For anyone who was successful in rooting the Dennis cuttings, please give your update and any photos of the plant if you can.
Hello sc4001992, here's my experience here in Florida:
Mine were placed in water and two of the three struck or started to strike roots. Water was changed every two to three days and the recepticle was cleaned well. After a week or so some browning of the stem ends started so that was trimmed away and the cut end(s) coated with BanRot, then were set aside for a few hours to dry well and later placed back into the water.
Several nodes tried to strike buds but they never developed. One node had about an inch-long growth but it never really grew.
Eventually the browning of the stems came back and the cuttings had to be discarded, sorry.
If I should get a chance to try some more cuttings of 'Dennis' later on I'll get them into soil as soon as root development is starting.
I think that part of the problem likely was that when they were shipped they got overheated in transit and many of the leaves had dropped by arrival.
I hope others have had better success getting 'Dennis' started and growing. I will also be interested in hearing how they fared.
Paul M.