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Topics - vnomonee

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Temperate Fruit Buy, Sell, & Trade / Looking for hachiya persimmon cutting
« on: February 12, 2025, 06:33:35 PM »
Looking to trade for a hachiya cutting or two.

I have jiro fuyu, cold hardy & hybrid citrus, (no trading citrus to restricted states sorry!) Afganski pom, anything in my bio that you're interested in
PM me!

Cold Hardy Citrus / First fruit from potted Morton pollinated with Meyer
« on: December 23, 2024, 11:45:02 AM »
I thought this self pollinated but I checked my photos and turns out it's actually pollinated with Meyer lemon, also wrote "Meyer" on the adjacent leaf which had curled up and I didn't see the ink

The plant was suffering in the container so I planted it in the ground in my greenhouse. Thankfully it didn't drop the fruit, but the fruit is small.

lemon for size comparison

If there is a hybrid how hardy do you think it will be? Zone 7b?

Cold Hardy Citrus / Deciduous hybrids
« on: October 30, 2024, 03:41:51 PM »
Which hybrids are deciduous aside from taitri?
My taitri has already dropped leaves but the multiple evergreen hybrid grafts on it haven't. Curiously rooted cuttings in ground of the same taitri are still green and holding leaves.

In this bed is where I usually discard seeds and see what pops up.

This 4 year old Wonderful pomegranate from seed just made a bud.

It's had severe dieback from very cold winters and no hope of getting a fruit to maturity this late if it even sets.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Approach grafting sugar apple on cherimoya
« on: August 08, 2024, 12:05:33 AM »
I have way too many cherimoya plants so figure I would try to graft a seedling sugar apple onto one of the cherimoya.
I attempted to graft atemoya over the summer but I believe the scions were stored too long, there were brown spots in the cambium. I cut to what looked like the greenest tissue but still failed.

Has anyone attempted an approach graft? I'm in New Jersey so have warm weather for another ~50 days give or take and then I'll move the plants indoors under grow lights where they continue to grow. (The idea being that the sugar apple will stay in the container for insurance purposes since it's tiny and I only have 1)

Citrus General Discussion / Limequat from seed to flower ~2 years!
« on: June 27, 2024, 08:13:09 AM »
In 2022 I bought some limequats from SayWeee. Tossed a few seeds in pots. Killed most of them from root rot. Today I notice that my remaining plant is flowering. Key limes are also known to flower from seed pretty quickly as well as the kumquat in its lineage.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Is this veinte cohol banana?
« on: June 22, 2024, 10:30:43 AM »
This was sold as such, do the leaves match?

Temperate Fruit Discussion / Pawpaw graft care advice
« on: June 21, 2024, 07:48:40 PM »
This graft is 2 months old, the film and rubber band just fell off today. Is there a risk of it popping off at this stage? The graft is almost invisible. Should I secure it by wrapping it again with a rubber band and film?

My bigger trees, not pictured, I did bark grafts that are held in place using zipties on one tree and both small picture hanging nails as well as zipties on the other. When should I remove the zipties? I am worried wind will snap the grafts off.



I have 2 left, but am currently propagating more. Self fertile. Discovered it from planting seeds.

I am calling it "Purple Boots"
The leaves have red veins and the flowers are pigmented as well as the stigmas which look like a pair of small purple boots.

$15 for the well rooted cutting + $12 priority mail shipping (I will check your zipcode to confirm).
Active members with some post history only pls :)

Paypal or Zelle

Citrus General Discussion / blood lime x yuzu
« on: June 13, 2024, 10:54:44 AM »
I think I might have made a hybrid. The leaves have a yuzu scent.

Possible blood lime x yuzu seedling

Blood lime seedling without intentional crossing

But this one is also a blood lime seedling without intentional crossing

Temperate Fruit Discussion / First time grafting pawpaw success
« on: May 01, 2024, 07:37:56 PM »
Bark grafts, cleft grafts, chip budding. I did these in mid April (NJ zone 7a) as soon as I received the package due to the post office delaying the delivery for several days.

Thanks to forum member broncn for the excellent scions Al Horns, Tropical Treat, IXL, and Lehman's Chiffon.

The scions were sealed with parafilm and secured with rubber bands and black electrical tape for added pressure. Wood glue on the exposed wood where I topped the trees.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / passiflora tucumanensis fruit
« on: April 18, 2024, 01:43:25 PM »
does anyone on the forum have it? what does the fruit look like? how is the flavor?

Hello all. Thinking about grafting at least one if not both of my pawpaw trees.

I'm in zone 7a north NJ. Some research mentioned doing it in May. Does this sound correct?

My two seed trees make small fruit, I don't mind the small fruit flavor wise but I'd rather have larger fruit, it's too hard to process such small fruit.

Varieties I'm interested in are Susquehanna or Overleese (spelling)?
Those are said to be sweet and the other mild (forget which is which).

I also like tropical flavors, more mango or pineapple than banana. Are there any varieties like this? Cherimoya flavors? What is "tropical delight" like?

If anyone has anything to offer let me know. I can trade as well, check my profile to see if there is anything interesting you'd like to trade for.


