I got to go to one of my favorite places on the island yesterday after serving some papers in Hilo. Here's some pictures:
Xanthorrhoea sp: This grass tree is one of my favorite plants here. I was finally able to collect some seed off the ground after shaking the stalks. I hope it germinates, the internet said they do pretty easily but are often killed by overwatering. Also if anyone could please help with a specific ID that would be greatly appreciated!

Tabernaemontana Pachysiphon: This one was in bloom for the first time I noticed. I actually hadn't looked at this plant on my many trips here before but I am glad it caught my eye this time! I couldn't get a picture but most of the flowers had small wasps or flies on them. They kind of looked like tiny yellowjackets but a lot less angry. The flowers do smell somewhat of cinnamon.

Gmelina fasciculiflora: My jaw dropped upon seeing the fruit hanging in the tree. The fruit is not edible but I touched some of the juice to my tongue and it is similar in taste to Gmelina Arborea. There is a large Gmelina Arborea tree about 100 yards away from this tree, but the color of the fruits on Gmelina fasciculiflora is stunning. The pulp smells strange but not entirely offputting like wikipedia lead me to believe. It definitely did stain my fingers brown and for hours after it felt similar to having dried superglue all over my fingers, kind of a rough sensation. The smell stuck to my hands for hours so that wasn't very nice. Next time I'll use gloves and maybe a cherry pitter to speed up seed extraction.

A group of several Garcinia Mangostana trees. I have only tasted one immature but somehow ripe fruit we found on the ground since these ones are extremely popular. Last time we came the Garcinia Dulcis tree was exploding with fruit but not this time. My mom wanted me to take a picture of the purple mangosteen trees so she could get a sense for how large they get. Apparently they weren't as large as she thought, but then again they did seem a lot larger to me at first.

The abiu and jaboticaba trees were producing as well. I am still looking for E-4 Abiu if anyone has some for sale. I also got to try better fruit off the wampee I took seed from before and it was amazing, like sugar water with citrus flavor. I did find another wampee that they had misnumbered and the fruit wasn't as good. They didnt have seeds either and you had to suck the flesh out and it was much less juicy compared to the other wampee fruit that just explodes into your mouth. They also have a breadfruit tree called "rare autia" that I don't know anything about so if someone else does I would love to hear about it!
Also I got a couple alupag fruits. I havent had any success growing the two seedlings that sprouted and couldnt find much care instructions online... The taste is indescribable, in spite of the small amount of flesh vs giant seed.