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Messages - Giannhs

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i saw this post but i know Entada is hard to grow, obviously it needs scarification, otherwise it will float in the ocean for 100 years until it finds land and gets naturally scarified.
A few years ago i bought some Entada raetii seeds and scratched them on rough concrete, then put them in water, then they absorbed water and started to grow a root, but when that root became less than a centimetre, the seed started getting rotten. This happened three times if i remember well.
Any tips to grow it successfully?
Then, is the pod or seed edible?
Still i wonder if it needs huge space for its roots and for its liana. Has anyone grown it in a pot? Will it smother a tall tree if planted next to it?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Carissa macrocarpa flower to fruit?
« on: May 11, 2020, 06:54:15 AM »
Yes, it is in a place with full sun. There is basil nearby, but the basil does not scare all insects away. Last year the Carissa produced lots of flowers, but they did not turn into fruit. I thought they needed cross pollination, so i added two plants from another supplier, the two new plants did not yet flower, but i think i see buds. You are the second person here that says one only plant can produce fruit.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Carissa macrocarpa flower to fruit?
« on: May 11, 2020, 02:58:48 AM »
Someone here said s/he got fruit from Carissa macrocarpa only one plant. If so, why mine produced flowers but no fruit last year?
Btw still waiting your own assessment of the fruit.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Carissa macrocarpa flower to fruit?
« on: May 10, 2020, 05:07:04 PM »
H, i have never tasted Carissa macrocarpa, reading another thread i got the impression that i may be disappointed as people do not seem to like it. Anyway, last year i had one Carissa macrocarpa, it made plenty of scented flowers, but no fruit; why so? If i have 2 or 3 plants next to each other, will they pollinate each other so that all of them produce fruit? And by the way, your own opinion about its worth as fruit?

Please wait as necessary. A professional would never send early but rotten. Better later send seeds (and the scions) but in good condition.

Hi! i have not seen information on how old they should be from seed to show flowers and fruit. What do you know about that?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / fertility of papaya-pubescens-serena?
« on: May 04, 2020, 11:32:12 AM »
Hi! Has anyone grown this type of papaya: I have bought 4 seedlings of it, and only one is alive and growing. One was received broken; the other two withered and dried up for no known reason. I have given them plenty of water, in a big container each, which is cut around the bottom for draining. I might be satisfied with only one, but will one of this variety produce fruit? What are the chances?

I try to recall, I believe I also shaved some of the hard seed coat with sandpaper. The computer or ontop of fridge is for low constant heat source.
Stenocereus queretaroensis is definately worth growing for fruit.

Now i know better than before. Your seedling in that big pot is so beautiful! And well cared for. I think they are volcanic stones that cover the soil.

Cyrtocarpa edulis germinated for me with just a 24hr soaking in diluted kelp water. I placed in ziplock bag in slightly moist spaghrum moss next to computer low 80s F. After about a week germinate 1 out of 4 I believe. I don't think seeds have a good viable %.
May i ask, why is it necessary to put them near the computer or the fridge? Well, for two cups of moss or something i do have some space on top of the computer central processor box. And still i suspect they may need kind of scarification.
By the way, if no Cyrtocarpa germinates for me and in case you might send me Cyrtocarpa seedlings, please let me know.

That is really interesting. I had never heard of cyrtocarpas before. It looks like something I'd like to grow, but I couldn't find any cold hardiness info. Are you growing any cacti that produce fruit? Optunias are very useful for edible pads and fruit. It also helps lower blood sugar. D
What i know is here and somebody in this forum told me how he germinated them, putting for 24 hours in water with seaweed concentrate and then in a bag with moist moss. As to cacti, i have one opuntia bought from Spaine (Tunera picona), did not yet grow to fruit, but near my neighborhood (northern Greece here) a type of opuntia grows wild on the rocks, hence my profile icon, i collect bags of the fruit by using gloves of course, and then juice them, with a centrifugal juicer (don't use masticating juicer for such hard seeds). Only the 100% ripe of this type are really sweet and delicious, slightly less ripe are between sweet and lightly sour, but the juice is very pleasant and if left for a week it becomes top quality wine. I don't remember the name of that opuntia, it is different to the one grown (mostly wild) in southern Greece, which is rather orange or pinkish color fruit, bigger, and always sweet. Both kinds are only for juicing, it would be tedious to remove the skin and then the seeds are too hard to chew. I want to germinate Stenocereus queretaroensis, but i know i m not lucky with seeds, i grow then outside anyway, no room indoors for them.
Now if anyone knows of Cyrtocarpa, if it is better to scarify the seeds for germinating, please let me know, thank you.

i understand we must be patient but make sure the plants and seeds survive the travel; if they are wet and travel long and in hot weather, they will be rotten on arrival. So, pack them all carefully and send them at a time when the travelling time will be shortest. Thanks. I shall remind you again if too long time seems to pass.

