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Topics - Sir Graftalot

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Bellamy Seedling ID Help
« on: December 29, 2024, 10:53:09 AM »
Bought some seeds from Bellamy over the summer. Planted them in small pots, didn't pay much attention to them until just now. Looks like a batch has sprouted, but I was too lazy to note the plant's name on the cup, simply taped the label that came with the seeds to the container. Unfortunate, it's all faded. Can anyone tell what this is?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Fresh Caimitos and Taiwanese Guavas in NYC
« on: December 19, 2024, 10:38:54 AM »
Wonder if these were brought up from Florida...caimitos $6/lb; taiwanese guavas $4/lb.

Hi Everyone,

I recently purchased the Inkbird ITC-608T Temperature Controller to maintain temperature in my KingBird greenhouse for the incoming winter. The instructions that came with the manual is appalling. I don't want to risk setting things up incorrectly and end up freezing all of my plants.

Has anyone of you used this device and know how to properly set it up? Please provide step-by-step input instructions if you could for the following desired temperature: I would like to have my milkhouse heater turn on automatically when temp dips below 42F. Once temp reaches 45F, the heater should turn off. On the cooling side, I also have a Hurricane fan plugged into the temperature controller. When temp reaches 105F, the fan should turn on and turn back off when it drops back down to 100F.

Thanks so much for any advice given!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Green/Hoop House Noob - Electrical Setup Help
« on: October 25, 2024, 05:26:11 PM »
Hi everyone,

Every year, I lug my plants inside my basement for the winter. This year, I have decided to get myself a hoop house (King Bird 15'x6.5') and let my potted plants brave the elements outside.

For heating, in addition to bubble wraps and a couple of 32 gallon trash bins filled with water, I have also purchased the Kiroto 1500 watt 110v Greenhouse Heater. I have a GFCI outlet in the back of the house. I was thinking of running a 10 foot 10 gauge 3 wire SJTW 15amp 125v 1875 watt heavy duty extension cord to connect the heater to the power source. Can anyone give me some pointers/safety concerns on this setup?

Thanks in advance for the advice.

Citrus General Discussion / Orri Mandarin - Wow, Dang Wow!
« on: October 14, 2024, 01:30:00 PM »
I'm not one who would wow over anything that I could readily get at the grocery pop brought over a couple of these mandarins, labeled Orri, the other day...citrus, I eat 'em but I wouldn't normally go gaga over them, but even as I was peeling this one, it felt different (very thin skin; almost like ripping paper). When I popped that first segment in my mouth, I felt my pupils dilating, it was the sweetest, best tasting citrus I have ever eaten bar none!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Secrets to Quicker Fruits
« on: October 04, 2024, 09:46:00 PM »
So I have been growing this guava tree for more than 5 years and have not seen a single flower let alone fruit. I have experimented with various fertilizers, foliage sprays, and tip pruning. Nothing seems to get this thing to fruit. Anyone knows the secret to a quicker fruit set? Doesn't have to be for guava specifically, anything tropical is also appreciated.

Please also mention the species.

Please also mention the species.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Imbes are Gorgeous!
« on: August 31, 2024, 01:45:22 PM »
I just can't get over how gorgeous these Imbe plants are. Been standing there marveling at their beautiful leaves and branch structure for more than half an hour. I hear my neighbors muttering "look at that idiot standing there watching trees grow!" All good :) People up here don't know a thing about tropical fruits. I can understand their lack of appreciation.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Citrus on Wampee
« on: August 30, 2024, 01:27:57 PM »
Anyone knows if it's possible to graft citrus wood onto wampee? I have grafted some New Zealand Lemonade and Australian Finger Lime cuttings onto my wampee almost a month ago but still no sign of growth - though everything is still green.

YouTube "Imbe" and you will get videos of people saying how tasty the fruit is; not a single person mentions anything bad about it so I bought 2 trees. Did a search on the forum to try to learn more about this plant. To my surprise, most of you thought the fruit was inferior (saying it's small and sour) to other garcinias. Are there different cultivars out there? Anyone has one with bigger and better tasting fruit?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Imbe or Achacha?
« on: August 20, 2024, 12:07:29 PM »
Which is a better tasting fruit - Imbe or achacha? Also, which is a better container plant?

Anyone has an Imbe tree that produces sweet/decent sized fruits?

Screwed up the last batch. You know what to do if you got 'em. Thanks.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Fanta Orange Soda
« on: August 10, 2024, 06:45:31 PM »
I'm normally not much a citrus guy, but just had me a small glass of Fanta...mmm, was it good! Anyone know what specific orange variety is used to make Fanta? Says on the bottle it's natural flavor so I assume it's made from real fruit. Are there other fruits with similar flavor?

Cuttings of a good tasting variety Olosapo, Silber Kei Apple, male Yangmei, and Perfume Wax Apple please. Let me know if available. Thanks.

Please let me know if you have these available for sale. Thanks.

Please let me know if anyone out there has these fruited woods available for sale. Thanks.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Grafting Sabara vs. Other Jabos
« on: July 18, 2024, 10:42:27 AM »
I have grafted a bunch of jabo scions (Pingo de Mel, Olho de Boi, and a couple of Sabaras from multiple sources) to a fairly sized Sabara rootstock. Everything is starting to push (the PDM is shooting to the moon), but none of the Sabara grafts are showing any signs of life (aside from cambium scratch test still shows green). What's the deal with grafting Sabaras? Do they normally take longer than other varieties to push?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Grafting Cas to Guajava
« on: July 11, 2024, 01:14:01 PM »
Can anyone confirm the viability/compatibility of grafting cas guava to the regular tropical guava (guajava)? I have this seemed to be doing fairly well with multiple little leaf buds sprouting, then suddenly everything just died. I have other woods grafted onto this same tree (Malay Red, Ruby Supreme, Skittles) from about the same time - some already started flowering. Your insight is much appreciated.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Picture of my guava tree for Kevin
« on: June 02, 2024, 12:36:55 PM »
Sorry everyone...don't know how to message pictures so posting one here for Kevin. Here's a picture of my guava tree (not much of a looker, but it's very much alive) 😃

Please message me if you have these guava varieties available. Thanks.

A larger specimen if available. Thanks.

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