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Topics - Nick C

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Annona purpurea graft compatibility
« on: May 27, 2024, 09:24:54 PM »
Anybody have any experience grafting soncoya? If so, which rootstocks have worked out? I did a few recent grafts on soursop and cherimoya

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / WTB jamun scions
« on: May 11, 2024, 07:14:15 PM »
Looking for any jamun budwood from already fruiting trees

Citrus General Discussion / Grafting previously rooted cutting
« on: April 19, 2024, 10:55:12 PM »
I rooted this golden nugget mandarin cutting a couple years ago and since hasn’t really done much. Minimal new growth, flowers in the spring but overall looks like shit. Is it worth it to try grafting it onto flying dragon or are the chances of it improving afterwards slim?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Guabiju and calycina pollination
« on: April 04, 2024, 01:57:22 PM »
Just noticed the first flower bud on my guabiju and my Savannah cherry is flowering for the second year. Have you guys gotten these things to produce fruit on stand alone plants with no cross pollination?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / ISO Bursera graveolens
« on: February 15, 2024, 11:27:08 PM »
This has proven impossible to find. Anybody selling or know anywhere that is selling bursera graveolens/palo Santo seeds or cuttings?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Vasconcellea monoica
« on: November 17, 2023, 12:03:53 PM »
Is anyone growing this or has fruited it? If so, is there any use for the fruit or is this more of an ornamental species? 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / $2500 for seedlings
« on: September 29, 2023, 11:09:59 PM »
Was browsing Etsy last night, which one of you is selling Eugenia seedlings for $2500 and 2 inch annona seedlings for $700?! Not trying to knock the hustle but goddamn

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Annona deceptrix for sale
« on: September 27, 2023, 11:37:34 PM »
Trying to reduce some of the plants I need to overwinter by selling off some extras

Annona deceptrix prices are + $12 shipping no California

Small $30- sold
Medium $40- sold
Large $50- sold

Also have a grafted temoylata $65 + shipping -SOLD

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Monkey puzzle tree issues
« on: September 05, 2023, 06:56:55 PM »
Anybody know what might be going wrong with my monkey puzzle tree? Tree is Atleast a decade old and has been doin fine until this year and more than half the trees branches have gone brown in the past couple months and is getting worse. Thought it might be the bananas in the back shading it out a little from one direction but cleared some away to open up some light

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Cuban orange torna sol sugar apple
« on: August 21, 2023, 04:09:51 PM »
Anybody know anything about this variety? Picked up some seeds on Etsy. Pic below from sellers listing

Temperate Fruit Discussion / 50 year old apple trees
« on: May 31, 2023, 05:21:54 PM »
Thought you guys might find this interesting. The area I live in is an old apple orchard and I still have some of the original trees on the property. Probably somewhere over 50 years old.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Pinching back mango flowers
« on: May 11, 2023, 08:15:54 PM »
I have this small grafted mango that tried pushing out flowers over a month ago. I knocked those back and is now sending out even more flowers. Any advice on how to encourage foliage instead?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Inducing flowering in pomegranate
« on: March 28, 2023, 10:35:35 PM »
I grew a wonderful pomegranate from seed 10+ yrs ago and kept it in a container for the probably the first 7. It flowered briefly for two years until i planted it in ground with protection in the winter. It has yet to flower again.  Any tips/methods for getting this thing to flower again?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / ISO cherimoya rootstock + Inga scions
« on: February 26, 2023, 12:02:41 AM »
Anybody have any cherimoya rootstock or Inga scions from already producing trees they’d be willing to sell?

