I went through my greenhouse and found a bunch of extra jaboticaba seedlings. Many are a bit derelict looking because of being overlooked but will perk up with a little attention. Prices below plus actual shipping. Local pick up okay in Virginia Beach also. I prefer you contact me on Facebook messenger or Instagram @VirginiaFruitGrower for easier communication but will check the mailbox here also.
Here's is what I have up for grabs:
San Ignacio $8Peruana $15Corrientes $6, $10White aureana $10,
$30Escarlate $5
Red Hybrid $5
Cambuca $25Black Pearl $10, $15Cabelluda/glaziovana yellow $5
Serrana de Obera $8, $15, $28Coronata Coroada de Divinolândia $10Tigrada $15Sao Benedicto $5Umbigo $6, $8Peruviana $15Momotaro $15Red Pouch $8M. floribunda $15T15 $15Green Rosa $15Cafe Cabinho Ipuiúna $6P. aureana Branca IAC $8Aveludada de Cabinho $15Red Lantern $15Red Ruby $8Giant Red Crystal $65 *HUGE tree!