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Topics - eyeckr

Pages: [1]
Greenhouse seedling clean out. Prices plus actual shipping.

$10 Chrysophyllum lucentifolium
$12 Pouteria Venosa
$12 Red Skin Pouteria
$12 Pouteria Colombia
$12 Pouteria Pachycaylx
$25 Thornless Governor's Plum community pot or $9 for 3 plants
$25/$28 Rainforest plum
$8   Rainforest plum
$8 Pitomba
$15 Pitomba
$20 Eugenia Pulcherrima
$10 Aber's Varia Narrow leaf/willow leaf sweet orange
$15 Australian Beach Cherry community pot or $6 each -Eugenia reinwardtiana
$25 California Gold banana
$12 Variegated dragonfruit rooted

I went through my greenhouse and found a bunch of extra jaboticaba seedlings. Many are a bit derelict looking because of being overlooked but will perk up with a little attention. Prices below plus actual shipping. Local pick up okay in Virginia Beach also. I prefer you contact me on Facebook messenger or Instagram @VirginiaFruitGrower for easier communication but will check the mailbox here also.

Here's is what I have up for grabs:

San Ignacio $8
Peruana $15
Corrientes $6, $10
White aureana $10, $30
Escarlate $5
Red Hybrid $5
Cambuca $25
Black Pearl $10, $15
Cabelluda/glaziovana yellow $5
Serrana de Obera $8, $15, $28

Coronata Coroada de Divinolândia $10
Tigrada $15
Sao Benedicto $5
Umbigo $6, $8
Peruviana $15
Momotaro $15
Red Pouch $8
M. floribunda $15
T15 $15
Green Rosa $15
Cafe Cabinho Ipuiúna $6
P. aureana Branca IAC $8
Aveludada de Cabinho $15
Red Lantern $15
Red Ruby $8
Giant Red Crystal $65 *HUGE tree!

Hey fruit lovers! I was able to visit our fellow long time forum member Brian in PA and see his impressive greenhouse set up. So many cool trees growing and many in the ground. I was especially impressed with his purple mangosteen growing in zone 6A.

Lots of special shout outs to other forum members in this video including:
Kevin Reimer
Kevin Jones
Frank Lazar
Ryan Jo
Kameron Bellamy

Thanks again Brian for opening up your amazing greenhouse for a visit!

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / *Sold* Pprouted abiu seeds
« on: November 07, 2023, 10:36:19 AM »
5 abiu seeds total. 3 are sprouted,  1 is crowning a root, 1 has not sprouted. Asking $12 for all plus actual shipping.

Digging around the greenhouse I found some extra plants that need to be rehomed. All prices do not include actual shipping which is to be determined by what all is bought and can be shipped together. Thanks for looking

Aureana Costate 1.5-2gal $65

Rainforest plum $15

Black Pearl community pot seedlings $3 each

Small seedlings in dire need of potting up and TLC: Tigrada, Peruana, Grandifolia, Giant Piray, Peruviana, San Ignacio, Serrana de Obera $6 each

Serrana de Obera and Plinia de Cruz (da Bahia I believe) 4" $18

Hello everyone. I just wanted to share fellow forum member MarktLee's video tour we filmed not too long ago. I was finally able to meet Mark in person and he was gracious enough to show me around. He is an awesome long time rare fruit collector and luckily he is willing to spread some diversity via knowledge, scions, trees and fruit.


Sprouted viable seeds as mentioned in the title for sale. .35 cents each. Some varieties limited. Minimum $10 dollar order please. Must be sent in a USPS Priority box ($9 small) to protect from crushing.

A few sprouted Meyer x Double Blood (Acrobal) seeds available for $1 each

SORRY *US only

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Rangpur lime cutting sold
« on: February 21, 2022, 11:27:54 PM »

Clipped off a mature fruiting Rangpur lime section off a multi grafted tree. Offering the whole section for $8. You can root or get many grafts off of it. Will be shipped in a flat rate envelope for actual shipping cost.

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Shishi yuzu seeds *SOLD
« on: February 21, 2022, 11:19:17 PM »

Very limited amount of Shishi yuzu seeds available. None will likely be offered in the next couple of years. These seeds are very fresh and actually germinating now. Asking $5 per seed plus actual shipping. Sorry US only,  NO international shipping.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Incredible jaboticaba collection
« on: July 26, 2021, 11:48:14 AM »
I had the great pleasure meeting up with a friend of mine Luiz who has one of the most incredible and exclusive jaboticaba collections. Here you'll see many new plinia varieties just now being introduced to the US.

