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Messages - sc4001992

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Nice review of the Krueger, thank you. I saw the entire video Rain, good taste comparison with Hass and SlimCado.

I agree with you about the Krueger, I like it, tastes like a Hass/Reed to me.

If anyone has a cocktail avocado tree growing and it fruits, then please post below and I can add to the list.


Since finding a person who has a large Seedless Cocktail Finger avocado this month, I got interested again to see if there many people who has such a tree that has seedless cocktail fruits on it.

Well, so far, the most impressive tree I found was the Seedless Krueger cocktail avocado tree. I have spoken with the person who owns the tree and now helping him promote the variety he has. I have not really found any other seedless cocktail tree/plants growing or on sale that actually gave me similar fruits, so I wanted to share the Krueger with all our TFF avocado collectors.

In this post, I wanted to list some of the other claimed seedless cocktail avocado fruits that I found on my search for it recently again. I have been looking for this type of tree for over 5 years when I saw some of those photos people show on YouTube videos and purchase multiple varieties from online nurseries such as the Wilson Seedless, Tyson Seedless, unnamed Seedless plants that were still small, grafted on a 1-2yr old avocado seedling. If the tree has only a small amount of random cuke fruits on the tree hanging with other normal size fruits, then I don't consider it a significant tree that can produce consistently these cukes fruits repeatedly and will not mention it here on the list.

I will now list what I have found so far of these types below and as I get some photos of the actual fruits or photos of the fruits hanging from the tree, I will add to this post. Also, if anyone else has them growing, it would be nice to see your fruit photo showing it hanging from your tree, so we know it is a real fruit tree, not some photos taken from the internet (not verified as real).

I will not disclose the location of these trees, so the tree owners don't get hassled about selling cuttings or fruits from random people who heard about it.

Later tonight, I will show the photos of each cocktail fruits I found so far, then try to do a side-by-side comparison where possible so we can see how they compare. Here's the list so far.

1. Seedless Krueger cocktail avocado
2. My unknown Seedless (will name it later) cocktail avocado
3. Fuerte#1 Seedless cocktail avocado branch
4. Fuerte#2 Seedless cocktail avocado tree

There are many more, but I will only show the ones that I have personally got fruits from that tree and have photo evidence of its existence. So I will not show the other named varieties sold from online nurseries where we (forum members) don't have anyone that has a fruiting tree. I will show some trees I have purchased from some nurseries to show the size and cost of it in case anyone is looking to buy one. This will give you an idea of the cost for a grafted tree.

Once we get this list updated with trees our TFF members are growing and fruiting, we can discuss how productive and true each variety is, and the taste review to allow others to decide if they like it and want to get some scions to graft onto their trees.

I have the first three on my list above, and will be checking out the tree#4 today and hope it has more than just a few cukes growing on the tree.


From my other post on the Seedless Krueger cocktail/finger avocado:

====== UPPDATE=========
1) If anyone else wants to buy some scion wood of the Krueger, send me a message or post below that you're interested.
     I can go ask the owner for more cuttings if I need it. He was surprised and happy with the cash I gave him for the cuttings that I sold this week.

2) I have another news on cuke avocado fruits I found. My dumb luck, I went to see an open house for sale. The person had some fruit trees in the back and one of them was a large avocado tree. This tree had a few normal size Fuerte type fruits. I asked if I can take a fruit, then I saw one large branch of the tree with all cukes (wow), so I got some of those fruits. When I mentioned to the house owner that the branch with the cuke might be a good one to save, she said take cuttings if I want it. So, if anyone else would like this Fuerte tree cuke scion wood cuttings then check out my new For Sale I will start for Monday. As most people know, cukes are very common on some Fuerte trees, but the tree never has all cuke/cocktail fruits at one time, they are random and only 5-10% may be these smaller seedless fruits. But since this tree seems to have the cuke only on the one branch I took cuttings, it might be reproducible by grafting. You can check out the new post I will have on it. I'll call it Fuerte cukes.
> I will also show you the side by side fruit photo comparison of the Krueger and the Fuerte cuke fruits.

Congrats  Rob !

Since no one got the final score correctly, later today, I will pick a random number from 1-50. Then I will count that many people who guessed and the one that lands on the number is the official winner. So if it turns out to be 3, the 3rd person who posted (that qualifies) will be the winner.

I did not expect it to be so lopsided of a game.

The person who was first to get the correct winning team is Rob. I will send you a message and tell me what you like.

Oh, I didn't see it yet, thank you. I'll check it out in the morning after I go see another guy who sells similar Fuerte cuke fruits tomorrow.

====== UPPDATE=========

1) If anyone else wants to buy some scion wood of the Krueger, send me a message or post below that you're interested.
     I can go ask the owner for more cuttings if I need it. He was surprised and happy with the cash I gave him for the cuttings that I sold this week.

