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Messages - Vincent

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Warmer earlier than last year at this time. When do you plan to start grafting- this week? Next week or month? Feedback appreciated. Thanks for sharing.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: S> Annona scions 2025
« on: February 04, 2025, 11:28:32 AM »
Yellow Birula
Hillary White
Maroochy Gold
Tropic Sun
Late gold

any of these available? looking to purchase next week if possible

sold- three gal available for $50

Geffner atemoya 5gal grafted fruit tree $75. Geffner variety regularly produces delicious fruit with no hand pollination. Pineapple sugar taste with no grit. Can ship. Paypal or zelle.

Very limited quantity, all sold.

Painter's White Reticulata scions available $10 each. Scions are harvested, wrapped in buddy tape and shipped the same day. USPS priority tracking number provided. Can ship up to 12 scions for $12.50. PayPal or zelle. The Painter's White Reticulata fruits vary from medium to large size. The skin is wrinkled and off-white. The fruit is firm, juicy and white.  At first bite, the flavor immediately explodes with an annona squamosa type sugar savor, followed by custard flan and vanilla. Then another wave of carmel flavor that tastes just like Ben &Jerry's carmel ice cream surrounds your taste buds. It smells wonderful and the texture can vary from firm to really ripe. It was the best reticulata (Custard Apple) and quite frankly the tastiest annona ever eaten. According to John Painter, "I think he got it originally from the lost white reticulata that Vivian had. Bob Murray cut it down to make room for lychee experiments. She seldom would get mad ,but boy was she when she told me about fiasco.
 It is the sweetest reticulata I have had, fleshy delicate flavor. I should measure the brix."

Harvested and shipped same day priority, buddy tape, wrapped insulated, tracking number provided. Can ship up to 12 scions for $12.50. PayPal or zelle.

Harvested and shipped same day priority wrapped in buddy tape. USPS priority tracking provided. Scions are $4 each. Can ship up to 12 for $12.50. PayPal or zelle.

Dream annona and Geffner atemoya seeds for sale. Dream .25 each, Geffner .10 each. Priority shipping $10. Paypal or zelle.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Geffner atemoya fruit $5 a pound.
« on: September 20, 2024, 11:47:12 AM »
Yes can send you 100 seeds for $10 plus $10 shipping.  PayPal or zelle

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Geffner atemoya fruit $5 a pound.
« on: September 17, 2024, 12:34:56 PM »
all sold thank you

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Geffner atemoya fruit $5 a pound.
« on: September 17, 2024, 09:08:09 AM »
Geffner atemoya fruit $5 a pound. Local pickup or shipping available.  PayPal or zelle.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bolt Mango- UNPARALLELED taste discovery.
« on: September 16, 2024, 07:07:44 AM »
A sales "hype" would imply a vested financial interest. Let me make it perfectly clear that I am neither misrepresenting the incredible taste (30 plus years of eating mango, 60 or more varieties tasted) of Bolt nor do I receive any sort of compensation for my statements nor do I have any Bolt fruit, scions or trees for sale either now, or in the immediate future. I completely and totally stand 100% behind my statements. Fortunately, Matt has planted 50 more Bolt trees and nature willing, there will be more Bolt available in the future for more people to taste. Regarding those persons at the taste test who claim they ate Bolt and it was disappointing, for each of you who said it was not incredibly delicious, there are others on video who have made the statement it was the best mango they ever ate.

ok scions are wrapped in buddy tape, harvested and shipped the same day usps priority paypal or zelle- this is a limited rarer atemoya, scions are $6 each, can ship up to 12 for $12.50

Not sure about Annona montana. Sugar apple is recommended for atemoya by the University of Florida.

Have scions. Its best to graft in the spring.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Geffner atemoya 7gal grafted tree $75
« on: September 13, 2024, 09:32:08 AM »
Geffner atemoya 7gal grafted tree $75. Most trees are over 5' tall, some are over 6'. Pickup or shipping available, Paypal or Zelle. Geffner requires no hand pollination and produces a crop of delicious annona every season.

Looking for: seedling, 1gal or 3gal size atemoya, custard apple (A. reticulata), pond apple, soursop or sugar apple trees for rootstock to graft onto. If you have any available and are looking to sell or trade, please message me at your convenience. Thank you.

