I can't grow everything
Space is limited
My collection is always evolving
So we getting rid of stuff
Variegated eugenia calycina $60
little green on green variegattion
Forgot to add picture of whole tree but it's around a foot tall and nice and stocky.
Soursop yeah it gets wrecked by the cold here
I'd just use this as rootstock $35
Maprang $35
E-4 Abiu
sorry I was lazy and didn't fertilize. These are true to type from seed and are from selected cultivar.
After tasting some good and bad fruit of abiu, I'd make sure to get top notch genetics based off of my experience $40
Double grafted coronata restinga
Large abiu
Abiu trunk
Nice sized Pitangatubas
I got 10 of them I'd like to do a bulk order and sell them all
So maybe 150$ for them all eh?
Big myrciaria floribunda $100
Annona vepretorum $80
Annona Scleroderma $60
Poshte Cool does well in greenhouse
Eugenia reinwardtiana $20
Also feel free to make any offers if you don't like the price.