« on: January 31, 2021, 11:13:12 PM »
Two years ago, on a whim, I ordered a Shirokolistvennyi cutting from CCPP. Me, being Russian, thought it would be neat if I got a Russian citrus tree.
I grafted it but it failed. I rooted the rest of it. Last summer, it put out a relatively huge branch off to one side, so I cut it off. I could not just throw the cutting out, so I cut it in two and stuck them into Optisorb in a plastic cup. I taped anther plastic cup on top to maintain humidity. One of the two cuttings is now putting out new leaves.
So now I have two Shirokolistvennyi trees, with another possibly coming soon. But I have no idea what this variety tastes like!
So, has any of you tasted it and if so, how did it taste?