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Topics - mikesid

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 Very Limited !!!

 Shipping is $3 in a padded envelope

 punicifolia x $5 ea

 aff nutans x $3 ea

 I also have:
 Annona squamosa - Red Sugar Apple seeds for $1 ea

 Psidium Striatulum $1 ea


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Annona aff nutans
« on: July 23, 2024, 10:03:25 AM »
 Just wanted to drop a pic of this fruit. I sold a bunch of scions from this over the past year. My budwood originally came from GRIN. It was listed as Annona sp. After talking to some Annona experts in Brazil they think its a natural hybrid between (nutans x cornifolia). The budwood was listed as being from Bolivia where both of these species are found. Fruit can hang on the tree days after it turns orange and soft and will continue to get sweeter. Skin is so thin you dont even notice when eating. It has a mild sweet flavor.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Annona punicifolia
« on: July 23, 2024, 09:57:27 AM »

 My second seedling just started fruiting! Seeds originally came from forum member (Lilith-vzla) in 2018.


"UF/IFAS Palm Beach County Extension is having its first ever Mango Fest on June 30, 2024 at Mounts Botanical Garden in West Palm Beach, Florida!!! This amazing event will include:
      ~Mango Tastings
      ~Mango Education and Lectures
      ~Mango and Tropical Fruit Tree Sales
      ~...and so much more! "

 The guided tasting will be limited to 400 people who purchase tickets. You will still be able to buy tickets at the door.

Mod Edit: Here is a link to purchase tickets to the event:


 Looking for about 30-40 seedlings or 50 seeds

 Seeds are SOLD OUT

 There is a chance you will get some hybrid seeds as I have a lot of Annona species flowering at the same time.
 seeds come shipped in padded envelope.


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / For sale: mango scions SOLD OUT
« on: April 05, 2024, 11:29:49 AM »
   Scions are SOLD OUT.

 Lemon Zest
 Kathy (K-3)
 Honey Kiss

 my seeds originally sourced from Seeds Hunter. scions from fruiting tree. this is the best tasting uniflora Ive had. sweet with no resin.

 budwood is chopstick/pencil size or a little smaller 6"-8"

 will come wrapped in buddy tape

SOLD OUT[/b][/u]

 Just pruned the tree. I have a total of 13 scions.

 Get all scions wrapped in buddy tape and shipped USPS priority for SOLD




 Annona punicifolia (extremely limited) (fruiting tree) - SOLD OUT - my seeds came from forum member (Lilith-vzla) in 2018 and tree fruited first time this year. Fruit is very similar to the aff nutans (light sweet with carrot/pumpkin flavor)I'm also offering being just a smaller fruit. The growth is somewhat slow and tree is shrub-like. It also has spines that are created from branch die-back. I have two trees growing but only one has fruited. I will label them #1 and #2 if you request both. Scions will come wrapped in buddy tape. I can get different size scions if you want larger sizes just clarify when ordering. I have grafted this to glabra and it grew good at first but has had branch die back. I grafted one on montana that seems to be doing ok just growing slow. I have had more luck using montana and cherimoya for rootstock of these more rare species. I will be adding a few more species. Shipping will be $10 USPS Priority Mail.

 Annona sp from Bolivia likely hybrid btw (nutans x cornifolia) - fruiting tree - SOLD OUT I received budwood from GRIN in 2019 and grafted to glabra. I fruited that in a year and planted the seeds and grew out some seedlings that have started fruiting since last year. The seedlings seem variable in flavor as I have one that is more sweet than others. It has a nice light flavor of carrot/pumpkin. The skin is so thin its not noticeable when eating. Ive noticed that the fruit can continue hanging even when fully colored up and soft and it will allow it to sweeten up more. Trees can be kept smaller and shrublike though they do have tendency to grow longer lateral branches and respond well to pruning. Trees begin flowering after 3 years of age. Fruit can be colors from oranges to red. I have grafted this to glabra, montana, and cherimoya and cherimoya appears to make the best graft.

