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Messages - SplorKeLZ

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 23
Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Timonius minahassae Review
« on: February 15, 2025, 01:05:02 PM »
awesome! thanks for the review

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Lompi (Timonius minahasae)
« on: February 15, 2025, 01:04:29 PM »
Thanks for your review!

You mention it is also called 'Lompi'? I think that's a better name than red sapote.
definatly, we dont need another sapote  ::)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Going to costa rica
« on: February 04, 2025, 08:10:08 PM »
sorry for the late response,

Thanks everyone! i will look into san isidro and see if we can fit it inI INaturalist has been pretty helpfull for getting a general idea of the plant species in CR.

For looking for the plinia costarricense you might look on Facebook for a guy named Roy Carballo. Roy has been to the tree you want to see and lives in San Ramon.
i will look on facebook soon, thanks for the tip!
Take some fotos of the surf being ridden and post them in your trip report. And fruit, take fotos of all of the fruit!
for sure! ;)

i will update this thread with follow ups and questions as they come, thanks for the help ;D

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: is this front yard jackfruit fair game?
« on: January 31, 2025, 01:09:16 AM »
In Washington State, blackberries are everywhere, and it's common for people to forage all over the place for them.
here the blackberries eat us

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bellamy Seedling ID Help
« on: January 30, 2025, 11:24:22 PM »
Glad i could help! Good luck with it! :D

Bellamy has some more seeds available rn at 10$ if anyone wants to pick them up for cheaper

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Going to costa rica
« on: January 30, 2025, 02:22:04 PM »
hi everyone! i will be going to costa rica sometime this summer and I could use some advice. my plan at the moment is to stay a couple of nights in puerto viejo and a couple in san ramon(or a similar area) to try to go to the Plinia Costaricensis. does anyone have any recommendations for lodging? i would prefer somewhere that maybe has fruit trees on the property, our budget is around 20ish $ a night. i am also looking for farms and collections to visit to try and taste as many fruits as possible. we are also looking for a guide to go on hikes in the jungle to look for fruits


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Red Sapote (Timonius minahasae)
« on: January 30, 2025, 12:48:20 AM »
Was gonna grab some but Exoteninsel claims the germination rate of seeds is pretty low (although they have a vested interest since they were selling plants):
i bought a few, hope they were wrong…

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bellamy Seedling ID Help
« on: January 29, 2025, 09:23:07 PM »
Yours looks exactly like my m. Caerulescens!

Bought some seeds from Bellamy over the summer. Planted them in small pots, didn't pay much attention to them until just now. Looks like a batch has sprouted, but I was too lazy to note the plant's name on the cup, simply taped the label that came with the seeds to the container. Unfortunate, it's all faded. Can anyone tell what this is?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bellamy Seedling ID Help
« on: January 29, 2025, 04:52:36 PM »
OP, zooming in close to the picture you showed, the faded ink really looks like it says "Blue Guaquiea". The plant itself looks pretty close to one, too!
that is the common name for m. caerulescens, I think that it Is very likely that

Bought some seeds from Bellamy over the summer. Planted them in small pots, didn't pay much attention to them until just now. Looks like a batch has sprouted, but I was too lazy to note the plant's name on the cup, simply taped the label that came with the seeds to the container. Unfortunate, it's all faded. Can anyone tell what this is?

it looks a lot like my myrciaria caerulescens seedling. i will post a picture later

Thanks you. The name does sound familiar. Here's an updated picture of the plant:

the leaves on mine haven't fully developed, it is still really tiny but I will let you know when they do :)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bellamy Seedling ID Help
« on: January 29, 2025, 04:10:12 PM »
Bought some seeds from Bellamy over the summer. Planted them in small pots, didn't pay much attention to them until just now. Looks like a batch has sprouted, but I was too lazy to note the plant's name on the cup, simply taped the label that came with the seeds to the container. Unfortunate, it's all faded. Can anyone tell what this is?

it looks a lot like my myrciaria caerulescens seedling. i will post a picture later

My Eugenia blastantha and starfruit are both beautiful, the loquats and eugenia aff florida are also quite pretty.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: What Fruits do you regret not planting?
« on: January 28, 2025, 06:06:12 PM »
i wished i would have planned better. I'm only about a year and a half into this hobby, and I started from nothing, but I wish I had planted a variety of grafted plants, young plants, and seeds rather than just all seeds. if I had done that I might have had fruit earlier. i also wish I discovered BellamyTrees and Anderson Tropicals sooner. good luck growing! great to see other teens!

Good luck with platonia and brazil nut XD.