Since you have rich experience of arid land plants, do you know about Cyrtocarpa edulis? Is it necessary or helpful to scarify the seeds before sowing?

Thank you for all this information. I understand that when you have then Honey Mezquite appears to be famine food to you. Of all i have read about the Fabaceae, they all seem to be self fertile, but some of them, like Geoffrea decorticans, produce much better when cross pollinated.
Also it is said that Inga is resistant to fire, and even Mezquite is much more resistant to fire than coastal pine which is used by stupid people in Greece to  plant everywhere. That coastal pine catches fire as easily as gasoline, and in the year 2018 there was that famous fire near Athens where 102 people lost their lives in the fire, not to mention those who lost their properties. And you know what? If they try to reforest the burnt area, they shall plant coastal pine again, which takes 30 years to grow big and then 30 seconds to be burnt down. Frankly i wish the Honey Mezquite, which you hate, could become invasive in Greece, and it would be 1000 times better than planting the coastal pine.
Pardon me talking too much, as to Inga feuileei the sources i found do not mention hardiness, but from your experience you probably know better. Also here the Inga f. is given edibility rate 3 out of 5, same as ! (for the latter speaks with so much enthusiasm).
Is the Inga f. seed edible too? I would like to have some Inga trees, but it is hard, nurseries in America do not send plants to Europe, and Ebay business is largely locked down, now you told me i went to but even that is not now available. Maybe i have more luck with it in the future. Meanwhile, what is your experience, are the Inga f. seeds edible too?

Alright, this time payment has been sent successfully. Please let me know when you send the 5 Pereskia aculeata scions and the 5 sprouting pacuri seeds.

yes, very thanks, I am waiting to see if all packages are ok and traveling (as your package doesn't has dry seeds, it is all wet and it needs to travel for 1,2 months or less, not more if possible). Maybe next week, regards

Well, do your best as a professional.

I m interested about Inga beans too, if a tree is self fertile and does not grow to big, so it can be contained in a backyard.

Alright, this time payment has been sent successfully. Please let me know when you send the 5 Pereskia aculeata scions and the 5 sprouting pacuri seeds.

Hi, thanks for the reply. I asked because i have two Honey Mezquite plants grown from seeds bought from the USA. You may call it famine food, however i have found Mezquite powder in a health food shop here in Greece, packed in a little bag next to other "superfoods" (e.g. baobab powder, siberian ginseng powder, ling zhi / reishi mushroom powder and so on), so it is treated as a superfood here! I bought and ate that powder, it is reminiscent of carob, but quite better than carob, easily dissolved in water and i take directly powder into mouth, easily digested and wholesome. I suspect you people in America do not fully realize what treasures your nature has for you.
Anyway, one of the two Mezquite that i have, it has passed two winters and now is growing new leaves with the new springtime. The second one, quite smaller, is not (yet?) growing new leaves, and the main stem looks dry except for the lower part which is still green. So i wonder if it needs water, and i have watered it well, now waiting to see if it revives. I asked whether one tree is self fertile, in that case the second one can dry out and some other little tree can take its place. And because the bigger one has not shown any flowers (now growing leaves after second winter), i asked how old it should be to grow flowers. If i have no answers to these, i shall simply wait to see.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / grown Honey Mezquite, Prosopis Glandulosa?
« on: April 27, 2020, 11:18:59 AM »
Has anybody grown Honey Mezquite, (Prosopis Glandulosa)? I wish to know, first of all, if one tree alone can bear fruit. How old should the tree be to start bearing fruit? Does it need plenty of water (on well drained soil) when it is very young (one year old seedling)? Or is it dangerous to water it?
Thank you

Hi, huertasurbanas, i sent you an email confirming that payment has completed. Now i hope to receive the pacuri seeds alive and sprouting and the Pereskia scions alive and healthy too.
If these succeed, in the future i may come back for some seedlings.
And by the way, a question: are your seeds collected from the wild, or from trees you cultivate, or from trees that others cultivate?