2) I have another news on cuke avocado fruits I found. My dumb luck, I went to see an open house for sale. The person had some fruit trees in the back and one of them was a large avocado tree. This tree had a few normal size Fuerte type fruits. I asked if I can take a fruit, then I saw one large branch of the tree with all cukes (wow), so I got some of those fruits. When I mentioned to the house owner that the branch with the cuke might be a good one to save, she said take cuttings if I want it. So, if anyone else would like this Fuerte tree cuke scion wood cuttings then check out my new For Sale I will start for Monday. As most people know, cukes are very common on some Fuerte trees, but the tree never has all cuke/cocktail fruits at one time, they are random and only 5-10% may be these smaller seedless fruits. But since this tree seems to have the cuke only on the one branch I took cuttings, it might be reproducible by grafting. You can check out the new post I will have on it. I'll call it Fuerte cukes.

> I will also show you the side by side fruit photo comparison of the Krueger and the Fuerte cuke fruits.


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: S> Annona scions 2025
« on: February 09, 2025, 05:13:43 PM »
Go buy fruits at any market, then grow out the seeds, they will be ready to use for grafting in 1 year. Each fruit should have 15-20 seeds in it.
I just bought 4 fruits just for the seeds to grow out.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: S> Annona scions 2025
« on: February 09, 2025, 12:54:45 PM »
I sent you a message, would like to buy some scions.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Re: Creating a new citrus chimera like Prague Citsuma
« on: February 09, 2025, 06:26:09 AM »
Ok, you got me interested in this experiment. I have a large Flying Dragon tree that can be my rootstock.

I will try the following combination to hopefully get one.
1. FD rootstock, graft Fukumoto
2. Volkameriana rootstock, graft Fukumoto
3. Sour Orange rootstock, graft Fukumoto
4. Australian Finger lime rootstock, graft Banpeiyu pomelo (already done)
5. Macrophylla rootstock, graft Fukumoto
6. Taitri rootstock, ? ? ?

I'll try a few graft methods mentioned above. If there are any better rootstock to graft onto that will give higher percentages of chimera, then please let me know. I have access to most UCR/CCPP budwood here.


Lets see who the winners are

Citrus General Discussion / Re: China's Crisp Honey Kumquats
« on: February 08, 2025, 11:06:43 PM »
Tomorrow I will do my taste test of the Crispy Honey kumquat. One is the individually bagged fruit from SF. The other one was locally near me, the person who gave me some fruits to try said one of his customers gave him a bag full.

I'll take some photos, brix, and compare the taste to the Nordmann seedless and Meiwa.

Oh no, is that Pokemon go in the background. Reminds me of the fun times we had before I broke my knee..

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: For Sale: Sylvia Guava Seeds
« on: February 08, 2025, 02:37:35 PM »
I shipped out all the Sylvia guava seed orders today. You should be getting the tracking number from me by tonight. If you don't and you paid for it, send me a message.

Dan, just checked my mailing address database, and my PM messages, you are not on either one.

Ok, I will stop this challenge tonight at midnight. No guessing after that since the game it Sunday.

Good luck to all, if you have not made your guess yet, you have all day today to think about.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: For Sale: Sylvia Guava Seeds
« on: February 08, 2025, 02:56:28 AM »
Seed sale is now over.

Maybe if I can get more fruits in the summer.

Ok, by tonight I will be all caught you on these orders. So if you don't get the tracking number by tonight then send me a message in case I forgot your order.

Oh no, you haven't seen my yard, front and back, completely full of fruit trees in ground and hundreds in pots..

SD Dan, nice to see you make a guess, but you don't qualify to win anything, FYI. I hope the Eagles get it this time.

1. You must be a forum member and have purchased or traded with me, no exceptions to play

This is a Reminder for anyone who knows me and have my email or phone number(text). Please don't send me a text or email asking to buy these fruits or cuttings. I don't have time to look there to see if people are trying to order it.

Just send me a message here (PM) just like everyone else so I can easily track who ordered and what I have left to ship out, thanks.

Ok, your the first one on this post to review it. Glad you liked the fruits, I thought it was a winner since it is bite size and no seed, super rare to find something like this.

I hope you and everyone else who got the scions from this order have fruits in a few years. I think I might make one larger tree with this variety just so I can have more fruits on the tree sooner. I did find someone with a large avocado tree that needs to be dug up so I might just go back there and buy that tree, after I dig up the last Carmine #3 guava tree I found last year. That should be enough fruit trees for me, need to stop collecting..

Wow that was quick. Make sure you only eat the fruits that are ripe, should give when you squeeze it. If it is hard to cut or eat then it is probably still green and will not have any taste. Inside color should be dark yellow when it is ripe..

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