Temperate Fruit & Orchards > Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade

Looking for feijoa scions in canada


Checking to see if any canuks sell scions?

It's not exactly what you are asking for, but I know that Fruitwood Nursery is willing to add a phytosanitary certificate and ship internationally (for a fee, of course), and they've got a bunch of stuff in stock right now:


Here's their international shipping policy:

--- Quote ---International Shipping
$15.00 base fee, plus 30% of the order subtotal. On top of this all international orders need to have a phytosanitary inspection and certificate, which costs $70.00. This will be automatically charged at checkout and is the same for any size order.

For all international orders please contact us in advance via email (corrinaandmarc@fruitwoodnursery.com) so we can make sure the plant materials you want are allowed into the country you are in. Also some countries also require an import permit which potentially could be hard to get.

--- End quote ---


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