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Messages - Jack, Nipomo

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Cherimoya pollination
« on: June 08, 2024, 11:13:00 PM »
Beginning flowers here.  I'd use a much smaller softer brush.  I collect the anthers in a small container in the AM and evening.  I pollinate when the petals open up mid day and simply use the anthers on the brush to pollinate as they contain the pollen.  If a flower has not opened yet completely, I still put the anthers on the stigma.  I pull one petal off each flower pollinated as an indication of my efforts.  I do use anthers from any other cherimoya.

Wish I could give you seeds.  Plant survives, about 4 ft tall, never had flowers or fruit.  Ate the fruit from a tree in Baja, quite good.  Someday....

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Sapote in large containers?
« on: May 31, 2024, 07:23:50 PM »
No fruits currently on C. tetrameria, some flowering.  C. tetrameria on C. edulis works and dwarfs the tree also.  Grafts were done many years ago and trees are doing well.  Potentially perhaps an interstock of C. tetrameria could be used.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Sapote in large containers?
« on: May 31, 2024, 04:48:27 PM »
Might suggest using a yellow sapote (Casimiroa tetrameria) as a dwarfing rootstock.  I have several white sapotes (C. edulis) on their own roots and on white sapote rootstock and they become giant trees producing large quantities of fruit.  They are in the ground on 1 1/2 acres.  I also have several white sapotes (C. edulis) grafted on yellow sapote (C. tetrameria) rootstock that are less than 6 ft tall after 25 years in the ground.  C. tetrameria is a small tree on its own roots and substantially dwarfs C. edulis producing normal sized fruit.  No evidence of any incompatibility.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Suebelle vs Vernon White Sapote
« on: May 20, 2024, 08:36:52 AM »
If size matters, here Vernon fruit is much larger than Suebelle.  As mentioned, Suebelle is a much smaller tree than Vernon (and fuzzy underleaves and possibly a hybrid between Casimiroa edulis and Casimiroa tetrameria-yellow sapote) 

Several possibilities from earwigs to snail/slugs.  Go out at night with a flashlight and you will probably see the creature(s). 

Have been using C. tetrameria for rootstock for almost 50 years.  It is compatible with C. edulis and produces a very dwarfed tree of C. edulis (some less than 5 ft tall, normal sized fruit)  C. tetrameria on its own roots is the size of a large mature peach tree.  C. tetrameria on C. edulis produces a 7-8 ft tree with normal sized fruits.  I have not noticed any production differences on these trees, but they are well advanced in age and maturity.  Possible restrictions at the graft union both dwarfs the tree and encourages fruit set.  I have too many C. edulis trees dropping fruit to ascertain production numbers.  C. edulis here in Nipomo are virtual giant weeds coating the ground with fallen fruit.  Still, the giant C. edulis is tamed down to a much smaller tree by using C. tetrameria as rootstock.  Now somebody needs to try different lengths of interstock as is done with apples to see if the degree of dwarfing can be controlled.

Couple of comments on rootstock for white sapote Casimiroa edulis...White sapote grafted on yellow sapote Casimiroa tetrameria produces a very small tree (6 ft tall or less).  Yellow sapote grafted on a white sapote rootstock produces a nice sized tree about 6-7 ft tall and spreading.  I have several examples of each, including trees on their own rootstock and their own variety ( C. tetrameria or C. edulis) rootstock.  They are the benefit of playing around with Casimiroa varieties and growing them for 40+ years. Our C. edulis is almost 50 years old, multigrafted, survived 17 degrees, and produces great quantities of fruit (one if which is Vernon, which is also dwarfed on another rootstock-C.tetrameria).  The dwarfed Vernon does not produce the quantity of fruit, of course, but normal sized fruit on a much smaller tree.  Over the years, have not experienced any incompatibility with differing rootstock except for the dwarfing effect. Your results may vary....

Pinkerton is great too.  Julie Frink suggested Hellen.

Jan Boyce is one of my favorites, but Hellen is even better with flavor and size.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Anyone Growing Russell Avocado?
« on: April 18, 2024, 09:40:22 AM »
Don't remember my source, but we'll get back to the subject in a few years (hopefully).

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Anyone Growing Russell Avocado?
« on: April 17, 2024, 08:33:15 AM »
I have several small limbs on multigrafted tree.  No fruit yet.  See Carlos' comment about Russell:

Just to join the "size matters" group, I went out and measured my big white sapote tree.  It is 26-27 inches at ground level.  It is a Vernon tree mainly, but with Pike on 1/2 and  several others grafted on also.  It is by itself so roots are not a problem.  It is a massive tree and fruit fall is huge.  About 45-50 years ago when I planted it, I was told to keep it far away due to the fruit fall.  Found that to be very true.

