I'll go practice with some seedlings before I try with some real scions.
Oh, look there's an offering on TFF! It's GO time!
Ok, lets see what I'll need. Schick, handle, rubber, tape. M or grafting? Why can't this ship to Cali? Eh, just get the cheaper one. Click, click, click...
Ooh, pretty scions. Alright let's wrap them. How do you do the tip? I don't want to snap off anything. Oops...
Where should I put this? Brown looks too tough & green is too high. Alright, the middle then...
I don't want to just cut off this fine branch. Let's try with just a veneer type then. The sizes don't match anyways.
Now, how far do I cut into the stock? Well, that must be straight enough. Where's this cambium? Somewhere between green and beige, I suppose...
Trim this flap? Stop it! You're thinking too much and time is ticking! Just leave it...
Damn, why can't I slice this thing straight! Oh shoot, it's not flat now...
Well, let's try to line up the border on one side at least since these clearly don't match size-wise...
Darn, it won't sit flat. Let me shave the stock a little higher... Aww, that's really not straight now.
The thing keeps moving every time I wrap this rubber around! Is that tight enough? The cuts weren't really flat. Let me tighten that some more. Crap, it moved again!
Man, this tape keeps snapping! Grr, why do little holes keep tearing in it?
Hmm, how to seal the crotch? Let me just drape some tape around there... (bumps scion) Is it out of position now?
Oh, this is going to get too much sun. Need some foil...
There! Only 4 more to go!
Let's try a bark one like they were talking about on TFF. So cut horizontal, then verticals, then pull... Why doesn't it pull off? Oh that doesn't look smooth at all... Let's just stick with the easier way for now...
They aren't dead yet!
I should've put that scion on that other branch over there.
I hope that condensation in the tip won't cause problems...
Will I have to wait till next year for some action?
Is that swelling?
Will it really be able to push through the tape?
Booyah! Welcome a new master gardener!