CarolinaZone, curious which non-astringent Chinese varieties were you interested in/where have you heard about these?
I can find very little info aside from the technical abstract below (can't access the full paper).
Authors: W. Renzi, Y. Yong, L. Gaochao
Keywords: China, Diospyros sp., germplasm resources, persimmon
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1997.436.3
China is one of the original countries of persimmon. There is only one genus and 63 species in persimmon family, most of them are distributed in tropic and sub-tropic zone. 19 species had been utilized, 10 species are used as pomology. There is about 3 thousand - year history for persimmon cultivation in China. Varieties had emerged before one thousand - year, there are more than 900 varieties up to now. They are all astringent except “Loutian sweet persimmon”, there are few superfine resources in them, and there are 30 main varieties. Annual yield of fresh persimmon was 731 thousand ton, an increase of 33.1 percent than ten years ago. In recent years, there were rapid increase in yield in some south provinces of China, but the major regions of production is in north of China. Shaanxi, Henan, Shanxi, Shandong and Hebei, these 5 provinces make up above 57 percent of the total yield of the country. This paper described first persimmon resources survey of original country China. It supplied information for horticulture circles exploiting this species.