The ones I am familiar with do not make good juice. Sour is one thing, but these are bitter, too. Even marmalade and candied peel tasted very bitter to me. The best way to use them is as a marinade for pork and chicken or in Mojo Sauce (sour orange juice cooked with salt, pepper, and garlic). Some hoe that removes the bitterness or at least reduces it to a level that is not noticeable. I believe the ones common around here are a Seville type I believe if that helps.
There are "sour" oranges (C. aurantium) that arevery sweet and aromatic and only slightly bitter. They differ much in quality. The sweet orange has the same parents. That's the reason why one cannot expect great hardiness. It is within the same range as sweet orange, Some might be hardy down to -12°C (for a very short time)
Cara cara or the Montagne Corse, a blood orange.