Malgova (mislabled as mulgoba) was introduced into Florida long ago. My experience in 'mangos' takes me back from late1930s to early 1960s only. Following are my personal observations (old) regarding another variety called 'Mundappa' comparing with 'Mulgova'.
But looking at your description and fruit picture above reminds me of a variety called 'Mundappa' grown in the Western Coastal Belt of present Karnataka and Northern Kerala ,India. It is totally round with no apex and no sinus at it's small beak, size of a softball, deep round cavity at the base around the stalk, green with some light yellowish discoloration at the base while ripening, thin skin, light yellow sweet pulp with light aroma, small roundish pit.
The 'Malgova' is roundish oval, hasn't got a small indistinct cavity around the stalk, fruit turns yellowish with a trace of redness around the base, distinct prominent beak with a definite apex and sinus, yellow sweet more aromatic pulp and a small flatter pit.