I have really enjoyed all of these videos you have posted Adam and also the Green Dreams ones about your farm!
My wife an I watch them together and not only do they provide a lot of insight to the different varieties, but the characters of these different growers really shine through.
John sure has a ton of species!
I have to admit, I have never tasted a Jaboticaba...yet
. I grew up in South Florida then lived in Melbourne for five years, but have lived in the Caribbean for the past two decades.
But I am slowly building a little Jabo army
I have Escalarte and Paulista (seeds purchased from John), Red and Yellow, Sabara, Grimal, along with Guaporeti and Campo Rico from huertasurbanas, and Neylita from Miguel although those last ones may not classify as Jabos.
I am trying to add more varieties and hope to win a few FFF auctions in the future.
I am still figuring out how best to grow these down here in this climate. Its strange because some have dark green leaves and seem to be thriving while others of the same variety have pale leaves which I know is a sign iron deficiency or pH imbalance. I irrigate with collected rainwater and fertilize with the Holly Tone espoma and coffee grounds. Once in a while I spray them with chelated iron.
I noticed that John had a couple of pots sitting on some rocks kind of keeping them elevated off the ground. I am considering trying this to see if it helps with some of the ones with lighter color foliage. My fear is that since I have them all under a canopy of Genip trees, they might actually be getting over watered and the pot/soil boundary layer is too moist.
I heard Pete mention in one of his videos that they re-pot sometimes when they notice chlorosis and this seems to help. I wonder why?
One day when I am back in CFL, I hope to stop by John's place to pickup some more varieties and more mature species. I'll just go with a big wad of cash and see what I can get! Maybe by then I will have developed a more complete knowledge of all things Jabo and can even convince the Prince to let me stop by his place. You FL Jabo growers seem like a real characters that I would love to meet!
Keep those videos coming!!!