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Topics - RodneyS

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Pickup only

$5 each
USPS Priority Small Flat Rate shipping

I will be pruning my chaya tree during it's winter dormancy, and will have plenty of cuttings available. 

I have a vigorous, spineless variety, with large leaves.  Tree is very hardy

5 gal Dwarf Red & Dwarf Namwah healthy banana trees
Organically grown
Do not require propping up

Fresh Sunrise Papaya seeds
Vigorous growing, self fertile
Will produce fruit quickly
Sunrise Papaya are very sweet, w/o the musk smell of Maradol Varieties
Organically grown

20 seeds / $5
$4.50 shipping

2 forkfuls of high protein duckweed
Grown organically on fish waste water
Reproduces rapidly, especially during warmer weather
Acts as a biofilter, feeding off ammonia from fish waste
Great for koi, tilapia, ducks, chickens etc.
Only $5!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Ross Sapote/Ross Canistel
« on: September 21, 2021, 03:34:46 PM »
Is Ross Sapote aka Ross Canistel?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Fairchild Ross Sapote rootstock
« on: September 21, 2021, 01:32:10 PM »
Does anyone know what Fairchild uses as rootstock for their Ross Sapote?  I bought a Ross Sapote, and unfortunately, it died above the graft.  Fortunately, the rootstock is thriving. 


- Fast growing
- Organically grown
- Bears fruit around 4 - 5 ft tall
- Self-fertile
- Great for digestion
- High in Vitamins A, C, E and more



I just grafted some Pickering scions, and was wondering how long should they be shaded before being exposed to full sun?

Organically grown cherimoya seedlings (unknown variety) 1 gal/$10
Will be available next month, so send inquiries now.
Make multi-graft cocktail trees, or just grow out to see how the seedling develops

1 gal/$7

Organically grown, from seed

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Dwarf Red banana flowering, finally
« on: February 25, 2021, 03:59:07 PM »
It's only about 6 ¹/² ft tall.  The pseudostem is a bit small in diameter, and will need staking

Fresh Sunrise (aka Strawberry) papaya seeds.
Grows fast & fruits quickly

Large 5 gal Dwarf Namwah
Organically grown
Plenty of root development
No shipping.  Paypal accepted.  Local delivery possible for additional cost

Recipes / Masala Chai
« on: August 04, 2020, 04:17:14 PM »
4 cups water
1/2 oz ginger
4 peppercorns
2-3 cloves
3-4 green cardamom
1 black cardamom
cinnamon stick
2 tsp loose leaf black tea

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Juicy Peach also a vigorous rootstock
« on: June 12, 2020, 01:56:28 PM »

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Buttercream being a good rootstock
« on: June 05, 2020, 12:10:22 PM »
I planted a Buttercream mango seed a little over a week/2 weeks ago.  Looks to be a vigorous grower

1 gal/$10
Fast grower during the warm season.
Leaves are high in protein.  Needs to be boiled for at least 5 minutes before eating (not in aluminum).
Roots easily from cuttings.
No pest issues.



$10/cutting (approximately 15 - 16 inches)

American Beauty
Sugar Dragon
Hailey's Comet
Giant Vietnamese

Shipping via USPS medium flat rate priority

1 gal, organically grown
$10 or trade

5 gallon
Organically grown
$20 or trade
Pickup only

Organically grown, w/ good root development

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