A book is proof of the Author.
A building is proof of the Builder.
A painting is proof of the Painter.
Creation is proof of The Creator.
Typically orange gloves are devoid of organic material in the soil. Erosion, irrigation, herbicides, pesticides, mowing and the sun beating on bare soil has rendered most groves to near wasteland. Even to the point of killing the orange trees themselves, either directly or indirectly by expose, stress, pests and disease.
With that rant out of the way.

My best suggestion would be, go to the West property line, plant a native tree windrow, mulch several rows East of the windrow and plant beans or peas (Field and Pigeon), squash (Seminole pumpkin) and mustards. This will get your soil back on track in a season. Next year repeat the same process moving East each year (don't forget the windrows). Keep the ground covered at all times. With ground cover and a little irrigation drought will not be an issue and fertility will increase year after year. When you find roaches and worms, the frog and lizards will come, then you know success will follow.
Life comes from life, a forest persists in abundance through the heat, cold, drought and flood. A desert only has an abundance when all conditions are optimal and quickly reverts back to a wasteland when heat, cold or drought returns.
Good luck!