Annona (Rollinia) herzogii - seeds from RarePalmSeeds in 2019 - Flowered only - SOLD OUT

Annona salzmannii - my tree came from Berto's fruiting tree - SOLD OUT - my tree is grafted on glabra. Ive also grafted these on montana. Ive even seen one grafted on cherimoya that may dwarf it but too soon to tell.

Annona muricata 'Whitman's Fiberless' - grafted tree from Flying Fox - SOLD OUT

Annona muricata - 'Yucatan' - from forum member by way of Frank - SOLD OUT - no flowers

Annona muricata - 'Yellow' - my tree is from seeds from Australia - flowers only no fruit - SOLD OUT - leaves have yellow inflections which is supposed to verify it is the yellow variety.

Annona muricata - 'Itabuna' - fruiting tree - SOLD OUT - my tree is from Berto who had the fruit in Itabuna, Brazil. My tree fruited a couple years ago and it produces an excellent fruit with extremely low fiber. Skin peels off very easy when ripe.

Annona montana - sweet flesh variety from Marcos in Argentina seeds planted in 2019 - no flowers or fruit - SOLD OUT limited

Annona dioica - I have a few trees growing and they came from two different sources. - flowers no fruit - SOLD OUT (extremely limited)[/s]

Annona sp 'Cerrado' - seeds from SeedsHunters in 2020 - SOLD OUT scion (extremely limited) fruited first time in November last year but fruit dropped and animal got it.

Australian SOLD OUT

'Kimber red' -SOLD OUT


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Wanted: Pouteria ambelaniifolia
« on: February 01, 2024, 08:47:39 AM »

 Richard had these for sale a while back but none of my seeds germinated.

 Hoping someone had some luck!

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Wanted: Garcinia pedunculata seedling
« on: January 31, 2024, 04:44:25 PM »

 Will take any size you got!

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Wanted: Fusaea longifolia
« on: January 27, 2024, 04:30:35 PM »

 Ive tried germinating Fusaea longifolia several times without luck. Hoping someone else has had some success.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Psidium ID needed - seeds from Bellamy
« on: October 10, 2023, 03:07:45 PM »

 I lost a couple tags and could use help identifying these. One could possibly be Psidium spp Goiaba Da Amazônia...



 Scarlet seeds SOLD OUT[/b][/u]
 Both of my fruiting trees are from Flying Fox


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Wanted: Eugenia pisiformis--CLOSED
« on: August 27, 2023, 11:18:31 AM »


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / SOLD OUT: Annona aff nutans
« on: August 06, 2023, 10:05:04 AM »
 Annona aff nutans - possibly a natural hybrid of A nutans x A cornifolia

 SOLD OUT$3ea seed + $5 shipping - minimum 5 seeds. Paypal - (Friends and Family only)
 I received budwood from TREC which came from Bolivia.

 Fruit has a nice light, sweet flavor. Skins is very thin, and edible.

 Tree is slow growing and shrub-like and responds well to pruning.

 Ive grown out some from seed and they take from 3-4 years to produce. Ive been able to graft them on montana, glabra, and cherimoya. Ive also pollinated atemoya with this and am growing some out now so should be interesting with hybrids.


 Several people have asked for these scions but this is all I'll have for now. I have three fruiting seedlings so should have some more in the future.

 -Scions will come wrapped in buddy tape

 -total shipped priority mail ---SOLD



 These are the last of the scions I'll have for a while. Just pruned tree.

(Sold) shipped priority. Will come wrapped in buddy tape.

 Pitangatuba seeds x 40 shipped for $25 (priority mail w/ tracking #)
 My tree came from Flying Fox

 I have a Pitomba flowering and fruiting directly next to this pitangatuba and hand pollinated a lot of the flowers with each other. So there is a chance for a hybrid.


 Pitangatuba: SOLD OUT

 Zill Dark: SOLD OUT
 Regina (From Miguel in Portugal) : SOLD OUT

  $10 minimum + $5 shipping in padded envelope

 I have other E unifloras (Dwarf Orange, Chica Negra)  flowering and fruiting at the same time so there may be some hybridizing.


 I have two of these I need to get rid of. They’ve already flowered. I will also trade for another grafted caimito.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Wanted: closed
« on: March 07, 2023, 06:28:13 PM »


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