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Topics - roblack

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Tropical Fruit Discussion / Sharwii Avocado in South Florida
« on: January 07, 2025, 04:00:30 PM »
Hey Everybody! Anyone growing Sharwii in SoFL? Wondering if this wonderful cado will do well here. Thanks!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Saving Our Eugenia
« on: November 13, 2024, 08:53:53 AM »
Was super bummed to see our larger eugenia minutifolia had totally dried out in the brutal sun and wind we've been having. Didn't realize it was already in need of repotting, and then saw the dry droopy leaves. Quickly soaked and put in the shade. Repotted in bigger pot with Happy Frog. Watered well, but did not soak again. Cut off the droopiest and driest leaves, and misted repeatedly. After a few days, and more leaves fully dying, gave it a major trim job leaving only a leaves, and placed in an old aquarium with plants. All of the leaves died. Misted several times per day, and monitored temp/humidity. Openend the doors some when the sun is hitting tank in the morning. Still, hopes have been low.

...and then this morning:

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Gophers Aint All Bad!
« on: November 10, 2024, 10:34:21 AM »
To all the gopher haters out there, lovers of gophers, and the gopher-uninformed:

Obviously a very different situation than growers dealing with gophers as pests, but found this article quite interesting.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Edible Bamboo Search
« on: October 07, 2024, 12:06:07 PM »
Hello! I am looking for plants of edible bamboo varieties. Please pm if you can help me out. Thank you!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Project Breadfruit
« on: October 06, 2024, 02:48:41 PM »
The time is approaching to plant this Ma'fala breadfruit tree; has been up-pottted and waiting for over a year now. Was waiting to chop 2 clumps of areca palms down, which still exist as living stumps. Going to keep chopping and sawing them, but considering allowing some shoots to grow to protect the breadfruit tree over winter. In the middle of the 2 areca clumps is an old giant avocado stump, that was cut down in 2015. It breaks up easy, but there is lots of biomass there.

I am planning on chopping the cado stump more, adding sand, perlite, native soil, and Happy Frog, but not sure what else I should do before planting the breadfruit. Calling on forum friends with experience in growing breadfruit to chime in and provide needed info and recommendations. Here are some pics of the spot and tree:

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Bamboo
« on: October 05, 2024, 01:34:20 PM »
Bamboo is one of the many plants I grow. Wondering who else is growing bamboo for protection of their fruit trees, and other uses.

Here is a chocolate variety that does well in our garden:

Also, very sad to realize Bamboo Rich aka Bamboo Man has passed. A super cool person who loved plants and especially all kinds of bamboo. My bamboo is from Rich, RIP:

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Looking For Imbe Trees
« on: August 19, 2024, 08:49:34 PM »
Hello All! Looking for imbe trees. The bigger the better. Herm or sexed would be nice. Please lmk what you got. Thanks!

Hello Fruit Friends!

I have a few extra jakfruit seedlings from Raul, see post:

Would like to trade for rare tasty stuff; interested in garcinias and eugenias and stuff like that, but other fruit, veggies, herbs and ornamentals too.

Here's one of the seedlings:

Using the name, Raul's Red Zero for now; but since they are seedlings, can call each of them whatever you want.

Local pickup/meetup only.

I did not know about these species, and sad to know they are not doing well. But gotta wonder, how good the fruit is. Either way, glad people are working hard to save these rarities.

Hello everyone!

I have a seedling maprang, but have no idea of the variety. I want to either add mayongchid to it, or buy/trade for a grafted plant or seeds. Can anyone help me out or point in the right direction? Also, open to different varieties. Want something with more than just a sweet flavor, sweet and sour varieties preferred.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Best Home Freeze Dryer 2024
« on: March 30, 2024, 04:17:24 PM »
I hope all are having a nice weekend! I am about ready to order a freeze dryer, and am wondering what models are best to consider for a home operation. Any recommendations?

Planning on doing small batches for personal use, and sharing of course.

Using an Excalibur 9 level dehydrator, mostly for jerky, which has been great. Want to find something like that for freeze drying fruits.

Thanks for any and all ideas.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Let's Play: Name That Eugenia/Jabo!
« on: February 11, 2024, 12:01:55 PM »
Hello. Hate it when I do this! Somehow these are unlabeled, and not sure what is what. I need help identifying the following 3 seedlings. Hint: They are either jabo or eugenia
(I think). Will give more clues, but want to see what comes up without too many prompts.   

Group Shot

Plant 1

Plant 1 Closeup

Plant 2

Plant 2 Closeup

Plant 3

Plant 3 Closeup

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Garcinia Compatibility
« on: February 10, 2024, 01:50:39 PM »
Hello fellow garcinia lovers! The questions have been bouncing around, "Can I cross this garcinia with that garcinia? Do I really need a male and a female of each dioecious garcinia? Can 2 different (dioe./mono) garcinia species pollinate each other and produce quality fruit?"

