I, too, bought a couple extra bags of that Osmocote while that sale was on and, like at least one poster (in this same thread), I was later startled by how much other vendors are now asking for the same item. I'll bet it goes even higher before things settle back down. Grrrrr!
My problem currently is finding bales of milled sphagnum moss to include in my potting mix recipe. It's pretty much out of stock at the HD, Lowes, Wallmart, Target, etc.! here in the Tampa, FL area.
The two or three places where I did see milled sphagnum offered online were asking (for about a 3 cu ft bale) in the $30 to $40+ range –then plus more than $25 to ship the stuff which is more that double what I've been accustomed to paying at HD. Grrrr, again!
Fingers X-ed that the supply chain loosens back up soon. (Should be maybe administer the supply chain some Ipecac?)
Paul M.