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Topics - SplorKeLZ

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Going to costa rica
« on: January 30, 2025, 02:22:04 PM »
hi everyone! i will be going to costa rica sometime this summer and I could use some advice. my plan at the moment is to stay a couple of nights in puerto viejo and a couple in san ramon(or a similar area) to try to go to the Plinia Costaricensis. does anyone have any recommendations for lodging? i would prefer somewhere that maybe has fruit trees on the property, our budget is around 20ish $ a night. i am also looking for farms and collections to visit to try and taste as many fruits as possible. we are also looking for a guide to go on hikes in the jungle to look for fruits


Tropical Fruit Discussion / What happened to WikiFruit?
« on: January 24, 2025, 05:46:04 PM »
i have been curious about this for some time, it feels like a ghost that haunts the forum, what happened? it seems like an amazing resource with amazing potential, If I knew more about tech-y stuff I would help myself (might have to learn lol). it seems that no one had the time to finish/keep the project running, but my curiosity remains.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Help needed!
« on: January 22, 2025, 11:31:19 PM »
I have two plants that are a little worse for the wear, and i dont know what to do about it.

My Eugenia burkartiana has been doing poorly, i got it on auction from anderson tropicals, it came in good shape. The leaves started browning and falling off, i thought it was sunburn so i moved it a little bit away. But the leaves are still shriveling, what do i do??

(Two more leaves fell as i brought it out to take the pictures :()

Next is my fruta do misterio, i got it and it looked good for about a week then the leaves lost color and THEN shrivled, but didnt always fall. There were black spots before the shriviling so i hit it with fungicide. By that point there were only 2 green leaves left, the spots were gone but there was no growth. I noticed today that the spots are back and when i touched them, the last leaves fell  :(

The last two leaves that just fell

Please help! I paid a pretty penny for these and they are some of my oldest plants and i dont want to lose them :-[

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Red Sapote (Timonius minahasae)
« on: January 22, 2025, 04:12:19 PM »
i saw this on anderson tropicals, but it was sold out by the time I saw it. i remember a topic about this came up a few months ago, is anyone growing it?

I have this dasyblasta that just recently flowered, how dhould i pollinate it? This is my first tree to flower so im pretty new at this :D

I love white sapote and I have several small white sapotes that I plan to use as rootstocks this spring. How long would it be before I see fruits? Would different varieties perform better?

I have a lot of seeds that I am trying to germinate, and recently, there has been a huge influx of fungus gnats—there are SO many. First question: Are they harmful? I.e. Would they eat the young roots or something? And is it safe to use mosquito bits on them? I would be using them on mostly ungerminated seeds through inch tall seedlings.

i hope to go to costa rica next summer and want to know what to look for, google was no help at all here so I came to everyone here ;D. i really like foraging so I want to to a little bit of exploration through the jungle as well as looking through markets visiting farms etc. what should I look for? i want to find various Annona, Garcinia, myrtcacea, sapotacea, theobroma and I want to try chupa chupa too if I can. what is in season? and others also if anyone knows any local guides or has any general advice that would be appreciated. also, are there any poisonous species in the mentioned genera or any others to avoid?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Best pot Lychee?
« on: October 29, 2024, 12:15:57 PM »
I love lychees and want to get a tree. Which variety would work the best in a container? i am looking for ones that would fruit prolifically and produce while small. thanks!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / should I get a Jamaica cherry?
« on: October 24, 2024, 05:32:20 PM »
i have been looking into these recently, they seem fun, I especially like that the seeds are small so you can eat the fruit whole. is there any difference between the red and yellow kinds? how prolific would they be and could they be kept in a pot and fruit? how long until it makes fruit?


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Whats wrong with my cherilata?
« on: October 16, 2024, 10:47:11 AM »
It was flushing some nice new growth then it suddenly turned black and started to wilt. What's happening? what should I do?

the pictures arent very good, I will take some better ones later today

Tropical Fruit Discussion / should I get a myrciaria vexator?
« on: October 10, 2024, 05:38:36 PM »
i have been reading about it lately, it looks cool and prolific. is it worth growing with somewhat limited space?

these two look very interesting, does anyone have any? how are they doing? would they be suitable for containers?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / has anybody fruited a Eugenia Burkartiana?
« on: October 08, 2024, 04:49:55 PM »
I just got a 3 year old plant from Anderson Tropicals at a pretty good price (I think). Are these all they are hyped up to be? how long do they take to fruit?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Myrciaria Caerulescens
« on: October 08, 2024, 04:05:12 PM »
Anyone growing this one? it looks very interesting, BellamyTrees says it tastes better that a jaboticaba and fruits in two years. sounds promising

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What is this on my jaboticaba
« on: October 05, 2024, 03:17:15 PM »
I have a red hybrid jaboticaba that has not been doing well but is now pushing some new growth, i found these a week ago and some more today. What are they?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Mamey not looking good
« on: October 03, 2024, 10:42:20 AM »
My mamey started wilting over the last week, at first it looked like a lack of water so i watered it but the wilting persisted. Does anyone know what is wrong?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / when is rollinia in season?
« on: September 30, 2024, 06:09:52 PM »
I posted in the BST asking if anyone had any rollinia among other fruits they would be willing to sell me. But when is it actually in season in SoFLo though? The online sources have mixed information

Tropical Fruit Discussion / anyone growing annona coriacea?
« on: September 29, 2024, 01:17:58 PM »
it looks like a cool fruit, has anyone fruited this or know if it is graft compatible with cherimoya?

I have basically exhausted all my local asian markets in terms of new fruit, does anyone have any rare fruit they would be interested in selling me? I would prefer a variety of several fruits
Some that i am interested in include:
Abiu, pouteria sp (excluding mamey) Chupa Chupa, Rollinia, any Annona, garcinia, Myrtacea spp, Artocarpus sp (this is a long shot) and really anything.
Im more interested in the rarer stuff as i have already had most of the more common ones (guava, jambu, sapodilla etc.) i am also interested all year round so if you see this post in june i am probably still interested
My budget is 40-50, so whatever that gets me is ok
Thank you!

people often ask, what's the best fruit, or the sweetest, but what about fruits with flavors that aren't found anywhere else and very unique? (of course, to a certain extent everything is "unique")

we have a poll for how much you spent, but how much have you made? i haven't been at it that long, so I hope some of my seedlings get big enough to sell in the near future

i constantly see these two mixed up, what are the differences, if any?

I am in search of something that could produce fruit this year, I don't have a preference for any propagation method. i am primarily looking for, any annonacea, mango, any pouteria or related genera especially abiu, cinnamon apple or lucuma, any artocarpus (doubt this is possible), garcinias and any myrtacea. i would prefer something that makes a good fruit

thank you!

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