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Messages - roblack

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For those spraying open and closed flowers with sulfur...with the temperatures rising this week ( mid to upper 80's for me this week) I need to spray asap before it gets to 85° as this is the hottest recommended temperature for spraying sulfur according to directions. I figured as long as I spray in the  morning forecast to be mid 60's to low 70's it should be dry by the time it hits 83° in late afternoon.

Don't want to burn the flowers  ::)

If the forecast stays the same, going to wait till late Sunday afternoon/early evening to spray again. Forecast to hit 84F on Sunday, then the next few days the highs are a little lower. Will be right at the 11th day mark, which should be fine as there is a ton of sulfur on trees already, and no rain in sight. 

Great question, thanks for the reminder! Gotta find and post my friend's recipe for pickled green mangoes. Will make you want to pick mangoes early.

The person who was first to get the correct winning team is Rob. I will send you a message and tell me what you like.

Woohoo! =)

Have you a bowl of Gronkamole while you watch the game!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Has the M-4 Mango been named "Candy Sweet"
« on: February 06, 2025, 11:44:06 PM »
its mmm4 to me

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: is this front yard jackfruit fair game?
« on: February 05, 2025, 10:48:39 PM »
People take our passion fruits and the occasional mango overhanging a sidewalk. I tell them, "take 1, only 1".  And I teach people how to pick passion fruit and mangoes when they are ripe. Hate it when they get wasted, but those pickers probably are less likely to try again. I like the idea of sharing fruit and fruit knowledge. Have given away many passion vines to neighbors and fruit thieves. I figure if they grow their own, less likely to take mine. Being nice also makes it weirder for some people to steal. Funny thing is, it is never or rarely the poor taking fruit. It's the old guy and his wife driving a Mercedes or BMW that cusses me out when I ask, "what's up?" as they are stabbing fruits. Entitled, rich, angry fruit thieves are the worst.

Far Side rocks Epi!

Rob do you have trees planted in your front yard and do you have a front yard fence?  I always said I would put in a fence later.  But the problem is, now these trees are getting big and a fence might not be feasible at this point.  I was trying to look at the survey for my house and figure out exactly what the easement is (to make sure it doesn't go right through the tree's trunks) but it doesn't seem clear.  I have a large easement and of course I planted in every available spot, up to the street.  I have mango, avocado and coconut in the front yard.  These are prime targets for fruit thieves I've heard.  I also have starfruit, jackfruit, black sapote and mulberry, and will plant white sapote in the future.  Hopefully these fruits are less desirable to thieves.  Right now only the starfruit is fruiting and nobody has touched it but it's far from the road.  If anyone takes my first jackfruit I will be sad.  And of course, that jackfruit is NOT fair game!  The easement is for the utility companies, it's not a free for all.  Asking the owner and offering to buy one is the only way.

Fruit trees are in backyard, which is fenced. Some stuff grows over the fence, the sunlight is always brighter on the other side.

Salaks would end up getting me. That's what happened with motion activated sprinkler. Got the raccoons, and myself many times.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: 2025 Mango season
« on: February 05, 2025, 08:00:38 PM »
New TT video has me wondering if i'm lucky or doing good job or what should i do to keep my blooms happy.
Thinking of giving them all a drink being flowers are a plenty.  Sprayed a fungicide treatment before lunch.

p.s. Best of luck TT

Thanks to Chris at Truly Tropical,  I'm not feeling alone anymore.

That's what happened to Sugar Loaf and Edward here. Thought it had to get colder to damage blooms. Thankfully, lots of new blooms are now popping on most trees.

Sprayed sulfur on open blooms today. Sprayed sulfur and copper on fruitlets, emerging blooms, and leaves afterwards (avoided open blooms as much as possible). Some trees got both. lol, can't believe I am getting this detailed with my spraying regimen.

Ordered mine from:

On 3rd or 4th generation now. Just started some seeds.

Eagles 31 Chiefs 21


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Snakes and Food Forests
« on: February 05, 2025, 01:49:36 PM »
Mostly just beating the bushes around Miami, looking for critters with the kids or a lost frisbee. Done hammock clean ups and invasive removals. Never found any ticks on me or heard of any from others. Have hiked Big Cypress and some around the Virginia Key too. None noticed. Not saying they are not out there, but they are not as bad as up north.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Indoor tropical fruits
« on: February 05, 2025, 01:45:43 PM »
Nice tree! Looks better than my outdoor beat up cacaos down here. They don't like winter and winds.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Snakes and Food Forests
« on: February 05, 2025, 10:13:12 AM »
I've never seen a tick in Miami Dade in 25 years. Found 1 on me after hiking west of Ocala (Central Florida). Used to get them all the time in Kentucky.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Alkaline soil mango planting
« on: February 05, 2025, 10:10:28 AM »
Mangoes do fine in high ph. Your problem was not 8.0 ph. Plant on a mound in a well draining area with plenty of sunlight.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Snakes and Food Forests
« on: February 03, 2025, 03:47:30 PM »
I too have nearly stepped on and grabbed rattlers while working.  I figure it’s just a matter of time before I’m bit on accident.  An ER doc once told me the vast majority of rattler bites are from the waist up because people are dicking around with them, attempting to wrangle them with their hands.  I love to see snakes in the orchard.  I have spotted a couple types of rattlers, garter, King, black and red racers, and my favorite gopher snake.  Even saw a rosy boa for the first time last year. 
Speaking of scorpions, been nearly stung twice by scorpions reaching my hand down gopher holes while setting traps.  Not looking forward to that eventuality.

