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Messages - HoneyGirlGrows

Pages: [1]
Citrus General Discussion / Poorly pruned citrus
« on: January 17, 2025, 05:26:25 PM »
Requesting recommendations for a very poorly pruned old growth citrus tree. The tree has been pruned in such a way that the canopy is very tall.
The question is, is there any rooting hormone or anything we could use say on a fresh-cut etc,  to get it to possibly send out lower branches?
Any tricks to encourage lower branches?

Thank you, all!

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Where to buy citrus online (USA)
« on: December 16, 2024, 07:09:12 PM »
Hi! Looking for a Semi-Dwarf Red Finger Lime, that will ship to California. Been searching and haven't had any luck yet. I did reach out to Four Winds to see if they might carry it in the future.

Any recommendations?

Thanks all!

Lychee is not a hard one to grow.  Same as Longan.  Brewater is one that does best here.

Thank you!

Tropic Central Valley on YouTube is a great channel. He has longan, lychee and starfruit readily fruiting and I’d imagine his climate is more challenging than yours due to the vast temp changes. Check his videos out, I do believe he set his irrigation to 10 minutes every hour on his trees. Plus tons of wood chips. Good luck

Yikes that is a LOT of water

Are you concerned about roots destroying foundations, irrigation?

Thanks, I did a ton of research and we don't have the humidity for they Lychee and the Mexican Mangosteen is OK for our climate, but ALL of the mangosteen are 8-12 years before you MAYBE get fruit. NOT worth it.
And the Longlan varieties for 10B are two, I found them! Thank you SO much for your kindness!!!

Oh that is so sad. But the new owner was the employees? Or one person?

ALL citrus can produce in shade. Yes you can also espalier.

Yes I'm saddest for the owners, there was so much love in that business. It was wonderful. I am super bummed, it will so be missed.

Oh nooo! That's a major bummer, sorry to any employees who lost their job!  :'(

I sympathize with you OP, Annie's had a bromeliad that I've been chasing since forever. I was hoping I could get one from them when they next restocked it... well, I guess it'll show up eventually.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: When is a jaboticaba mature?
« on: October 23, 2024, 01:33:43 AM »
Very helpful info!

The forum member Flying Fox Fruits says that for Plinias to fruit, the tree's bark has to shed (or peel). He has had 3 year old Jaboticaba shed their bark for the first time them fruit, and he has also had 15 year old Jaboticaba not yet shed their bark.

Shedding is not directly related to fruiting. I've had the majority of my non-fruiting jabos peel, sometimes bi-annually. Even ones that have a 1/4" trunk, and all the way up to a 2" trunk shed fully, but not be fruiting.

It is a good sign of trunk and branch growth. If it happens fast enough, the bark will pop. Happens all the time.

Jabos are great and I enjoy them in season, but if I was in a colder zone I’d definitely grow grapes!

Being exceedingly honest, jabos are a novelty fruit attached to a beautiful tree. I really enjoy the Asian variety grapes like Kyoho, and muscadines, and for ease of growth, to productivity, to variety grapes are really hard to beat. Much easier to eat, too, since the skin is edible and seeds are small.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Hunt for the best Surinam Cherry
« on: October 23, 2024, 01:19:36 AM »
OK, I would love to know the best tasting and where to source for Los Angeles Zone 10B!
Thanks in advance, I've read through all of this and am hopeful the Zone 10B people can comment.
Thanks in advance,

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: ISO: Regina Surinam Cherry Scions
« on: October 23, 2024, 12:33:19 AM »
Hi! Were you able to find any?
And why are you interested in that cultivar?
I am in the same zone, so this is why I'm asking.

Yes near the coast only, not over 80F


I'm in Zone 10 (B Los Angeles).

If you are also, I'd love to know if you've had success growing longan? Star fruit? Mangosteen? Lychee? Rambutan?

And are the cultivars that CAN be grown here worth growing? Tasty?

Can any be kept under 7'? 10'? 15'?

Thanks in advance for this amazing community.


Folks with COVID vaccines have lower risks of stroke and heart attacks.

And new data shows EVERY time you get COVID, you are at higher risk of a stroke, for THREE years.
A 45 year-old friend just died of one post 2nd infection, another I know got a stroke twice -- once after each infection, and a third got a stroke after her second COVID, and was hospitalized for over a month.

After any second infection, kids and adults are 17% more likely to get Long COVID -- I know 6 with it, 4 of them Ph.D.s and none were able to work for a year due to memory loss and fatigue. My brother still has it. A cousin got it in 2020 pre vaccine and is still debilitated 4 years in.

This includes the COVID folks call a "cold"/"flu" that shows up in wastewater as COVID, but don't show up as positive (because people are not smart enough to read the actual directions on the box that require 3 tests within 7 days, 48 hours apart for an accurate test result.)

Please avoid making jokes, you are not funny, it's bad taste, people have lost family members to COVID disease.

Thanks that’s super helpful!

Hi anyone have experience with this nursery?
Some very intriguing things like dwarf white and dwarf mulberries, and a 7’ dwarf cherry tree growing zone 10B coastal close in Malibu Southern California, but I don’t have acres and acres to buy experimental trees to see if they really are what they say, or taste worthwhile, so hoping for some legitimacy confirmation.


As for the mangos... NONE should go in anything but a pot WITH a trivet (that thing that goes under the pot and doesn't allow the roots contact with soil). NO you cannot bury the pot. Mango roots are incredibly invasive and break pipes, concrete, foundations. They will produce well in containers, and even in shade. Make certain you

I've been looking for some time. I"m in So. Cal.


I am in desperate need of a Mission Dolores Passiflora for a current project.
I'm in Los Angeles.

I'm looking to purchase to trade – I have a rare Leo 3 Atamoya that is self pollinating, I have some rooted rare fig scions from the Fig hunter, I have National award winning honeys, I have money.

Thank you!
Honey Girl Grows
(31oh) for6oh-95too3

Tropical Fruit Discussion / SOS
« on: July 25, 2024, 04:44:22 PM »
We are in need of rooted cuttings and/or seeds of Passiflora mission Dolores for a client project.
Normally its available in July at Annie's Annuals, but it's late. Please help if you can, willing to trade rare figs from the Fig Hunter (see NYT feature on him), and National award-winning honey.
And willing to pay!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Mission Dolores passion fruit
« on: June 24, 2024, 05:26:51 AM »
Hi Janet:
I would LOVE to chat to you about Mulberry, and source cuttings of this for three projects, Annie’s is out… (💵paid).
I spoke this year at the Laguna Beach Gardeb Clun on monarch butterflies.
I used to have a community garden plot.
Would love to connect.

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