Hi, I didnt received any payment from you, can you tell me your mail? Maybe it is pending... and I didnt received any mail from you, mine is


Hey, this story is getting too long. I received the confirmation email from PayPal that payment has been completed; I forwarded it to your email Now you give me a different email Very well, i shall forward the confirmation email from PayPal to as well. Thank you.

Hi, huertasurbanas, i sent you an email confirming that payment has completed. Now i hope to receive the pacuri seeds alive and sprouting and the Pereskia scions alive and healthy too.
If these succeed, in the future i may come back for some seedlings.
And by the way, a question: are your seeds collected from the wild, or from trees you cultivate, or from trees that others cultivate?

Thank you. Anyway, that Exotica site is unlikely to send plants outside the USA, because generally all USA nurseries do not send overseas; when you open that link you gave me, you only see a video, there is nothing like a catalogue of available plants. It is surely good for those who can visit it.

I shall give it a try (against my doubts concerning pacuri might grow too big for my space). Please give me an answer or message with a paypal request to pay you USD 61 (well, i would prefer your IBAN for bank transfer at lower costs, but if you prefer paypal it is o.k.).
Hi, yes: USD 38 plus USD 23 shipping cost (more than 20gr)
Pacuri is self fertile, it produces at 5 years old or so, grow in the shade, not too much sun, good water, fertile soil. Slow grower.
Pereskia scions will travel trying to root in wet vermiculite too.
I accept paypal.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / exotica site
« on: April 20, 2020, 08:28:19 PM »
Excuse me, may i have a link for that exotica site? Searching the web, i found only an exotica named nursery in Australia, specializing in Nepenthes only.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / rats fed with Annona species
« on: April 20, 2020, 08:22:45 PM »
In some experiments, rats have been fed with Annona sp. fruit, o.k., but i know that rats easily devour the seeds too. A mouse at home ate some persimmon seeds i was keeping for planting, while it did not eat the rat poison set for it. Seems they like to gnaw hard seeds, rodents they are. Still we don't know if rats were harmed by eating Annona sp. pulp.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Annona sp & link to parkinsons
« on: April 20, 2020, 09:54:57 AM »
i have watched such talks since one or two years ago, and they have curbed my enthusiasm for Annonaceae, but still i may make some remarks which i have also made at the fb group "pawpaw fanatics":
All those experiments with rats were done by injecting the rats with Annonacins, and not feeding them with Annona fruits. (Please correct me if i m mistaken). I never heard of rats being harmed by eating Annonaceae fruit pulp.
Since the time that America was inhabited by humans, Annona fruits have been consumed, some times heavily, but nobody observed any ailment from consuming Annonas pulp. Indians would have observed it. Surely the seeds and skin are toxic, but nature did not intend us to eat the skin or seeds (or leaves as tea, which probably do cause damage).
This site here mentions nothing of danger in eating the pulp. Also it says that the bark is a bitter tonic.
Some people in this forum and in the fb pawpaw group have experience of eating large quantities of pawpaw and other Annonas (i have never eaten too much of them), and the more they eat Annonas the more happy they are, nobody observed any harm.
I personally know a man who has retired early because of Parkinson, but he doesn't know what an Annona kind of fruit is.
Maybe there is a reason to present the pawpaws and other Annonaceae as dangerous? Pawpaws can grow in very cold areas, and many Annonaceae can grow in temperate areas where winter temperatures do not reach below -5 Celsius. At least in Greece, almost nobody knows of Annonaceae fruit, but those who have tasted love them even more than mangos (which are rarely available tree-ripened, and then too expensive). So, if we suppose that people start growing pawpaws and other Annonaceae in countries which import mangos a.o. tropical fruit, will tropical fruit continue to be imported and sold to high prices? (e.g one airborne medium size mango alone costs about 5 euro, while in tropical countries it costs 5 cents). So maybe they want to minimize the consumption of Annonaceae in order to keep the tropical fruit import business as lucrative as it is now. I don't say that the research on Annonacins is fake news, but it may have been conducted and presented in such a way as to serve certain interests rather than the people's health.

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