Bombay, Florigon, Lemon meringue, Lemon Zest, Mahachanok and Ice Cream mango scions ready for grafting. Scions are $4 each. Harvested and shipped USPS Priority on the same day. Wrapped in buddy tape and insulated. Can priority ship up to 12 scions for $12.50. Paypal or zelle.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Bolt Mango- UNPARALLELED taste discovery.
« on: September 06, 2024, 06:56:49 PM »
A few years ago, after eating 50 or more varieties of mango, my inquiring nature led me to ask mango growers what their favorite mango was. Many of the answers were similar, such as Lemon Zest or Coconut Cream, but there was one mango name that stood out because it wasn't even on the radar (at the time). According to Matt Reece of Peace River Organics, his favorite mango of all time was the Bolt, and in fact, it had just won a taste test he had conducted at a meeting in Sarasota. Thanked him for his feedback, and simply told him was looking forward to sampling Bolt.
The following mango season, several people were invited and gathered together at the Starbucks in Punta Gorda for a mango taste test. There was about 30 people, give or take a few. Top tier mango were sampled and thanks to Matt, the Bolt was included. Towards the end of the event, people huddled together to taste the Bolt. They were blown away! Fisherman and farmers can be fibbers- fortunately this taste test was filmed! The Bolt caused everyone to wonder where the heck had this mango been all their lives and why they had not heard of it before.
Very good question. Where had the Bolt been before? That led me to visit Dr. Richard Campbell and the Mango Men of Homestead, the source of the Bolt mango. Interestingly enough, the Bolt is an interspecific hybrid with a brix over 30% according to Dr. Campbell. He had about 15 pounds of Bolt available for sale at his front porch and bought them all, wondering why nobody else had scooped them up.
Got home and started eating Bolt, only to be unimpressed and wondering why the Bolt was very average. It was fairly sweet, but lacking flavor character. It was a 7 out of 10 score, unlike the 10 out of 10 that was just previously eaten at the Starbucks. The fruit looked exactly identical but the taste was not. Go figure. It was a mystery.
The next season, July 2024, another Bolt found its way into my hands, this time not from Mango Men, but once again from Peace River Organics. When it was ripe, a few people assembled for a taste test (on video) and the Bolt was compared to Lemon Zest, a top tier mango and my former favorite mango.
Once again, fireworks went off as the Bolt taste explosion overwhelmed Rico from Reflection Comics and a few other people fortunate enough to sample the Bolt! Digging in for myself, there was that incredible taste once again, which reminded me of both Coconut Cream and Lemon Zest together. To say the least, the Bolt was incredibly fantastic, a 10 out of 10 score!
So given that Bolt has been around for at least a decade, how is it that it is not the IT mango? Here is where science and opinion meet, bearing in mind that there are established measurements and that taste is subjective. This is by no means conclusive, but it is the best explanation to date and am willing to hear perhaps another convincing argument:
Dr. Campbell grows his mango in very high PH coral ground, laden with sinkholes and yes, even coral snakes living in these coral depressions! He calls his grove "an old reef". He insists on never adding "any synthetic inputs, no amendments, no nitrogen". He sees the chlorotic nature of his trees as a benefit.
Apparently, a mango tree in higher PH soil will not be able to absorb certain nutrients like Iron, phosphorus, etc from the roots. This lack of nutrients will cause the leaves to become chlorotic and the decrease in chlorophyl will then cause the fruit to be less sweet-because the leaves will absorb less energy to convert into sugars for the fruit.
Having eaten both the Bolt grown at Dr. Campbell's under these chlorotic inducing conditions and having compared it to the Bolt grown in the low PH sugar sand of the west coast of Florida- there was a night and day drastic difference! My opinion is that Bolt never gained acceptance early on because people were eating the inferior high PH, low taste Bolt grown in coral rock and initially not the ideal conditions of low PH sugar sand soil found here on the west coast of Florida.
Some people have commented that they grow in coral/limestone but add supplements to correct imbalances. Dr. Campbell has stated he adds absolutely nothing to his mango trees. So no corrective measures are being done to correct these imbalances. Also, Bolt is an interspecific hybrid and there may be circumstances which can cause exceptions that regular mango do not experience environmentally in response to high PH chlorotic conditions. Specifically, their effect on the taste of the Bolt. It may be drastically more sensitive to PH imbalances than the regular mango which are not interspecific hybrids.
There was also an early taste test conducted by Sulcata Grove which was not favorable. Apparently, the Bolt was not ready for prime time and any taste test of over  or under ripe mango will not be favorable.
Out of the gate, Bolt was viewed as a very average mango. It did not get the buzz it rightfully deserves during its "launch". However, my firsthand experience, and the experiences of other who have recently tasted the sugar sand West Coast Florida grown Bolt- demonstrate that this is an exceptional taste test winner!
Bolt is a top tier mango and in my opinion the finest mango of the 60 plus varieties eaten to date. When grown under ideal conditions and properly ripe, the Bolt tastes exactly like a Coconut Cream and Lemon Zest in one, creating an UNPARALLELED synergy of taste.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Does ph level influence flavor in mango?
« on: September 06, 2024, 04:32:12 PM »
Overall, does growing mango in a higher ph soil (such as a coral or limestone base) have any effect on the taste of a mango? Apparently, a mango tree in higher ph soil will not be able to absorb certain nutrients like Iron, phosphorus, etc from the roots? Wouldn't his lack of nutrients will cause the leaves to become chlorotic and the decrease in chlorophyl will then cause the fruit to be less sweet-because the leaves will absorb less energy to convert into sugars for the fruit? Looking for feedback and input from mango growers out there. Thank you.

Anyone with actual firsthand experience growing polyembryonic varieties from seed, which have produced fruit? How did the fruit from the polyembryonic seedling taste? Lots of information provided-appreciated-but looking for input from a grower who has grown polembryonic from seed to fruit, and how did the fruit taste?
There has been a lot of information sent to me regarding this topic. For me, the most valuable information is learned by actually doing. Several people have divergent views and since firsthand information is most important to me, your feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Polyembryonic Bolt- "true to seed" taste?
« on: August 25, 2024, 10:34:14 AM »
Repeated taste test winner Bolt mango is apparently polyembryonic,  meaning that it should grow true to seed- has anyone ever grown any polyembryonic varieties which have produced fruit? How did the fruit from the polyembryonic seedling taste? The term "true to seed" is associated with polyembryonic seedlings but have no firsthand experience to determine if polyembryonic seedling's fruit tastes the same as grafted.


Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Ilama rosado grafted 7gal tree $100
« on: August 20, 2024, 10:16:53 AM »
Ilama rosado grafted 7gal tree $100. Grafted on pond apple. Shipping available. Paypal or zelle.
Ilama (Annona diversifolia) has been called the "cherimoya of the lowlands"

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