Stumbled onto this recent (Jan 2) video tour and thought you all might like to see some large Plinias, Eugenias and other trees.
I didn't know that Plinia Nana (@7:14) was a "free stone" jabo or that it was even a possibility. Is anyone trying to breed this characteristic into new hybrids?
Also fun to see larger trees that I have small seedlings of like the E. Minutifolia (@17:49), E. Patrisii (@18:55) and E. Dysenterica (@22:05)
Youtube now has an auto-translate for audio which I thought was a bit clunky so I just turned on subtitles and left it in Portuguese. Very cool to see how auto-translation has really broken down the barrier to seeing and understanding more Brazilian made content. description: The video was recorded at the Plantarum Botanical Garden, in Nova Odessa, together with the Agricultural and Botanical Engineer Harri Lorenzi.
Here's a list of trees they show in the video:
Campomanesia xanthocarpa – Yellow Guabiroba
Campomanesia lineatifolia – Amazonian Guabiroba
Campomanesia lorenziana - Giant Super Guabiroba
Campomanesia pubescens – Gabiroba do Campo
Campomanesia adamantium - Smooth Guabiroba
Plinia Nana - Dwarf Jabuticaba
Plinia 829-TBF
Plinia oblongata – Ponhema
Guapurium caipirinha
Plinia spirito-santensis
Eugenia sulcata - Beach Surinam cherry
Eugenia luschnathiana Bahia cherry
Eugenia involucrata – Rio Grande cherry
Eugenia involucrata cultivar calycina
Eugenia minutifolia - Anestor Mezzomo
Eugenia patrisii
Eugenia pitanga - Cerrado Surinam cherry
Eugenia dysenterica
Annona crassiflora
annona salzmannii
annona spinescens