« on: January 07, 2023, 11:39:24 PM »
I was inspired by Gnappi’s post, Fruit Trees You've Given Up On, to start a thread about trees that have been difficult to grow, but you’ve still not given up on and maybe even eventually found success with, expanding on what you found. For me, it’s been:
Purple Mangosteen - my hardest tree to grow so far. It is the most tropical of anything I grow, gets burned easily with too much sun but struggles to grow with too little, is finicky about the soil and nutrition, and seems to have a problem if you just look at it wrong.
Abui - my second hardest trees to grow. With the exception of one particular tree from Excalibur that just excelled, all of the other roughly dozen trees have been difficult and I lost about half of them. They are very finicky in our limestone/ high ph soil, need a lot of minor nutrient applications, and don’t seem to recover if damaged by the cold too young.
Citrus - lost about a dozen trees the first time around due to HLB (poor container mix didn’t help either) but with screen protection they’re actually not that difficult.
As I mentioned in the other thread, I would put lychee and my coconut crème mangos in the giving up on category.