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Yuzu and Ichang lemon
« on: October 13, 2020, 11:34:00 PM »
Fresh yuzu  and ichang lemon seeds for sale. 10 seeds for $5 shipped. Discount for larger quantities. USA only please.

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Mango pawpaw scion
« on: June 05, 2020, 01:21:11 PM »
Fresh "Mango" variety pawpaw scion available $5.00 plus actual shipping.

Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Heirloom Apple Scions
« on: April 03, 2020, 03:13:55 PM »
I have extra apple scions I ordered from Big Horse Creek Farms:

Little Limbertwig
Myers Green Limbertwig
Ruby Limbertwig
Sweet Rusty Coat
White Limbertwig
Willow Twig

All the descriptions are on their website

$2.00 per scion plus actual shipping.

I have the following scions/cuttings available for sale or possible trade:

Russian #8

TB 38/60
Gloria Mundi
Blue Pearmain
Laxton’s Superb
Court Pendu Plat

Pineapple Guava/Feijoa:

Sweet Scarlet


Asian pear:

Sugar Cane
Honey Jar


Seedless self fertile

Asking $2.75 per scion plus actual shipping costs.

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Ginger lime seeds
« on: January 15, 2020, 09:19:19 PM »
7 Ginger lime seeds for $5 shipped US.

Described here at a taste testing at Gene Lesters:
"Ginger Lime: The name is pretty accurate –this guy is a lime with a gingery tasting peel.   Pretty darned good.  Most citrus leaves are not aromatic –kieffer lime leaves (aka lime leaves) are the notable exception—but ginger lime leaves are. They have a great gingery aroma.  We want to throw some ginger lime leaves into soups."

« on: December 29, 2019, 07:01:26 PM »
If you have any interest in hardy citrus here's your chance to actually try some fruit for yourself. I have some fruits of Thomasville citrangequats, Taiwanica sour orange aka Taiwanica lemon aka Nansho Daidai, yuzu, a very limited clem x tri x clem and maybe a couple of lemandarin available for sampling. I'm asking $12 for a small priority box for about 16 Thomasville fruit. Taiwanica fruit are larger and they won't fit into a small priority box so price will depend on amount ordered. Clem x tri x clem are very limited so I'm asking about $4 per fruit plus shipping.

*Also a small amount of Taiwanica, Pong Koa mandarin and a slightly earlier ripening variety of Thomasville budwood is available.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / CRFG FRUIT GARDENER MAGAZINES
« on: December 01, 2019, 10:29:53 PM »
California Rare Fruit Growers magazines containing great information about all kinds of fruit you can think of and more. I have about 25 magazines plus 4 back up black and white copies from 2002 to 2010. Asking $25 plus actual media mail shipping. Mods let me know if post is not allowed and I will remove.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Variegated Thomasville Citrangequat
« on: June 09, 2019, 03:07:30 PM »
I was checking out all plants this morning and something caught my eye amongst my potted trees. I saw that one of my Thomasville seedlings started making what appears to be variegated leaves. Hopefully it will stabilize and I can propagate it.

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Citsuma scions for sale
« on: June 04, 2019, 11:05:18 PM »
I just trimmed up my citsuma and have some fresh scions up for grabs. $5.00 for a couple scions shipped. Very hardy for me and never been phased by my 8a zone. I'm sure it could handle more cold.

For sale in Virginia:

Healthy grafted "Bruce" canistel tree that stands about 5ft tall.


Large air layered Black Sapote which stands about 6 feet tall. Originally from Pine Island Nursery.


Rare yellow muntingia calabura which is about 4ft tall


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / ISO Cherimoya fruit
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:48:30 AM »

I am in search of cherimoya fruit. Does anyone have any fruit they would be willing to sell and ship to VA?

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Hardy citrus fruit delivered to you.
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:30:11 AM »
For those interested in sampling some hardy citrus varieties I have a good number of Taitri fruit available. I can send a box of about 10 taitri fruit for $10 priority mail. I have a few Glen citrangedin, thomasville citragequats, yuzu and poncirus x clementine x clementine and maybe a Swingle citrumelo or two left. Shipping costs may vary depending on the variety. Various small seedlings available also.

I did some grafting today onto my Prima 1216 pawpaw tree and now I have a scion or two up for trade. This is a popular European pawpaw variety that is partially self fertile. I am looking for Petite Negri fig, Maypop or rooted rosemary.

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