I found this interesting FDA lab study done recently on Annona fruits. For those with concerns with the toxicology of the fruit and its affect on cells. After reading through it, it seems that Rollinia, Atemoya, Sugar Apple, and most likely Cherimoya and Custard Apple have very low amounts of Annonacin and Squamocin. Pawpaw on the other hand has extremely high amounts with high amounts in soursop varying. It seems the annona fruits with the most domestication benefited greatly with drastically lower amounts of Annonacin.
Fruit Annonacin Squamocin
(μg/g dry weight) (μg/g dry weight)
Graviola pulp, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 323 113
Graviola pulp from Belém, Brazil 631 127
Graviola pulp from São Paulo, Brazil 1034 6.1
Atemoya pulp from Belém, Brazil 3.8 68.0
Atemoya seeds from Belém, Brazil 454 14201
Atemoya pulp from Pilar do Sul, Brazil 3.68 76.2
Ata pulp from Belém, Brazil 2.70 0.85
Biribá pulp from Belém, Brazil 2.21 5.28
Pawpaw pulp from Missouri 7724 162
Here is the PDF I uploaded, converted from power point presentation.