Gopher snakes were my favorite snake when a kid in CA. Horny toads are awesome too!

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: 2025 Mango season
« on: February 03, 2025, 11:33:12 AM »
Getting very good fruit set on Orange Sherbet and Glenn, with more blooms popping. Just these 2 trees can bring a lot of joy.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Snakes and Food Forests
« on: February 03, 2025, 09:08:56 AM »
Snakes in Australia are different. Way more venomous varieties there, can see how that could be an issue. Here, most venomous snakes are either near freshwater (moccasins, cotton mouths), or in the woods (rattlers). Only see rat snakes, racers, and ring necks here in suburbia. They are very welcome. Coral snakes are common in some areas, but are not aggressive and usually do not bite (from what I've been told).

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: 2025 Mango season
« on: January 30, 2025, 11:18:52 AM »
Spraying copper on open blooms is a no-go.

...fruit set has finally begun! Found 1 fruitlet on Edward, and a few on Glenn. Glenn has barely flowered, and looks to be popping more blooms soon.

Lots of flowers on Edward and Sugar Loaf appear to dying with no fruits. Tons of male flowers so far. Hope they flower again.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: What Fruits do you regret not planting?
« on: January 29, 2025, 08:50:52 PM »
Questions lead to answers, and then more questions. This is a good place for such.

Over the past few years, eating a lot more mamey. While I can see why sweet potato may come to mind for some people, it tastes very different from sweet potato. Couldn't imagine enjoying a sweet potato shake, but a good bebida de mamey (mamey shake) is a near perfect desert experience.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Bellamy Seedling ID Help
« on: January 29, 2025, 06:35:05 PM »
Probably Blue Guac, or another of the Myrciaria you ordered (delicatula, pastora, blue?). They look like that when small.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: What Fruits do you regret not planting?
« on: January 29, 2025, 01:28:24 PM »
Great thread idea MrJC, getting some good responses, such as RS' that makes a lot of sense in that zone/area.

Mamey. Now I finally have a tree, but need to get rid of something to make room for it. Also, worried that when it is planted in-ground, will stop flowering and veg out for a few years. 8+ years ago would've been better.

Overall, feeling good about the planting decisions. More trees/plants that I do regret planting than otherwise. Some that aren't working out so well, guess I wouldn't know without trying. Others, could've done better homework on.

Super healthy, fruits year round - 7’ + Blue Grape for sale, $300.00, must dig it out yourself, located in Coral Springs Fl.

Local pick up only

Sounds like you enjoyed the fruit as much as mine that I sold. LOL Really good looking tree but...

I've heard very mixed reviews on fruit quality. Some love it. Think it may be both quite variable, and a matter of personal taste. Not digging mine up yet (waiting).

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: is this front yard jackfruit fair game?
« on: January 29, 2025, 12:36:59 PM »
People take our passion fruits and the occasional mango overhanging a sidewalk. I tell them, "take 1, only 1".  And I teach people how to pick passion fruit and mangoes when they are ripe. Hate it when they get wasted, but those pickers probably are less likely to try again. I like the idea of sharing fruit and fruit knowledge. Have given away many passion vines to neighbors and fruit thieves. I figure if they grow their own, less likely to take mine. Being nice also makes it weirder for some people to steal. Funny thing is, it is never or rarely the poor taking fruit. It's the old guy and his wife driving a Mercedes or BMW that cusses me out when I ask, "what's up?" as they are stabbing fruits. Entitled, rich, angry fruit thieves are the worst.

Far Side rocks Epi!

I have an in ground grafted tree that fruits at 15’ but only a couple fruits and they get huge. I grafted 3 in ground seedlings, they all took and then 2 months later completly disappeared without a trace. Biggest mystery of ‘24 for me, I can’t imagine what happened .

The grafts disappeared, or the entire seedlings?

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Re: Venmo, zelle Paypal?
« on: January 27, 2025, 10:45:21 PM »
Get you some Zelle bro and you won't be old and lame no more! PP is still a few clicks quicker for me though.

Agreed, Venmo feed is weird. You can click to keep your transactions private.

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