As I have a few now, wondering if can get cross pollination between any of the following: Mangostana, Luc's, Orangey Luc's, achachairu. intermedia, improved lemon drop, aristata, madruno, charichuelo, bico de jorco, Squat, Russel's, cherapu/prainiana, Brazilian cherapu, hombroniana, xantho..., small seed, Amazonian giant, Peruvian sp, Frankies?

I expect all varieties of Luc's are compatible, and unsure of what Frankie's originated from.

What's already known on this topic? Also, hope we can add to the knowledge base on this subject.

Hello everyone. Looking for a nice Z-4 to add to the jabo collection. If you have something you think is better, lmk!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What Are The Tastiest Jabos, 2024?
« on: February 04, 2024, 09:23:50 PM »
Thinking of adding another jabo, and with all the new varieties available, wasn't sure what my priorities should be.

My past understanding was that red hybrid, Grimal, and Otto Anderson were the tastiest. Then, Z4 and AxP came along. So, would the privileged few that have tasted the old and new, please share what are the best?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / 2024 FL Mango Season
« on: January 16, 2024, 08:49:04 PM »
They're back! And since it was so much fun last time, let’s do it again!

Preliminary signs point to a very good mango season, in our garden. Sugar Loaf is busting with flowers at different stages. Edward is a bit behind, but is getting going. Sweet Tart, Orange Sherbet, Ceci Love, Guava, Kesar, mmm4, and even Coco Cream are starting to push.

We’ve had several nights in the high 40’s (F) here, and even more in the 50’s.

Here's some pics of SL.

...also, non-FL growers are welcome to post their experiences (and especially pics) here. Just seems like we have a unique situation and season here in FL, and wonder about trends and changes. 

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Container Fruit For NYC Balcony
« on: December 21, 2023, 07:39:02 PM »
Hey everyone! Wondering what fruit trees might produce on a balcony with good sun exposure, in NYC. The tree could be brought inside during cold times/months. Is anyone having success with cherries or pluots doing something like this? What other fruits should be considered? Thanks for all ideas and knowledge!

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Seeking Star Anise Plant: Illicium Verum
« on: December 03, 2023, 04:17:39 PM »
Hello All, hope everyone is having a nice Sunday, Can anyone help me out with a plant, cuttings, or viable seeds of edible star anise?

Thank you!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / What Eats Papaya Leaves?
« on: December 01, 2023, 10:42:03 AM »
Noticed significant damage to several papaya plants; something is munching hard. Wondering what might be doing this, any ideas?

...I'm thinking iguana, but have never seen them eating papaya leafs, and the leaf stems don't seem damaged from the likes of a heavy lizard. They are notorious devourers of passion flowers, and are unwelcome in these parts for that alone. Time for a recon mission with the drones, see what's lurking up there.

A couple of trades with fantastic forum friends, and all of a sudden I have a few g. prainiana.

The largest of the bunch looks to have been trimmed prior to shipping, and arrived with 2 leafs. Yesterday and last night, we were pounded with 7+ inches of rain and 35 - 40 mph winds. The 2 last leafs did not make it. Plant has a nice root system, and a fat stem. Wondering if there is any chance of it sprouting new growth, or are garcinias done when they lose all leafs?

While I am of the belief garcinias can cross pollinate, if related closely enough (I have a few); looking for a companion for my charichuelo tree. Open to local pickup and shipping. Curious about other garcinias as well. Thanks!

Hello Fruit Friends!

I have a collection of wild mango and Wango seedlings that can let go of.

Wangoes are hybrids of m. Indica (mango) with wild mangoes (mango cousins, different species). These seeds are from choice selections made by Dr. Richard Campbell.

The crushed leaves of the wangoes are either citrusy or spicy. Very nice. I know some have crossed with OS. I would keep most/all of these if had the room.

60 for larger trees (m. Zeylanica, Tenom, Wangoes) These seedlings are from 2021 or 2022 fruits. 

50 for medium trees (Pentandra, wild mangoes, and Wangoes) These are 1 or 2 years old.

30 for small wangoes and mempalam. These are either fast growers, or from last year.

20 for extra small mempalam.  These are from spring 2023.

Large trees are in 3 gal pots, and/or are around waist high.

PM if interested. 

Also, will sell and ship some small mempalam and wango seedling trees to a select few forum members. Will post a thread soon, when I get enough free time to deal with shipping.

Hello fruit-loving friends! Another tree for sale.

Got an interesting tree that needs a new home. Ultra rare mangifera zeylanica for sale. Local pickup in South Miami area. Really good fruit, medicinal (bark too), and promising genetics for breeding programs and as rootstock. This baby gets big! One year old seedling, just lopped about 1 foot off the top.


No shipping at present.

Will release a few more wild ones, and some wangoes soon. May do shipping when my schedule chills out a bit.

Anyone have plants like Brad's Atomic or Black Strawberry tomatoes, or Everglades tomato? I like the mini tomatoes, like cherries, and interested in different colors. Tasty too



Is anyone growing Manilla mango in the US?

How does it compare to Philippine/Carabao?

Seeking budwood or plant unless someone talks me out of it.

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