Citrus > Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade

GONE - Hong Kong kumquat seeds


A year or two ago franklazar sent me some of these seeds and I now have two small fruiting trees.  If anybody would like some seeds I probably have a dozen or so viable ones.  I figure I can give out a packet of about six seeds to two people who want them. 

No charge. 

First come first served, must be pre-existing forum member.  US mainland only.  Coming from Pennsylvania, consider any quarantines you might have. 

Oh, I'd love to jump in on this one! Do you know if these are the diploid or tetraploid ones?


--- Quote from: a_Vivaldi on December 14, 2024, 08:23:37 PM ---Oh, I'd love to jump in on this one! Do you know if these are the diploid or tetraploid ones?

--- End quote ---

I have absolutely no idea!  But I'll send you some if you want to try them.  PM me your address if you do

All seeds spoken for


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