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Topics - cacn1987

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I updated the list of passiflora seeds i have left. I will be going back to Colombia in 2 weeks, so if you are interested in buying, now is the time before i leave. Here are the species that are available. Payment through PayPal or zelle. Please send me a message if you wanna buy, zip code and quantity of each sp. Serious buyers only please. Shipment will be made from NYC, i ship international. Thanks

Passiflora menispermifolia wild collected in Caldas, Colombia 7 seeds for $10. Only 4 packs left. Sweet
Passiflora atomaria wild collected in the dry forest of Cundinamarca, Colombia 7 seeds for $10. Small fruits that taste like sweet garlic
Passiflora Guatemalensis wild collected in Cundinamarca, Colombia 10 seeds for $8. Sweet fruits
Passiflora aff dispar wild collected in Urabá, Colombia 8 seeds for $10. Sweet with notes of celery.
P. Vitifolia wild collected in Santander, Colombia. 8 seeds for $10. Only 1 package left. Acid perfect for a refreshing juice.
Passiflora maliformis big fruits wild collected in the Tatacoa desert, Colombia 8 seeds for $10. Fruits are about 100 grams, sweet/acid.
Passiflora aff caudata Orito, Putumayo, Colombia. 7 seeds for $10. Only 2 packs left. Small in size (golf ball size) but packed with flavor.
Passiflora aff maliformis wild collected in Santander, Colombia 10 seeds for $7. Small golf size sweet

First time offering this garcinia sp from the cloud forest of Colombia. Collected at a prestine forest. Hundred year old trees. Grows between 1500 to 2000 mts above sea level, can take cold but no freezing temps as we don't have seasons in Colombia. I only have 4 seeds available. $30 per seed plus shipping. Send me a private message if you are interested. Seeds are in NYC and will be shipped from here  Thanks 🌱

Up for sale as seeds of these Eugenia sp Huila. Found by a friend in the south of Colombia at about 1400 mts above sea level. The fruit is described as been really sweet with no astringency. First time being offered. Very limited quantity available. $10 per seed plus shipping. Seeds are in the US. Send me a message if you are interested. Thanks.

I have the following seeds available for sale, they are already in the US. Some of these are the first time being offered. I will ship internationally. Please contact me in a private message with the seeds you want, zip code to calculate shipping. Payment through paypal. The list is the following:

Passiflora menispermifolia wild collected in Caldas, Colombia 7 seeds for $10
Passiflora atomaria wild collected in the dry forest of Cundinamarca, Colombia 7 seeds for $10
Passiflora Guatemalensis wild collected in Cundinamarca, Colombia 10 seeds for $8
Passiflora aff dispar wild collected in Urabá, Colombia 8 seeds for $10
Passiflora williamsii wild collected in Sucre, Colombia. 6 seeds for $10
P. Vitifolia wild collected in Santander, Colombia. 8 seeds for $10
Passiflora maliformis big fruits wild collected in the Tatacoa desert, Colombia 8 seeds for $10
Passiflora cincinnata wild collected in the dry forest in Norte de Santander, Colombia 8 seeds for $10
Passiflora aff caudata Orito, Putumayo, Colombia. 7 seeds for $10
Passiflora aff maliformis wild collected in Santander, Colombia 10 seeds for $7
Passiflora alata 10 seeds for $7
Passiflora quadrangularis 10 seeds for $8
Passiflora decaisneana collected in Cauca, Colombia.  10 seeds for $7
Sweet australian passion fruit hybrid  10 seeds $7

Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask. Thanks

Up for sale are the folowing seeds in the list. I will ship from NY. I ship international. Limited quantity available. Send me a message with the quantity of seeds you want and your zip code or country to get shipping rate. Serious buyers only please. Thank you
v. Sphaerocarpa 8 seeds for $10
v. goudotiana regular 10 seeds for $8
v. goudotiana white 10 seeds for $15 SOLD OUT
p. cumbalensis 5 seeds for $10 LAST 50 SEEDS AVAILABLE
chimbalo solanum sibundoyense 8 seeds for $10 LAST 50 SEEDS AVAILABLE
agras vacinum meridionale 30 seeds for $15
solanum sessiliflorum (cocona) 10 seeds for $6
solanum vestissimum (lulo de paramo) 10 seeds for $8
solanum sp wild tree tomato 10 seeds for $8

Available now in the US now! ONLY 19 SEEDS AVAILABLE! Shipping to the US only! The freshest seeds of Mano de tigre (Duguetia stenantha) you will ever get in the US directly from the Amazon! I don't know if they have ever been offered before but probably this could be the first time these seeds are on the market in the US. I took the seeds out of a fresh fruit exactly a two weeks ago. Do not bargain the price please, I am offering exclusivity, freshness, and I took all the risk to bring the seeds safely into the US. You will not risk losing your money or the seeds in customs as these seeds all already in NYC. To name my price I also took into consideration the asking price of other rare south american duguetias oferred in the seeds' market by Sellami (seeds hunter website). The fruit tastes like zapote /  chupa chupa. Each seed is USD $35 plus shipping. If you want to buy 10 seeds or more we can see you get some discount. Payment through paypal or zelle. Interested please send me a private message. Thanks in advance

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Trusted Mexican seller?
« on: December 04, 2021, 01:14:15 AM »
Hi. My friends in Colombia are planning to buy some seeds from this guy I wanted to know if any of you have bought seeds from him and how was your experience overall? thanks in advance.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Trusted Mexican seller?
« on: December 04, 2021, 01:11:32 AM »
Hi. My friends in Colombia are planning to buy some seeds from this guy I wanted to know if any of you have bought seeds from him and how was your experience overall? thanks in advance.

I have my two vasconcellea sphaerocarpa plants, both are 22 inches high. These plants are over 6 months old so they should star flowering in the next 9 months in the right weather conditions. It produces a great fruit with lots of potential. Skin covering the seeds is sweet/acid, it feels great to feel the exploxion of flavor inside your mouth when you eat them. Fruits has a lot of edible meat to make sweets, it is sweet/acid as well. They defoliated due to cold here in NY but as you can see in the pics, they are eager to grow with the new shots coming up. I had them inside my house so they have not been exposed to extreme cold. If you are interested please send me a message with your zip code and we can work something out.

I have my two vasconcellea sphaerocarpa plants, both are 22 inches high. These plants are over 6 months old so they should star flowering in the next 9 months in the right weather conditions. They defoliated due to cold here in NY but as you can see in the pics, they are eager to grow with the new shots coming up. I had them inside my house so they have not been exposed to extreme cold. If you are interested please send me a message with your zip code and we can work something out.

A friend of mine found the rare annona deceptrix in a department (state) in the south of Colombia. Grows at 1600 meters above sea level. He describes the taste as being like soursop with sweet and acid notes, super juicy. He wants to sell his seeds and I will be helping him out here in the US to find costumers and get the payment via paypal or Zelle. He will be shipping the seeds directly from Colombia. Prices are as follows: 1-20 seeds $10 USD PER SEED, 21 seeds and up $9 PER SEED + Shipping & and handling. The first seeds he put to germinate, germinated in 30 days as you can see the picture with the first roots coming up. If you are really serious on buying seeds, feel free to contact me with the amount of seeds you want, place where you live and method of payment you want to use. My friend is a farmer and has kids to raise, so let's help him out and be the first to have seeds of this rarity in your hands and grow it out of its native ecosystem.