The fruits i want to grow the most are jaboticaba, rollinia, Eugenia campininha, white sapote and maybe lychee

The fruits i want to TRY the most are rollinia, marang and pedalai, jaboticaba, most of the common eugenias, mammea americana, and abiu (if anyone has any to spare lemme know :) )

this is an interesting question because the term "poisonous" has such a broad definition, there are things like manchineel and then there is starfruit and annonas, both could be potentially unhealthy in large doses but not drop-dead toxic.

I once asked a similar question of forum member Colombo403 who will sample wild fruits in French Guiana, often without being 100% positive of the species ID

He had a few rules
1. Eat a small amount of anything on the first try
2. Check if local monkeys are eating them
3. Check if local ants are eating them

#2 is probably not so feasible but 1 and 3 should get you a long way- maybe time to start an Ant farm!
just don't get bit by a bullet ant XD

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: What happened to WikiFruit?
« on: January 27, 2025, 12:09:45 PM »
Wikipedia only seems to have any significant information on common fruits. 

Has anyone tried updating wikipedia lately?  I haven't tried in a decade or more.  I wonder if anonymous updates for common or obscure fruit are actually kept or auto-reverted.  One of the wikipedia requirements is citing reputable published data sources, but most of the obscure stuff we talk about is effectively heresay.  I don't think they will let you reference forum posts to prove something.   For obscure things there seems to be little enforcement of standards, so it might be possible to add useful information even if it doesn't meet the guidelines and have it stick.

Still, if you can write information on that meets their reqs, that is probably best way to help everyone.
I've noticed the same thing, there just isn't a large reservoir of information available at the moment, the closest thing is UsefullTropicalPlants but they have VERY limited information.
 i think that the website would gain traction, especially if it could be used as a field guide

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: What happened to WikiFruit?
« on: January 25, 2025, 05:05:49 PM »
Thats a shame.
I wonder, is there anyway volunteers could help run it, if it's not to code-y? If I could, I'd help a bit.

I was thinking the same thing, i would totally help but i have no experience  :-\

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What happened to WikiFruit?
« on: January 24, 2025, 05:46:04 PM »
i have been curious about this for some time, it feels like a ghost that haunts the forum, what happened? it seems like an amazing resource with amazing potential, If I knew more about tech-y stuff I would help myself (might have to learn lol). it seems that no one had the time to finish/keep the project running, but my curiosity remains.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Help needed!
« on: January 23, 2025, 05:25:24 PM »
Iv had a real hard time with the Eugenia burkartiana indoors! Havent been able to keep one healthy looking they all just cling to life or die. Could be my set up but I have a ton of other eugenias i have no problems with indoors , Id avoid this one for indoor growing unfortunately.
uh oh! maybe I could message Anderson tropicals for advice, when I got it it seemed very healthy!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Help needed!
« on: January 23, 2025, 02:12:35 PM »
Soil looking pretty dry. If you have them indoors, heated, the humidity is probably critically low for them when they're used to FL RH%
thanks! i think the humidity is around 60% but I will check when I get home

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Help needed!
« on: January 23, 2025, 11:30:51 AM »
Could it be transportation shock plus cold weather? The poor thing probably never been outside of green house. Have you asked the seller?
I hope someone could help you out.
it could be transport shock, but I doubt it would last this long. it has been above 70 degrees since I got it, so I don't thinks so. but thank you!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Help needed!
« on: January 22, 2025, 11:31:19 PM »
I have two plants that are a little worse for the wear, and i dont know what to do about it.

My Eugenia burkartiana has been doing poorly, i got it on auction from anderson tropicals, it came in good shape. The leaves started browning and falling off, i thought it was sunburn so i moved it a little bit away. But the leaves are still shriveling, what do i do??

(Two more leaves fell as i brought it out to take the pictures :()

Next is my fruta do misterio, i got it and it looked good for about a week then the leaves lost color and THEN shrivled, but didnt always fall. There were black spots before the shriviling so i hit it with fungicide. By that point there were only 2 green leaves left, the spots were gone but there was no growth. I noticed today that the spots are back and when i touched them, the last leaves fell  :(

The last two leaves that just fell

Please help! I paid a pretty penny for these and they are some of my oldest plants and i dont want to lose them :-[

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Red Sapote (Timonius minahasae)
« on: January 22, 2025, 04:12:19 PM »
i saw this on anderson tropicals, but it was sold out by the time I saw it. i remember a topic about this came up a few months ago, is anyone growing it?

maybe one of those posts would be a good candidate for a pin?

Does anyone know if this is one of the Cordia species sold in the wood trade as Bocote? It is such a beautiful wood.
Cordia elaeagnoides, I did a quick google search and man, that wood is pretty!

like the actual cocoa fruit pod?

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