Tropical Fruit Discussion / Swimming pool container for fruit trees
« on: January 10, 2025, 11:05:30 AM »
Hi All, I have a swimming pool at my house that I’m interested in converting to more planting area. There are three options for pool demolition:
(1) break up the bottom and fill with soil
(2) partial pool demolition-break up the bottom and sides 2 ft down and remove the surrounding patio
(3) full pool demolition-remove entire pool and all the concrete
I’m thinking of going with option (1) because I'm very concerned about the amount of concrete dust that will be generated and concerned about damage to my existing trees. I have multiple trees planted near the pool patio.
Here are my questions. For a swimming pool with bottom broken up and no other concrete removed (option 1):
Would trees grow OK inside the swimming pool? Would they get root bound? Would they thrive long term or only for a certain number of years? How many trees could i plant inside? Would the pool container be hot and dry inside like regular containers, or no problems like this because it’s in ground? Would only certain types of trees be ok inside the pool (ex: mango but not jackfruit, etc)? Will the concrete dust from the demolition (hopefully not that much if it’s only the bottom being broken up) affect the trees that I already have (getting on leaves, flowers, etc) and should i take steps to protect them?
If anyone has any experience with this or advice please let me know. I will attach a google image of my yard. Unfortunately my yard is big but the prior owner filled it with concrete. You can also private message me if you have any advice.

(1) break up the bottom and fill with soil
(2) partial pool demolition-break up the bottom and sides 2 ft down and remove the surrounding patio
(3) full pool demolition-remove entire pool and all the concrete
I’m thinking of going with option (1) because I'm very concerned about the amount of concrete dust that will be generated and concerned about damage to my existing trees. I have multiple trees planted near the pool patio.
Here are my questions. For a swimming pool with bottom broken up and no other concrete removed (option 1):
Would trees grow OK inside the swimming pool? Would they get root bound? Would they thrive long term or only for a certain number of years? How many trees could i plant inside? Would the pool container be hot and dry inside like regular containers, or no problems like this because it’s in ground? Would only certain types of trees be ok inside the pool (ex: mango but not jackfruit, etc)? Will the concrete dust from the demolition (hopefully not that much if it’s only the bottom being broken up) affect the trees that I already have (getting on leaves, flowers, etc) and should i take steps to protect them?
If anyone has any experience with this or advice please let me know. I will attach a google image of my yard. Unfortunately my yard is big but the prior owner filled it with concrete. You can also private message me if you have any advice.