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Messages - eyeckr

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Brian's Sumo are amazing!

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Anyone tried Callie Kumquats?
« on: January 19, 2025, 08:17:38 PM »
I used to grow NaMeiwa. Beautiful tree, great fruit. Sadly my tree died when we hit 3f.

I have this. Send me a PM

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Plant in ground now 8b?
« on: October 04, 2024, 08:42:37 PM »
Nice set up Sheaper

Maypop its a Citrus
I need it correct this from Aber's to Varia willow leaf. Aber's is sour orange. Varia is sweet.

The pitomba I have left ($8) are around 1yr old and the beach cherry are probably 6 months old.

Excellent variety of jaboticaba. Delicious!

Much appreciated GKW and shmojojojo!!

Dug around and found a couple more needing rehoming:

Giant Piray $28 SOLD

Gin & Tonic $24 SOLD

Add rooted Rose Apple from fruiting tree

Greenhouse seedling clean out. Prices plus actual shipping.

$10 Chrysophyllum lucentifolium
$12 Pouteria Venosa
$12 Red Skin Pouteria
$12 Pouteria Colombia
$12 Pouteria Pachycaylx
$25 Thornless Governor's Plum community pot or $9 for 3 plants
$25/$28 Rainforest plum
$8   Rainforest plum
$8 Pitomba
$15 Pitomba
$20 Eugenia Pulcherrima
$10 Aber's Varia Narrow leaf/willow leaf sweet orange
$15 Australian Beach Cherry community pot or $6 each -Eugenia reinwardtiana
$25 California Gold banana
$12 Variegated dragonfruit rooted

Found a couple more:
Dona Gal $15
Red Pouch $15

I went through my greenhouse and found a bunch of extra jaboticaba seedlings. Many are a bit derelict looking because of being overlooked but will perk up with a little attention. Prices below plus actual shipping. Local pick up okay in Virginia Beach also. I prefer you contact me on Facebook messenger or Instagram @VirginiaFruitGrower for easier communication but will check the mailbox here also.

Here's is what I have up for grabs:

San Ignacio $8
Peruana $15
Corrientes $6, $10
White aureana $10, $30
Escarlate $5
Red Hybrid $5
Cambuca $25
Black Pearl $10, $15
Cabelluda/glaziovana yellow $5
Serrana de Obera $8, $15, $28

Coronata Coroada de Divinolândia $10
Tigrada $15
Sao Benedicto $5
Umbigo $6, $8
Peruviana $15
Momotaro $15
Red Pouch $8
M. floribunda $15
T15 $15
Green Rosa $15
Cafe Cabinho Ipuiúna $6
P. aureana Branca IAC $8
Aveludada de Cabinho $15
Red Lantern $15
Red Ruby $8
Giant Red Crystal $65 *HUGE tree!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: First imbe flowers
« on: July 11, 2024, 05:43:10 PM »
Very cool.  Hopefully you get herme flowers.

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Calamondin vs. Indio vs. Kucle
« on: June 16, 2024, 10:34:47 PM »
I thought you were asking about Kucle. Calamondin is probably the most prolific and everbearing though

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Calamondin vs. Indio vs. Kucle
« on: June 16, 2024, 06:04:26 PM »
Very productive for me most years.

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Calamondin vs. Indio vs. Kucle
« on: June 14, 2024, 09:59:00 AM »
For some reason my Indio always had sour fruits so I sold it. It did have beautiful fruit though. I have Kucle but I find it very similar to Fukushu but just a little smaller. Some say it is inferior to Fukushu but I feel like they are very close in flavor. Maybe it depends on how much heat the tree is getting while the fruit develops. I'm in zone 8 with hot summers so I get a good amount of heat here. For out of hand eating I'd prefer Kucle or Fukushu but for flavoring foods I'd use calamondin.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Scion trade
« on: May 18, 2024, 01:52:36 AM »
Super quality scions received. Lots of care and time put in to gather, prep and send these out. Thanks Zack!!

Wow huge property.  Nice!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Carolyn's greenhouse tour
« on: April 28, 2024, 11:49:20 PM »
Great tour Carolyn! Thanks for sharing. Your cacao are especially impressive.


Brian in PA

Fern leaf guava

CORTG graft

Cute quail running around in the greenhouse

Purple mangosteen in ground in Pennsylvania

Hey fruit lovers! I was able to visit our fellow long time forum member Brian in PA and see his impressive greenhouse set up. So many cool trees growing and many in the ground. I was especially impressed with his purple mangosteen growing in zone 6A.

Lots of special shout outs to other forum members in this video including:
Kevin Reimer
Kevin Jones
Frank Lazar
Ryan Jo
Kameron Bellamy

Thanks again Brian for opening up your amazing greenhouse for a visit!

Impressive! Nice work

Wow JSea I didn't see your post prior to my review but it's interesting how our descriptions did line up!

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