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LF Fig cuttings
Interested in Violette de Bordeaux, Celeste, Verte, Chicago, LSU Purple, Conadria, Marseilles VS, Stella and open to others. Ive never rooted a cutting so not sure how it will go but since I don't know anyone with any I could learn on I'm stuck buying some and hoping I don't waste the little money I have to spare :/ Early thanks to anyone who can help.
Wanted to update that I am still looking for Fig cuttings but I will consider any named variety you have/are willing to take cuttings from. Please message or email me if you have any. Thanks
--- Quote from: Hobo62288 on August 30, 2015, 06:36:48 PM ---Wanted to update that I am still looking for Fig cuttings but I will consider any named variety you have/are willing to take cuttings from. Please message or email me if you have any. Thanks
--- End quote ---
Now is not the best time for fig cuttings, they are most easily propagated (and the most acessible) during the winter months when the trees are dormant. So check back in January-February and you'll be able to get most of the varieties you mentioned in you first post.
Regarding rooting, it's a no-brainer. Search youtube for "rooting fig cuttings" and you'll be amazed of how small an effort is needed from you :)
I rooted a cutting recently from a street tree with large fruits. No idea if it's a variety. Pretty easy to root though.
Maybe check on figs4fun forums to trade with fig enthusiasts.
Another good option is to get some of the many root suckers that always grow around the main tree.
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