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Messages - puglvr1

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Are these NEW Leaves on Avocado??
« on: January 31, 2025, 11:53:09 AM »

Is now a good time to add some Organic Fertilizer like Citrus tone to my avocado tree...or should I wait to see if those are blooms or leaves?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Are these NEW Leaves on Avocado??
« on: January 30, 2025, 04:02:10 PM »

Oh that is awesome IF they are flower buds!! I was hoping but didn't want to get too excited Lol...several more days or a week might give us a better idea. We've certainly had a LOT of cold nights/days this January to instigate blooms so fingers crossed they are flower buds. We're paying for it in February though, the next 10 days for me shows 79° to 86°!! Can't we just have our normal low 70's for the month Lol...soon enough it will be in the 90's  ::) Short winter ugh!!

Thanks guys!! I'll update once I'm sure one way or the other.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Are these NEW Leaves on Avocado??
« on: January 30, 2025, 11:59:04 AM »

Planted my very first Avocado tree a few months ago...its a Wurtz (dwarf) avocado and today I noticed multiple looking new growth buds on a lot of the leaf these look like new leaves? Thanks in advance  :D

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida Cold Fronts (and Mangos)
« on: January 17, 2025, 12:09:54 PM »

Rain, good luck with your trees, all you can do is protect them the best you can. The rest is out of your control. Fingers crossed the predictions doesn't pan out to be that cold.

Yes, Galatian is right, make sure once the temps gets around 40's turn off the lights especially if you are using plastic, frost cloth is a little more forgiving.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida Cold Fronts (and Mangos)
« on: January 16, 2025, 05:18:16 PM »

Flip Flop, I hope you never have to do that for your trees either, you live in zone
10 so I think you are pretty safe  :).

My hubby reminded me that we also used a mechanic worklight, I think it used 100 watts light bulb (not led) which back then put out a lot of heat underneath the frost cloth. Worked better for me than the Christmas lights  ;)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida Cold Fronts (and Mangos)
« on: January 14, 2025, 05:39:03 PM »

A few pictures of my cold setup back in 2008/2009 when we had mid to upper 20's in central FL...Now they are All Too Big to cover...

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida Cold Fronts (and Mangos)
« on: January 14, 2025, 05:19:48 PM »

Rain, quite a nice collection of fruit trees, good luck! Hopefully all your trees will do well and no damage.

Bill, you have a nice Mango orchard going there, lots of luck!!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida Cold Fronts (and Mangos)
« on: January 11, 2025, 03:44:42 PM »
Rain, Thanks for the great pictures, you did a very job protecting your trees! I say if it works for've achived what you wanted to do. Good luck with your trees!

Rain, how many trees (are they all mangoes) do you have? Sorry if you posted it before I didn't see it  :)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida Cold Fronts (and Mangos)
« on: January 10, 2025, 09:22:30 AM »
Rain...Ahh okay that makes sense with your temperature being much colder than where I am...Best of luck but it seems like you've got it handled  :D
By any chance do you have a picture of your tree taken from afar...curious to see how you set up your cover. When my trees were smaller we used PVC and conduit Frames and frost cloth with portable catalytic heater underneath the tree to keep it warm...I was always worried all night because I didn't want the frost cloth to catch on fire so I never slept during those very long nights  :'( ::)

GoldenGate, Hopefully we won't see any of those low 30's or worse this year. Fingers crossed!!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida Cold Fronts (and Mangos)
« on: January 09, 2025, 02:44:25 PM »

Flipflop that is true, I learned that myself and I'm glad we don't have to deal with "feels like" on our plants. It's bad enough for people and pets  ;)

Rain...Glad your plants didn't suffer any, where are you located that you had 28° this morning?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida Cold Fronts (and Mangos)
« on: January 08, 2025, 10:36:53 AM »

Bill, you should be fine  :)...I've had several mornings of low 40's here off and on and no sign of any damage to mango blooms. Hopefully that applies to most of your trees that are blooming. It's the low to mid 30's that I worry about especially if there is very little wind. That's when frost might do some damage.

