Hi folks,
I'm looking for information on hardy kiwis. If you have experience growing any of the following cultivars, or others not listed, I'd love to hear about their vigor, productivity, taste, and anything else you deem noteworthy. All the cultivars and information here was taken from the Planting Justice website (
74/49 (Forty-Niner)
A variety from Chico State breeding program that is highly productive and large.
AnanasnayaAbundant good size green blushed red fruit..
Chang Bai
Green, smooth skinned, sweet fruits are productive and somewhat heart shaped.
Cherry Bomb
Sweet, red fruited strain with attractive large luxuriant foliage.
Chico State
Prolific producer of large green, sweet high quality fruits that separate easily from the stem. Ripens about 1 week earlier than Anasasnaya.
CordifloliaEarly ripening variety is very productive of extremely sweet dark green fruit. Introduced by fruit explorer Roger Meyer, this variety is considered to be one of the best.
DumbartonLarge, sweet lime-green fruit has a somewhat ribbed shape and is very tasty. From an old planting found in the Washington D.C. area. Popular on the east coast.
GenevaThis cold hardy variety from the Geneva Research Station in New York has sweet, medium size fruit.
IssaiJapanese variety produces tasty fruits on less vigorous vines. Self-fertile
JumboA new Italian variety that has super large, sweet and flavorable greenish yellow fruit that can weight 1 ounce each. Considered the largest fruit of any hardy kiwi it has smooth edible skin and grows on a vigorous and ornamental vine said to hardy zones 4
Ken's Red
Produces large very sweet intensely flavored fruits with red skin and flesh.
MSUNew variety from Michigan state has very large (up to one ounce) green colored fruit that is sweet and delicious.
NatashaFrom Vladivostok, Russia, this exceptionally hardy variety bears abundant crops of sweet and delicious, large round fruit.
RedThis unique species of Hardy Kiwi bears good crops of striking, cranberry-red fruit with red flesh.
Red Princess
Unique variety from New Zealand with red-fleshed, sweet small, oval fruit.
RossanaA new Italian variety, that bears heavy crops of large, delicious, red-blushed and attractive fruit.
Sentyabraskaya, or September Sun
A productive Russian variety with tasty, sweet, medium-large emerald-green fruit that ripens in mid to late August. Vine has very attractive green foliage with pink and red overlay. Hardy zones 3-9.
TatyanaThis exceptionally hardy female variety bears abundant crops of tasty, sweet, large, lime-green fruit.