Mangomandan- The P-22’s I got were a lighter shade of green but not yellowing green, if that makes any sense. Agree with your take on LZ, I planted a tree at my moms house years ago, it’s now around 20ft tall (she doesn’t prune it) and produced all clean mangos though she doesn’t spray. Also heard Har talking to a client at truly tropical the other day on this subject whereas having BBS doesn’t necessarily mean cutting the tree down as you can still get great mangos, just need more supervision and culling of diseased fruits/limbs early and up spray program. IMO I prefer LZ to PPk because larger size, chalkier creaminess texture and more intense flavor, also prefer it over Orange sherbet. Orange sherbet has a silkier gelatinous texture more on par with NDM and lacks that LZ savory chalkiness cream texture whereas OS is cleaner tree in regards to less BBS there is more potential for jelly seed vs LZ. I am growing BOTH, there was a period where Zills was not going to propagate the LZ anymore because of BBS susceptibility and heard reports of others cutting their trees down so I went out and bought an OS as closest of kin (ha) ....then later I picked up a 7 gall LZ from mike a trees n more, his last one, and planted that too.