Mine definitely has the pointy-heart shape and looks exactly like the ones I had in Hawaii, and the pictures of Bruce I see. I picked Bruce because it looked the most like whatever canistel I tried the first time and really liked. I got mine from TopTropicals also. I have been thinking about getting a grafted Ross... so if you become convinced you received Ross instead of Bruce I'll be happy to trade budwood with you.
I am not sure exactly how long it took from flower to ripe fruit, it feels like six months or more. I have it planted directly into the dirt in the greenhouse, mostly-clay soil with no amendments. Mine is in full sun, though the glazing probably absorbs 30% or so but it is still enough for part-shade plants to become sunburned. It has been trouble free aside from a bit of scale on the new growth. I have been feeding it 25-5-15 citrus fertilizer simply because I have a big bag of it, I'm not sure what the proper ratio is for pouterias.
I'm really happy to see it thriving. I was worried about not enough light, short winter nights, etc. but it hasn't been an issue.