These are the first and only seedlings available in the US of the amazing lulo de páramo from Colombia. Fruit is acid in the outer meat and sweet like a good melon in the inside. This lulo is like no other you have tasted before. You will have the chance to try to fruit this lulo for the first time in the US! I am also offering seedlings of the big commercial lulo (please see pic where I show two lulos on my hand for size comparison). Both types of lulo have spikes, so if you care about getting quality fruit, you will get it with these two types of lulo. I can ship two plants in a medium flat rate box for $15, or 3-4 in a large flat rate box for $21. I have the last 12 units of each variety. $15 per plant + shipping! Payment via FB pay, Zelle or paypal. If you are really interested please send me a message with your zip code and # of seedlings you want.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Colombia tree tomatoes plants $15 each
« on: November 12, 2020, 01:34:08 PM »
I have 2 Colombian tree tomato plants for sale $15 each + shipping. I can ship to any state in the US. Size are between 8-12 inches. In the right weather conditions, the plants should start flowering in less than a year. Payment options paypal, Facebook pay or Zelle. If you are interested please send me a message with your zip code and # of seedlings you want to calculate shipping. Thanks

This is a new species of wild malimorfis which I found last year in a small municipality back in Colombia, called Anapoima. My family owns a house in a complex there and I found the plant hanging on a wall from a house in the street. The ecosystem present in this municipality is the dry forest ecosystem, which has been vastly affected by deforestation throughout Colombia. The plant has some unique characteristics that I have noticed while growing it. It grows in poor soil, it is resistant to high temperatures (can take 35 celcius or more with no problems), drought tolerant, grows extremely fast, and produces a lot of fruits. Fruits are golf size, sweet and will fall of from the plant when ripe. Leaves are elongated with pink veins, the stems of the leaves are pink as well (see pics) I have the last 10 seedlings left of this plant, as I already sold the rest i grew over the summer here in NYC. Price is $15 per plant + shipping. This might be your only chance to get your hands on this new species, as these are the only seedlings available in the US for sale. Payment paypal, Zelle or Facebook Pay. If you are interested please send me a message with your zip code and the number of seedlings you would like to buy. Thanks

These are the first and only seedlings available in the US of the amazing lulo de páramo from Colombia. Fruit is acid in the outer meat and sweet like a good melon in the inside. This lulo is like no other you have tasted before. You will have the chance to try to fruit this lulo for the first time in the US! $15 per plant + shipping! Payment via FB pay, Zelle or paypal. If you are really interested please send me a message with your zip code and # of seedlings you want.

I have a few seedlings left of granadilla (passiflora ligularis). Each seedlings is about 10 inches. $15 per plant + shipping. I can ship to any state in the US.  Seeds are from Colombian granadillas that I brought this yr to the US. If you are serious about buying please send me a private message. You can pay via Facebook Pay, Zelle or paypal.

I have several seedlings for sale of this probably new species wild malimorfis from the endangered dry forest back in Colombia. Drought tolerant, grows in poor soil, can withstand high temperatures (a buyer in Los Angeles told me it withstood inside a greenhouse 55 degree celcius). Fruit is golf size ball, sweet when fully ripen. Seedlings are $15 plus shipping. These are the only seedlings of this specie available in the whole world. I will ship to any state in the US. If you would like to get one please send me a message. I do also have granadilla seedlings, two types of lulo, passiflora edulis (gulupa).

These are probably the only seedlings available in the US of vasconcellea sphaerocarpa and goudotiana. V. sphaerocarpa an endemic wild plant that grows in Colombia, used in sweets. For me the greatest wild mountain papaya in terms of amount of meat to make sweets, mermelade, etc. V. goudotiana my first discovery back in Colombia, when fully mature in the tree the inner white meat is soft and tastes like feijoa, the thin skin that covers the seeds tastes like passion fruit. A combination of these two wild mountain papayas would make for me the perfect mountain papaya variety. Quantities are limited. Price is $35 per plant + shipping & handling. Contact me if you are really interested. No negotation of prices. No seeds available. Thanks in advance.

Would you pay $35-$40 for seedlings of wild vasconcellea goudotiana and v. sphaerocarpa seedlings? 40-60 cms tall plants. Knowing that nobody has them available for sale in the US? Let me know what you think. What would be a good price for these beauties?. Thanks.

