months' time.
This following year it was trimmed back again to 4 ft tall in June. Again no flowers or fruit.
So far this year (2024) I did not cut it back and it's at least 8 ft tall again but again no flowers
or fruit. Plant seems perfectly healthy and robust but refuses to make any fruit.
It has been fertilized occsasionally each year and has gotten plenty of water both from rain and
city water (when there's not enough rain).
Does it sound like I'm doing something wrong with this guava? (Maybe it's too happy to bother
with blooming or setting fruit!)
Help, please . . . !
Paul M.
It has grown like gangbusters and two years ago in June it was cut back to fence high (4 ft.).
It rapidly grew back to 8 ft tall. in about four months' time.
This following year it was trimmed back again to 4 ft tall in June. Again no flowers or fruit.
So far this year (2024) I did not cut it back and it's at least 8 ft tall again but again no flowers
or fruit. Plant seems perfectly healthy and robust but refuses to make any fruit.
It has been fertilized occsasionally each year and has gotten plenty of water both from rain and
city water (when there's not enough rain).
Does it sound like I'm doing something wrong with this guava? (Maybe it's too happy to bother
with blooming or setting fruit!)
Help, please . . . !
Paul M.