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Messages - tedburn

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Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Grapefruit cold harness
« on: January 23, 2025, 12:46:14 PM »
Yes Bloomsweet also has good taste

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Cold Hardy Citrus Experiment Zone7A NJ
« on: January 23, 2025, 01:12:13 AM »
Hi Nick and Wahl,
quite challenging your temps, hope your freeze will soon end.
I had such challenging temps in winter 2020/2022.
Hope your plants will make it.
This winter in Germany up to now still good manageable
with not so much freeze days in a row and
a lowest temp of 14 ° F, but I always still fear february.
In every case Mai will show us how good our plants
will have passed this winter.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Grapefruit cold harness
« on: January 22, 2025, 12:22:49 AM »
Bloomsweet in ground took as lowest 8°F with fleece protection, no damage .

Nice surprise,
among my Flying dragon seedlings from fruits of a citrus friend
seems at least one hybrid, due to very different leave shape.

Yes, for some time I had clementines nearby.
Didn' t know, that keraji is with much seed if crosspollinated.
So perhaps try to keep it a bit separated next summer 😉.

Christmas greetings with the final picture of my
first fruiting inground Keraji.
The fruits are now nice yellow and good balanced sweet /sour.
More unripe there is for my opinion a slight skunky taste in the rind,
not in the fruit. More and more ripe also the skunky taste in the rind gets
lost. Last only a bit bothering are the amount of seeds , 1-3 per fruit segment.
So final conclusion, Keraji is one of the best citrus for
colder climates in ground.

Citrus General Discussion / Re: when to pick Chandler pummelo?
« on: December 23, 2024, 04:36:05 PM »
Looks nice Brian.
How was the taste ?
My Chandler made a rest this year, only bringing flower knods by now.
So hope for early bloom in 2025

Thanks for the explanation. So think this also prooves
that Keraji is due to high frosthardiness and good fruittaste
one of the best citrus varieties in ground for colder
Climates - even the early ripening time of the fruit in

Interesting, but also good to know:
Was it totally unprotected ? And how old and how long in ground ?

Hello quinoah,
my Keraji is since 3 years in open ground.
Last two winters wrapped with two layers of winter fleece, passive
protection. Coldest was in this period -13°C in garden, Keraji near house and under
fleece surely a little bit higher/warmer.

Keraji harvest ongoing,
good balance now sweet/ sour.
Good mandarin/ lemony taste and good
fosthardiness, also the fruits took several times
-2 to -4 °C, without any damage.
Only the light skunky taste of the rind I don't like
very much 😉.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Staraji fruits
« on: December 09, 2024, 05:02:59 PM »
Thank you very much Till for your report,
until the late ripening all sounds pretty good.
Best regards

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: First fruits of Citrangeremo
« on: December 08, 2024, 05:53:48 PM »
Hello Till,
thanks for your interessting report and description, though Citrangeremo
seems not the one citrus we all are searching for  ;).
But you mentioned flowers of Staraji, did you also
get fruits of staraji and if yes, could you
give some impressions of staraji fruits.
I have it 2 years in open ground but still
no flowers and fruits.

The Nippon Orangequat and Keraji on Sanford Curafora  motherplant give nice colours.
Interesting is the behaviour of the fruits.
Sanford sheds its own fruits while not fully coloured and ripe,
only 1 of about 10 fruits is kept.
Nippon and Keraji fruits beeing kept by Sanford motherplant
and ongoing ripening.
Very surprisingly Nippon Orangequat is fully ripe by end of November,
Keraji still can collect sweetness.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: New Hardy Citrus Varieties 2024
« on: November 27, 2024, 03:59:15 PM »
Very interesting project and good information.
Let s hope for good fruit with good frosthardiness 👍

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Percentage of zygosity HRS899
« on: November 20, 2024, 05:25:12 PM »
I have a HRS899a, but only last year a few flowers for the first time, but no fruits, this year
no flowers 🤷‍♂️ .
Hope for next year.

Yesterday testet first Nippon Orangequat (grafted on Sanford inground)
and Clemyuz 22 ( graftet on Yuzu, Clemyuz 22 grafted on inground Poncirus flowered but
no fruits).
Nippon Orangequat had excellent mandarine taste and very juicy, only a little bit seedy.
Clemyuz 22, good mandarin taste but very slight bitter sharp

Clemyuz 22 ( wrong measure unit )

Nippon Orangequat

Inner fruit

Interesting, you planted a year later and had fruit one year earlier  :D.
But mine had to struggle with Phytophora in the second year,
so I'm glad to got her cured and now she
seems very healthy  :).

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: F2 citrange winter hardiness trial
« on: November 03, 2024, 11:23:29 AM »
Very nice pictures, especially Dragon lime fruit, looks like a pumpkin -
or is it a pumpkin and hhis was a test  ;).
Coloration Conestoga58 is a dream.
I have one FD with also nice orange/red coloration,
but not so intense 👍👍.

@ Skandiberg - thank you
@ Boris, looks nice your Keraji, how old is yours or how long in ground ?
Which deepest temperatures did she take ?

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Another precocious poncirus
« on: November 02, 2024, 12:48:41 PM »
Thats really very very fast, in from shape it don' looks like Poncirus ?
Did you cross ?

Sonds like your Kersji though not
so yellow was tasty  :D.
I still have other Kerajifruits on a multigraft
Sanford Curafora with Sanford-, Nippon Orangequat-,
and Silverhillfruits this year, so hoping
to get a few open pollinated seeds
of Keraji, Nippon Orangequat and perhaps
Silverhillfruits - with hopefully
interesting hybrids after seeding  ;).

After more colourchanging of my citrus today I tried in comparison a Kerajimandarin and a Satsuma miyagawa.
Miyagawa in pot and Keraji in open ground.
Very surprised, while miyagawa was still a little bit too sour, Keraji already balanced sweet / sour, what
I wouldn' t have expected especially because these are my first Keraji fruits of my inground plant.
Both fruits nearly same size and weight of about 35 g.
So Im very happy with my Keraji, up to know the best of my in ground citrus in
regard of frosthardiness and fruit quality.

Interesting, but I never had this at my Kerajis  ;)

You are welcome, yes I will update in Nov/Dec.
Also interesting will be to harvest Satsuma Silverhill and Nippon Orangequat
on Sanford Curafora in ground, they also start to slightly turn colours.

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