Have several Capulin cherries growing here for over 20 years.  Beautiful tree, sets lots of fruit not worthy of eating, very much liked by the local birds who plant seeds all over resulting in little seedlings growing here and there.  Grafted a selection years ago on a mature tree that has been removed, fruit not better.  Still worth growing for birds and landscape value. 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Zone Pushing the Sapote Family
« on: April 04, 2024, 10:54:27 AM »
Zone 9B, Nipomo, CA.  White and yellow sapotes are weeds here.  Fallen fruit everywhere, sprouts, etc. Black sapotes have flowered, no fruit set (have 3 in ground).  Green sapotes (3) grow well, sometimes flower, no fruit.  Lucuma (Silber) has fruited for years.  Cut down by frost years ago, regrown.  We had 17 degrees years ago and many were damaged, none killed, all regrown.  With apparent global warming all are doing well.  Still waIting for fruit on black sapote (Mexico) and green sapote.  Maaaybe this year.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Mango Varieties for CA Central Coast
« on: March 30, 2024, 09:46:35 PM »
My mangos are about 4 years old, size is approx 3 ft.  New growth appearing now (leaves), but probably be joined by flower buds.  With our essentially lack of winter freezing, if the plants would put on stems and leaves instead of flowers, there might be a chance. There might be a method of encouraging growth without flowers and gaining a more sizable tree that could sustain fruit.  These are grafted plants ordered out of Florida.  Might try seedlings to attain vegetative growth initially.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Mango Varieties for CA Central Coast
« on: March 30, 2024, 06:38:29 PM »
We are in Nipomo (S San Luis Obispo Co) and are members of the central coast CRFG and have many sapotes, macadamias, avocados growing on 1 1/2 acres over the past 50 years.  Freezes have not inhibited our mangro growing(even tho they are now a rare occurance), but the typical low temps during the summer and spring.  I have two small mangos remaining (3 ft tall) that are not protected in the winter, however our 40 degree nights, even in the summer, induce repeated flowering.  Flowering greatly reduces any further growth.  Cutting off flowers results in more flowers, exhausting the plant.  Don't experience this with other tropical or subtropical plants.  Of course, limited heat during the day (78-80) does not help.  Harvested one mango a couple of years ago, picked too soon.  Having been told macadamias etc. would not grow here, I would never say that it is not possible to someone trying mangos. Our 45 macadamias, 52 avocados, and 24 white sapotes, among others, would probably provide incentive for others to try mangos.  I hope to be informed of someone's success.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Avocado Scions wanted
« on: March 10, 2024, 09:57:53 AM »
Congratulations on growing avocado in Sanger.  Born and raised in Fresno I know that is a challenge. I am in Nipomo and have collected a variety of avocados from many sources (mainly UCR-Riverside).  Founded the San Luis Obispo CRFG and provide scions (free) every year for our scion exchange.  I have Puebla, Stewart, Fuerte, Reed, Pinkerton, maybe Ardith, and others.  If you can plan a trip over here (S San Luis Obispo County) you can cut your scions and get them grafted in Sanger.  You are running out of time as we have found Jan-Feb are best months to graft over here.  Warming this week...


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: ISO Orton Cherimoya
« on: January 23, 2024, 09:45:16 AM »
Best part of the Orton cherimoya is the originator Orton Englehart.  Interesting early member of the CRFG and cause of -hart added to name of many fruits.  Good info on Google.


Vernon C. edulis white sapote leaf, #7 C. tetrameria leaf showing wooly or fuzzy underside.  It is most noticable when feeling the fuzz with fingers.  Light reflection is limited on the fuzz (wool)  These are not the only differences with these trees, also growth habit (size at maturity), seed characteristics and fruit flavor (not fruit interior color).  Then there are possible hybrids like Suebelle white sapote with fuzzy leaf underside.

Sure looks like C. edulis.  The fuzz on a C. tetrameria is very apparent, even so C. edulis "Suebelle" has some fuzz on the leaf underside.  Sometimes called "wooly leaf" sapote due to the very apparent "wool". My mature tetrameria trees on tetrameria rootstock (#6 and #7) are small like a peach tree.  The several mature edulis trees on edulis r/s are giants with corresponding base and height.  One trunk base is over 26 in diameter and 35 ft tall.  That tree has several grafts done years ago.  A Vernon edulis grafted on tetrameria R/S  that is over 20 years old is less than 6 ft tall.  The seeds on tetrameria fruit are roundish and much smaller than edulis (1/3 to 1/2) even on same sized fruit.  Many edulis and tetrameria fruits have a yellowish interior, all tetrameria (here) are yellowish.  Most edulis have white interior (here).  Flavor is distinctively different between the two.  #6 and #7 tetrameria were selected by CA CRFG group as having best flavor.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Papaches, Papachi, (Randia echinocarpa)
« on: January 12, 2024, 09:24:03 AM »
I have a Papache, Randia megacarpa, endemic to Baja California growing, but not fruiting.  Having eaten it in Baja, it was shaped like a fig, very sweet and seedy, and quite black interior. Popular among locals.  My Papache grows slowly and is many years old.  We are in a cool coastal area it probably doesn't like

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: figs!!!! an underated fruit
« on: January 08, 2024, 07:41:05 PM »
Kevin, might have been the Lattarula “Italian Honey” Fig.  Next to greenhouse is large tree that is Spangler's Jelly Fig.  Hope you enjoy them and pass them on (saw post that Exotica is closing down)  Both of the above are my favorites, but we are in a cool climate.  Jack

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: figs!!!! an underated fruit
« on: January 08, 2024, 11:18:56 AM »
Have several figs here in Nipomo, my favorite for years has been Steve Spangler's "Jelly Fig".  Don't know the origin nor any other name for the tree.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: White sapote roots — are they invasive?
« on: January 02, 2024, 08:30:40 AM »
If it is a Suebelle it is a much smaller tree, like a peach tree.  Check for fuzzy leaf undersides.

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