Cold Hardy Citrus / Fast flowering trifoliate flower buds?
« on: March 12, 2024, 05:25:21 PM »
Are these flower buds? I have 3 small plants one of which is grafted to taitri.

Citrus General Discussion / Meiwa dying back
« on: February 26, 2024, 12:47:40 AM »
My meiwa is dying back with brown branches.
First it drops the leaves then the branches turn brown and die back. I checked the roots and there is no sign of rot. The leaves fall while completely green. I simply touch one and it drops.

I repotted the whole plant into fresh 5-1-1 from the old potting mix it was in to see if it would help. It's been a few days and still dropping leaves and branches are dying back.

The rootstock is citrumelo with poncirus as an interstock. Absolutely 0 rotten roots. The root system is the healthiest of all of my potted citrus that I've seen so far.

Any ideas?

Nothing has changed, I always water with diluted water soluable fertilizer. The new mix shouldn't have any buildup either. 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Seed grown cherimoya from Rincon Tropics
« on: February 06, 2024, 05:07:34 PM »
This is my 2 year old seed grown cherimoya. I grew about 30 seedlings in a big pot, left the pot out in early spring which was hit with freezing temperatures many times.

I selected the most vigorous growing survivor with the least amount of damage. 

It's almost 8ft tall (really like 6ft without the pot) after 2 years.

Temperate Fruit Discussion / Sweetheart pomegranate
« on: October 13, 2023, 03:49:50 PM »
Found this at Walmart. $1.98 each
Any info on it? Hardiness? Only found that it's an early variety & "low acidity"

Hello, I have about 10 2 rooted cuttings of Afganski pom. Smallest size starts at 6" most are 8" or above

Hardy to at least zone 6b/7a, as seen in my NJ garden.

$10 each plus shipping ~$5 USPS ground shipping Note *I probably can't ship USPS ground to CA or too far west. Not sure if the plants will make it. I sent one plant last Monday and it's supposed to arrive today Saturday. I'll keep you updated what the purchaser tells me. But if you buy more than I'll split the shipping with you and send it priority. 

Not open to trades at the moment as I have way too many plants

Thanks :)

Cold Hardy Citrus / Late grafts are pushing now
« on: September 20, 2023, 04:35:05 PM »
I did some mid summer tbud grafts on a bunch of poncirus year old trees and discovered this Prague graft pushed out. This must have been due to the heat wave we had earlier in the month. I topped the rootstock hoping it will help harden off. Leaving some of poncirus buds in case the Prague perishes.

I now have 4 actively growing grafts of Prague, 2 on poncirus and 2 on taitri... at this rate I will have an orchard lol

Cold Hardy Citrus / Large poncirus and flying dragon in NJ arboretum
« on: September 14, 2023, 07:15:41 AM »
Visited the Morristown arboretum and found 2 poncirus specimens and some other interesting rutaceae

Flying dragon

Citrus General Discussion / Thomasville citrangequat grafting
« on: July 27, 2023, 06:59:00 PM »
I received a scion from a trade and t-bud grafted some as well bark grafting Thomasville citrangequat onto the following:

Sour orange (bark graft in pot)
Poncirus (bark graft in pot & bud in ground)
Taitri (bark graft & bud in ground)
Citrumelo (bud in pot)

As well as a small cutting for rooting in cococoir.

These are late grafts and I don't expect the buds to push out, but the bark grafts where I top worked the rootstocks might. The potted stuff will go indoors over winter. The bark graft to taitri is very solid wood so I hope it is lignified enough, if it takes at all, to survive winter we'll see

Cold Hardy Citrus / Morton flowering again
« on: July 20, 2023, 09:27:07 AM »
This is the third set of flowers since the spring. (The bottom of the plant has a small red center lime graft)

Only 1 fruit has held on, pollinated with fresh Meyer lemon pollen.

Cold Hardy Citrus / Fast flowering trifoliate graft
« on: June 16, 2023, 04:30:08 PM »
FFT graft from last year on taitri is blooming undeveloped green flowers, it's almost summer. Don't think the anthers will release pollen

Cold Hardy Citrus / Prague bark damage, sun scald?
« on: June 10, 2023, 07:31:33 PM »
My Prague graft on Taitri really took off. The bark damage from the winter is very evident now. I believe it's sun burn. Should I paint the damaged side or will it eventually heal over? The backside of the main stem is healthy green.

The taitri, even the bare branches does not show this type of damage

Temperate Fruit Discussion / Opuntia humifusa
« on: June 03, 2023, 09:00:35 PM »
Has anyone tried hybridizing eastern prickly pear/ opuntia humifusa (very cold hardy zone 3 or 4) with edible types of opuntia that have large fruit? I have a rooted nopal that hopefully will flower soon but not sure how the fruit is. I also have an elisiana (it's hardy in southern zone 7). Mine rotted out after a wet winter but a pad survived so now I keep it in a pot, also waiting for flowers. The fruit is small but edible.

The humifusa shrivels up in winter, expelling water, and does not take up water. I leave it in a pot all year and it has never died or rotted. The elisiana does not shrivel and expel it's water which is probably why it rots in my zone.

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