Hopefully this upcoming year you end up having better luck with the sensation. The alpine strawberry is not as sweet as the red ones, but its really good and flavorful. Similar to pineberry if you've seen those in the stores, although that seems to be a more recent commercial addition so not many areas offer them yet.
If your daughter is picky I probably wouldn't waste your time attempting to grow them lol, but some kids like them cause theyve never seen a "white strawberry" before.
Unfortunately time is limited for me or else I would try lol. Thank you for your recommendations though. Since strawberries grow in the winter I'll grow the plants I get in Feb 23 up and have them for next winter I guess - wish I could get them sooner but they are hard to find
Julie, theres still hope! was doing some reading and it looks like there is a cultivar released in 2018, the "Florida Brilliance", that outperformed the Sweet Sensation (aka Florida127) in terms of heat tolerance, fall yield, and fruit quality (juicy, firm, longer shelf life). The only thing Sweet Sensation performed better for was producing slightly larger fruit size. There is also Florida Radiance, but that one seems to be the bottom of the bunch.
With that, I'd say grab a few Florida Brilliance. They are all sold out commercially online, but it seems two sellers on Etsy still have a few plants available at the moment. Good luck
Are Sweet Sensation and Florida Sensation the same thing? My lackluster search did not reveal the answer.
Yes they are the same cultivar, formally Florida127