Also will probably be looking for cacao, sapodilla, and possibly tamarind scions in the next couple months. Any help/insight is greatly appreciated

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Ripening red malaysian guava
« on: December 07, 2022, 07:58:30 PM »
I have a few fruit on my tree right now and trying to time the ripening of the fruit. Any tell-tale signs to look out for? Are these a hard crunchy variety or softer?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Soursop observations
« on: October 21, 2022, 08:43:18 PM »
When I first started growing soursop trees all the information online made it seem like under 50 degrees and the tree would be in trouble. Recently had our first frost earlier this week with temps down to 32 and I left a seedling outside. I thought this tree would be a goner but even with ice casing the cup it was in, the tree is still alive while only showing minor damage.

On a different note, finally have soursop flowering after what is probably 6 years

Fall/Winter is upon us so I'm trying to offload some randoms/duplicates. Greenhouse space is valuable nowadays

2 soursop seedlings/rootstock- $15 + shipping

Curry tree (probably like 6 or so trees in there)- $15 +shipping

Pterygota alata (buddha's coconut) - $45 + shipping

Parkia timoriana 2 plants- $15 + shipping

Pink wampee- $18 +shipping

Monodora myristica- $20 + shipping

Also have some pink princess philodendrons i've been procrastinating to list on eBay/etsy if anybody is interested, $100+shipping

Have plenty of dragon fruit cuttings too, I believe them to be American beauty

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Brocks farms NJ citrus
« on: August 27, 2022, 02:54:29 PM »
Came across a great deal on some large sized grafted trees at brocks farms in new jersey if anybody in the area is interested. Trees were marked down 75%. They had different varieties of lemon, orange, and some trees labeled shiranui tangerine which I'm assuming was a mislabel and should actually be mandarin.

Picked up this sambo lemon for only $50

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Maprang or Mango?
« on: June 27, 2022, 06:40:24 PM »
I bought a tree from an online seller out of PR, was supposed to be a grafted maprang. The foliage had me a little skeptical but now its flowering and I'm really having second thoughts. This is a mango isn't it?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Eugenia seedling dieback
« on: May 31, 2022, 10:23:21 PM »
I consistently have problems with getting Eugenia seedlings over the hump. The first growth start out strong and then the tips turn brown and die back. They will then send out new growth and repeat the process over again. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Example below

Tropical Vegetables and Other Edibles / Bamboo ID
« on: May 24, 2022, 09:42:32 PM »
Can anybody ID this bamboo species? Trying to determine if this is one of the edible types.

Did some pruning today. I have a few Brogdon scions and a bunch of dragonfruit cuttings if anybody is interested. Not 100% sure of the variety but its most likely American Beauty. Plants are self pollinating. Picture of fruit below

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Dragonfruit advice
« on: April 25, 2022, 08:23:16 PM »
Been moving plants in and out of the greenhouse this month and recently noticed my dragonfruit vines have rotted out at the bottom. Definitely due to staying too wet over the winter. There is a ton of aerial roots. How can this be salvaged? Should I just mound up with more substrate and hope the aerial roots take over or should I take cuttings and start over?

Cold Hardy Citrus / Cold Hardy Citrus Experiment Zone7A NJ
« on: April 06, 2022, 08:12:04 PM »
Been testing out a few cold hardy hybrids and varieties in my zone 7A NJ climate. Looks like the coldest nights have passed and here are the results so far.

Citremon 2 years in ground under hoop house

The rest have been in ground since the summer and only protected on the coldest stretches

Changsha tangerine(?) purchased from ediblelandscaping looks like shit but is still green

Swingle citrumelo looks good

Morton citrange is a little beat up but should bounce back with no problem

Citrus General Discussion / Citrus ID
« on: March 30, 2022, 09:35:21 PM »
I've been trying to figure out what I'm actually growing for a while now and I gota admit I'm stumped. I bought this tree a super long time ago and if I remember correctly it was a three plant special (key lime, orange, and lemon) The lemon for sure died back in the day and the other tree produces 0 fruit but makes typical orange flowers. I assumed my heavy producer was the key lime. I've always used the fruit as a lime as it tastes like one, very sour. However, one year I left a ton of fruit on the tree for too long. The fruits got much larger and bright orange but still super sour. Any ideas?

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