Bburdzel, thanks! Fingers crossed for sure  :)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Florida Cold Fronts (and Mangos)
« on: January 07, 2025, 11:56:12 AM »

ALL my mango trees are blooming (Sebring) which is a great thing...the Lychee should be next, maybe a couple of weeks? This will help push my Lychee to bloom but worried it might affect the mango blooms  ??? :-\...fingers crossed the winds stay to help stir the frost around  ;)


Only have around 10 or 12 different fruits trees, I'm definitely in the negative. All the fruits that I've had I either eat or give away to friends and neighbors  ;)...a couple of my trees haven't given me any fruits yet like my Persimmon and my Pineapple I'm going to say No money has ever changed hands. Every year or two I have to buy fertilizer for them so I'm in the red. Wonder if I can get my neighbors to buy the Fertilizer for me  :o ;) so NO money was made but I have done trades with other people for different varieties of mangoes for example.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Mango Fertilizer sans Nitrogen
« on: August 27, 2024, 04:13:13 PM »
Typically, my Dad uses it as a foliar spray. However, he has sprinkled it lightly around under the drip line and let the irrigation/rain water it in.

Thanks Galatians!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Mango Fertilizer sans Nitrogen
« on: August 25, 2024, 11:15:42 AM »

Hi, for those of you that use 0-0-50 Sulfate of Potash for mango trees/fruit trees do you need to water it in right away after applying it or apply it right before rain or can you apply it and let nature take its course without watering it in the soil...I've never used it before and want to use it correctly, Thanks!!


Awesome Thanks for all your help! I will let her know, I'm now more willing to taste them...we were afraid to eat it incase it was poisonous Lol...

Appreciate all your responses.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Are these Guavas or non edible fruits??
« on: July 27, 2024, 12:10:48 PM »
This tree belongs to my neighbor and she has no idea what it is...she bought the house with the tree already there. The fruits resemble guavas but they are very small...sizes vary from a large "pea" to a large grape...they  turn red when they are mature or ripe...any idea? The leaves also doesn't look like a guava tree... Maybe its not a Guava at all Lol...

Thanks in advance for any help on the ID

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: I finally fruited Lychee in TN!
« on: July 17, 2024, 05:06:05 PM »

That is pretty amazing Jabo! Quite an accomplishment, Congrats! I'm sure next year will be even a bigger crop!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Please help with Mango ID...
« on: July 14, 2024, 09:44:06 AM »

Thanks Oolie...I'll let her know she most likely have a Kent. Also that she might have MBBS...

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Please help with Mango ID...
« on: July 12, 2024, 08:35:35 AM »

A neighbor wanted to know if I can help ID her mango tree...she bought it 3 or 4 years ago and was told it was a Valencia Pride (not tag)...clearly it is NOT! The fruits taste very good and no fiber but was wondering if someone might have a clue what it might be...the tree is grafted so its not a seedling.

The fruits are appx 3.5"- 4" long...not very big...Thanks for any help...


Thanks Tnt for the info! I read you can tip prune it late winter or very early spring before they come out of dormancy to help it to grow a little on the shorter side and maybe a little bushy?? instead of tall and lanky which is how they tend to grow... Worth a try I guess Lol...

I only like the Persimmons that I can eat like an apple, sweet and crunchy so Fuju is my favorite. I like the astringent varieties only for baking. Went to a U pick farm a couple of years ago and the lady gave us some homemade Persimmon nut bread that was amazing! She gave me several ripe chocolate persimmons and her recipe for the Persimmon walnut Bread and made a couple of was really delicious!


That's pretty amazing Tnt, great job! Mine seems healthy enough but grows pretty darn sloooow...Do you do any light pruning once a year and if you do what month do you normally do that? Thanks! I tipped pruned mine and it seems to do okay, I just want to make sure I do it the right time  :D


Lucky you Tnt!! Congrats, that's amazing! Year 2 on mine and the few flowers that were there dropped off...I was gone for almost a month and wasn't able to provide the extra watering it needed...I'm sure the drought we had back in April/May didn't help. :'(  I've read its pretty common for them not to fruit till about year 3 or 4 years so?? Hoping next year will be the year...

How old is your tree Tnt?

Pretty leaves Nick, never seen those before on a Persimmon.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Lychee...Mauritius
« on: June 01, 2024, 12:22:54 PM »

Thanks Murahilin, since I own the tree I don't regret planting Mauritius...I've grown to love the taste.

Picked most of them today after finding a bunch of knocked down Clamshells lychees gone  >:( on the ground, between the wind and the varmints I didn't want to lose anymore.

Pau, pick a variety you like the taste of and plant that one...All I know about Lychees is they LOVE water. I made sure they had a lot of water especially the first couple of years. I fertilized mine once a month "lightly" from early March through October...since you live in California, you might be able to ask some of the people that grow them there, our climate is a little different so what works for me may or may not work for you...Best of luck! Might be worth a try planting another  :)

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