Fresh seeds are available in the US. Limited quantity available. I am the only one in the US who has some of these seeds available. Get them while they last. Send me a private message if you are interested. I have sold seeds to several collectors in FB fruit groups. Payment --> paypal.

Lulo de Páramo (super rare variety, I am the only one that has them available in the US, cold hardy, outer meat acid, inner meat sweet like a melon) $4 x 5 seeds,

Regular Lulo big fruits from a super productive plant $5 x 10 seeds. See pic of the mother tree full of fruits.

Lulo orange color medium size $5 x 10 seeds. Not the same variety as the previous one. See pic of the 3 lulos which shows all are different.

Passiflora lanata $3.00 per seed. Super rare and hard to get in the wild (cloud forest) in Colombia.

Cholupa (passiflora malimorfis) $5 x 10 seeds. From a very productive vine.

Passiflora malimorfis unkown wild species from Anapoima, Cundinamarca $6 x 10 seeds. Grows in poor soil in hot weather places. Resistant to droughts. Sweet golf size fruits.

Unkown wild passiflora from Panqueva, Boyacá $6 x 10 seeds. Sweet golf size fruits

Vasconcellea Sphaerocarpa $2.50 per seed. Huge fruits great for sweets. Lots of meat compared to pubescens.

Fresh seeds are available in the US. Limited quantity available. I am the only one in the US who has some of these seeds available. Get them while they last. Send me a private message if you are interested. I have sold seeds to several collectors in FB fruit groups. Payment --> paypal.

Lulo de Páramo (super rare variety, I am the only one that has them available in the US, cold hardy, outer meat acid, inner meat sweet like a melon) $4 x 5 seeds,

Regular Lulo big fruits from a super productive plant $5 x 10 seeds. See pic of the mother tree full of fruits.

Lulo orange color medium size $5 x 10 seeds. Not the same variety as the previous one. See pic of the 3 lulos which shows all are different.

Passiflora lanata $3.00 per seed. Super rare and hard to get in the wild (cloud forest) in Colombia.

Cholupa (passiflora malimorfis) $5 x 10 seeds. From a very productive vine.

Passiflora malimorfis unkown wild species from Anapoima, Cundinamarca $6 x 10 seeds. Grows in poor soil in hot weather places. Resistant to droughts. Sweet golf size fruits.

Unkown wild passiflora from Panqueva, Boyacá $6 x 10 seeds. Sweet golf size fruits

Vasconcellea Sphaerocarpa $2.50 per seed. Huge fruits great for sweets. Lots of meat compared to pubescens.

Fresh seeds are available in the US. Limited quantity available. I am the only one in the US who has some of these seeds available. Get them while they last. Send me a private message if you are interested. I have sold seeds to several collectors in FB fruit groups. Payment --> paypal.

Lulo de Páramo (super rare variety, I am the only one that has them available in the US, cold hardy, outer meat acid, inner meat sweet like a melon) $4 x 5 seeds,

Regular Lulo big fruits from a super productive plant $5 x 10 seeds. See pic of the mother tree full of fruits.

Lulo orange color medium size $5 x 10 seeds. Not the same variety as the previous one. See pic of the 3 lulos which shows all are different.

Passiflora lanata $3.00 per seed. Super rare and hard to get in the wild (cloud forest) in Colombia.

Cholupa (passiflora malimorfis) $5 x 10 seeds. From a very productive vine.

Passiflora malimorfis unkown wild species from Anapoima, Cundinamarca $6 x 10 seeds. Grows in poor soil in hot weather places. Resistant to droughts. Sweet golf size fruits.

Unkown wild passiflora from Panqueva, Boyacá $6 x 10 seeds. Sweet golf size fruits

Vasconcellea Sphaerocarpa $2.50 per seed. Huge fruits great for sweets. Lots of meat compared to pubescens.

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