I'm located in Titusville on the East Coast of Central Florida. I have 2 Red Hybrid Jaboticabas in 15g pots - both have been fruiting for years and stand about 6 feet tall in the pots - $500 each. I also have a 25g Coronata Restinga that has been growing for 10 years and is now in a 25g pot (but desperately needs to go in to a 45g or in the ground). The Coronata has not fruited yet, but is due anytime based on the age. I'm selling it for $800. In addition, I have a 25g Red Hybrid in a 25g pot (also desperately needs to go into a 45g or the ground). Fruits prolifically year round. I'm selling it for $1000.
15g Yellow Jabo for $200 and a 5g Grimal Jabo for $120.
Lots of seedling Red Jabos
7g Pitangatuba $80
(2) 7g Coffee Arabica plants $50 each
5g Seedless Pineapple Orange tree $80 (really needs to go into a 15g)
And more fruiting plants you might be interested if you stop by. I will not ship any plants. Please ping me and if you are serious, I'll send you my number so we can communicate via text. Thanks, Nate