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Messages - Millet

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Citrus General Discussion / Re: Nippon Orangequat
« on: April 18, 2014, 04:15:14 PM »
brain. Call Harris and ask for Ruth, she is the owners daughter,.  Ruth will probably answer the telephone, then ask her about Xie Shan (pronounced she-shan).   Some times not all of their trees are listed.  The chance of you getting a Xie Shan might be pretty good. If not she can tell you when they will be in stock again. - Millet

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Nippon Orangequat
« on: April 18, 2014, 10:11:16 AM »
This years Citrus Expo, spent the day with Dr. Powell (The man in the video) at Petals From The Past nursery.  Dr. Powell had many plates of various citrus set up on a long table for taste testing.  After testing all the varieties,   you voted for the best of the best.  Xie Shan won the contest. - Millet

Clay Mango, note that a citrus tree only flowers and produces fruit on its newest growth.  When you prune a citrus tree, you are cutting off the new growth. Therefore, a citrus tree cannot bloom and fruit. The only method to prune, and still get fruit, is called hedging.  In Hedging, only one side of the tree is pruned, leaving the other side to fruit.  The following year the other side of the tree is pruned. - Millet

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Wanted: Gold Nugget Mandarin
« on: April 17, 2014, 11:59:23 PM »
Thanks Scott, I will let you know, as I ordered one from Logees because they were the only source.  I also put my name on the waiting list at Four Winds Growers.  After I get the Logees tree, if it is a runt, I will order one from Bayfloral.  Again thanks for the tip, it is much appreciated. - Millet

Some time ago I purchased two Page Mandarins from Four Winds Growers.  I purchased them expressly for testing.  Both trees are planted in Root Maker's 5-gallon Air Root Pruning Containers. One is in Miracle Grow Soil (Not potting mix), and the other is planted in 100% cedar mulch. I chose cedar because it is a wood that decays very very slowly.  Both trees look excellent. I plan to run the experiment for at lease 2 years.  I have long had most of my 50+ citrus trees planted in a 50/50 blend of cedar mulch and peat moss- Millet

Clay Mango, you ask about Washington Navel.  Washington Navels are a very good tasting sweet fruit.  Interestingly, the Cara Cara pink Navel comes from a Washington Navel tree  One day in 1976, a poor citrus farmer in Venezuela was harvesting his fruit, and noticed to his surprise that a single branch on one of his Washington Navel trees was producing pink "Washington Navel" fruits.  It was a bud sport growing upon the branch of that Washington Navel tree. All Cara Cara citrus trees the world over come from that one tree.  So in  reality  the Cara Cara is a pink Washington Navel, however the taste is different. Today that poor Venezuela citrus farmer is a rich Venezuela citrus farmer. - Millet

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: caution
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:12:55 PM »
Yes thank you, I was only addressing receiving citrus trees.  Many citrus areas now are under quarantine, and therefore are forbidden to ship any part of a citrus tree to any location.   - Millet

Citrus General Discussion / Re: 5-citrus tree
« on: April 16, 2014, 10:42:55 PM »
Joe Real of Davis California has a  a citrus tree in his back yard with 105 different citrus varieties grafted onto one tree.  I think his tree holds the all time record, maybe even in the world. - Millet

I would suggest two varieties. 1) Cara Cara Navel.  The fruit has pink flesh, and is named after a large South American bird of prey  called the Cara Cara, because of a pink/red patch on the birds head. . It is a favorite of a wide range of consumers...  2) Xie Shan (pronounced She Shan).  MANY MANY citrus growers think this is one of the very best tasting satsuma mandarins.  It won the taste contest at this years Citrus Expo in Alabama. .  It matures early (October in California). I also dido what has been said of the Gold Nugget mandarin.  - Millet

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Borer in my Grapefruit tree
« on: April 16, 2014, 10:20:52 PM »
Darkman, I have never heard of this type of a problem with citrus. My suggestion is to contact your county extension agent.  He should be familiar with insect problem in his county. - Millet

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Wanted: Gold Nugget Mandarin
« on: April 16, 2014, 04:51:00 PM »
Redster  yes,  citrus suppliers police themselves.  After tasting Gold Nugget, I wanted to buy a Gold Nugget tree, to add to my collection.  Harris Citrus in Florida does not offer them, Four winds Growers in California is out of stock on both their 1-year old and 3-year old trees.  Logees does currently has them in stock, but only in a small 4" container size.  Four Winds sells their 1-year old tree for $25.00, and their 3-year old trees at $43.00.   Logees wants $29.95 for a Gold Nugget tree in a tiny 4" pot. - Millet

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: caution
« on: April 16, 2014, 10:33:39 AM »
Citrus can be ship to most all of the states, with the exception of Florida, Texas, Arizona, California which are citrus growing states. - Millet

Citrus Buy, Sell, & Trade / Re: Wanted: Gold Nugget Mandarin
« on: April 15, 2014, 11:04:02 PM »
Because you are in Texas, a citrus growing state, no company outside of the state of Texas can ship a citrus tree into your state.  You will have to find an in state supplier to obtain your tree.  Just three days ago I tasted my first Gold Nugget Mandarin , and I must say it was exceptional, really exceptional. - Millet

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Oranges Color and Taste Comparison
« on: April 14, 2014, 03:54:16 PM »
Thanks for the great picture.  Concerning Blood Oranges, my wife does not like the taste, so I grow my tree in the warmest part of the greenhouse, thus the fruit does not turn red in color,  the pulp remains orange.  My wife will then eat them.  A mind thing?. - Millet

Citrus General Discussion / Re: Finger limes in pots
« on: April 14, 2014, 09:57:24 AM »
Almost all citrus seed are nucelar, therefore they come true to type.  Depending on what cultivars you planted your waiting time for fruit is between 2 - 8 years.  Much depends on the quality of care the seedling receive. Good luck to both you and the little seedling trees. - Millet

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Re: Citrus Sub Forum???
« on: April 13, 2014, 08:40:20 PM »
Thank you for the very positive posts.  It would be our honor to become The Tropical Fruit Forum's newest members. Please give me a day or two to reply. Personally I believe we could get by with only three boards, container citrus, in ground citrus and cold hardy citrus.  I have suggested these to our membership, and asked for their input.  Wit gratitude Millet

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Citrus Sub Forum???
« on: April 13, 2014, 02:23:47 PM »
My name is Millet.  To the owners of this forum.... I was an administrator on The Citrus Growers Forum, a 9 year old large forum.  The owner of The Citrus Growers forum has abandoned our forum, and he was the only person authorized to activate new potential members. Therefore, no new members can join, which will mean a slow death of the forum.  I am here to ask the owners of this forum if they would consider adding a citrus sub forum to the Tropical Fruit Forum.  If a citrus sub forum would be considered, I would ask all the current membership of The Citrus Growers Forum to consider joining this forum.   Thank you - Millet

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