Hello guys. I'm in search of large pomelo varieties. Of note, there are two varieties that I have heard of. I am in NC so I am not in one of the quarantine zones, but I am willing to follow the protocols for shipping citrus budwood. I know for example sending outside of CA sometimes it needs a certificate, and that can add an additional cost. That is okay.
Banpeiyu pomelo is a variety grown often in parts of Japan. It is known for growing quite large. This variety even set a world record for the largest citrus/pomelo grown. However it's hard finding this variety in the US. The only known source I could find is the CCPP in California, which won't have cuttings for several months, or longer due to some maintenance they are doing on the facility.
Halawa pomelo is a variety out of O'ahu, Hawaii. It is also known for growing quite large. Just hard to find a source of budwood.
My hope is that someone here might grow these varieties or know of a budwood source other than the CCPP since they have a long wait until maintenance is finished - and that's assuming that it doesn't get pushed back. I understand their reasons for doing so - but I'd still like to try and grow these varieties.