« on: January 17, 2025, 04:56:27 AM »
In a few months, after I plant my stonefruit/pomefruit orchard, I'll be planting a food forest, and I would love some help regarding a couple of things.
1: How should I space trees?
Mainly a curiosity with the overstory trees. I want enough space between tall trees so that they let some light in between them, but not too much space.
2: Which trees belong in the overstory and which ones belong in the understory?
I've worked out that Mangoes, Ingas, Pouterias, Avocadoes, Loquats, Casimiroas, Black Sapotes and Artocarpus are overstory trees, and that Acerolas, Eugenias, Plinias and Psidiums are understory trees.
I can't figure out what to do with Annonas, Longan/Lychee and Garcinias, how to arrange the shorter lived trees like Bananas, Papayas, and Tamarillos. Especially bananas - I just can't get my head around how to get them in.
To anyone who helps me, thank you. I'm just getting started with food forestry and would love your knowledge.