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Messages - ericalynne

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Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Looking for Zone 9 fruits
« on: January 29, 2012, 09:41:08 AM »
I am also looking for the following trees:

Loquat - almost any variety is fine
Cherry of the Rio Grande
Persimmons: Fuyugaki, Saiyo, Triumph
Sunrayer Nectarine
Floraprince and Florago Peaches
Anna and Tropic Sweet Apples
Oranges: Ambersweet, Parson Brown, Hamlin and Dancy

If you have any of these and want to trade, you can email me off list. After leaving so much behind in Naples, I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of fruit production.  :)


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / babaco papaya
« on: January 28, 2012, 07:19:32 PM »
Does anyone know where to get a cutting of babaco papaya?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Amazing Jaboticabas
« on: January 28, 2012, 07:01:26 PM »
All these central Florida you protect them from frost? How cold does it get where you have jaboticaba fruiting? I have been covering, but not heating, my jaboticaba and it is doing fine so far down to 24. And it survived all the terrible freezes/cold weather we had last winter.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Garcinia lateriflora flowering
« on: January 28, 2012, 06:54:06 PM »
Congratulations, Warren. May fruits follow!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself
« on: January 28, 2012, 06:46:08 PM »
Hi Mangomandan...I have seen a few pastures with goats and sheep driving around. Maybe by the Venus small animal auction?

Last winter was really horrible cold/freeze-wise. Were your mulberries really young? Because mulberries grow way up north and survive through real winters. I will try to post some pics of the greenhouse, etc. if I ever figure out all this digital camera stuff.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself
« on: January 26, 2012, 09:06:36 PM »
Hello everyone. Ed tipped me off to this forum. I know some of you from yahoo groups. I am mostly glad to have these introductions so I can now show my husband how very reasonable my plant collection is compared to others on the list.  ;)

I started growing tropical fruit when I moved to Naples, FL. When I moved to Venus three years ago, I left behind fruiting mangoes (Carrie, Edward, Julie, Ice Cream, Cogshall and Kent) a fruiting jaboticaba that was producing fruit two-three times a year, key lime, meyer lemon, two lychees, imbe, several bananas, grumichama and others I can't remember.

In Venus (9b) I have started a lot, but nothing has fruited yet: Angie and Jean Ellen mangoes (Fairchild), Loquat, key lime, jaboticaba, two seedling jaks (from Warren), three seedling kwai muk, imbe seedlings (Fruit and Spice Park), three banana varieties that are supposed to do well in zone 9, (Going Bananas), pineapples, charichuela (Whitman) (in pot, has flowered but no fruit), 4 garciania gardineria (sp? Whitman), moringa oleifera (sp?? the Kampong.) Ed is in the process of sending me some mulberries and hardy avocados. I have ordered Sunshine Blue blueberry plants and a couple other blueberry varieties to try.

I was very interested to see some posts on low chill northern fruits, because I want to try them, now that I can't grow much of the tropicals. I have a small greenhouse for the cold nights.

When I am not working on the fruit trees, I have more orchids than you can shake a stick at, even after giving away half of them, bamboo, and a vegetable garden.


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