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Topics - pineislander

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I'm scheduled to give a workshop explaining how to judge mango maturity on the tree.
I have some references already and a good video by JFP films out of Africa but am wondering if anyone on the forum might know of some other specific references I could use? I understand the basic rising shoulders, lenticels changing from white to yellow finally brown, and stem/peduncle drying out. Id like to go fairly deep, beyond what a homeowner might want to know.

Can anybody add some references to help me go deeper?
It doesn't matter if it gets technical chemically or metabolic processes, I will try to adapt the information to a less informed audience. Thanks to anyone for help!

Here is the best video reference in case you'd like to know. Excellent explanation,animation, etc.

I used both mini-zip ties and buddy tape on avocado grafts with good success. Grafts are now about six weeks old. Some of the grafts have pushed six inches(15 cm) and I'm wondering if that is enough growth to safely release the graft union? If I do remove, what do you look for to know if they are ready? These are both potted and in-ground seedlings.

I'm planning to graft a seedling Indian jujube with the thornless "Thai Giant" variety.
Can anyone offer a tip or tricks?
What season is best?
What to look for in the scion?
What type of graft to make?

Note, this is not about the Chinese Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba)
this is Indian Jujube (Z. mauritiana)

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Tree ID needed, please.
« on: January 20, 2022, 08:22:33 AM »
I got this seedlng tree in trade about a year ago and can't remember who it was but think it may have been a member. All I can recall is the person said it was a close relative to Persimmon (Diospyros). This was in south Florida. Can anyone help ID the tree?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Avocado tree spacing
« on: October 18, 2021, 08:10:16 PM »
I have two rows where I want to grow avocado trees. Each is a raised bed 120 feet long, and spaced 20 feet apart, with adjacent rows also 20 feet apart but other species, jackfruit on one side and sapodilla on the other. I have direct seeded avocado seeds to be grafted once they reach a large enough size, hopefully by early spring 2022. I planted 2-3 seeds at each position on a 4 ft spacing along these beds. Some seedlings are emerging now.
The close spacing is to asssure myself plenty of seedlings ready to use and also to eventually select the best trees to keep.

I understand that this spacing is too tight long term but if I get a good population for a very low cost I would be able to gradually thin the trees with little loss, then maybe even pot up some trees for sale. During the first years I may also get a very high production while the trees are small, almost an avocado hedge, with the option to remove trees as needed.

What are your thoughts about this, pluses and minuses, pros or cons?

Tropical Fruit Discussion / RFID tree tags
« on: August 17, 2021, 08:38:23 AM »
I asked my son who is a tech genius about how I could tag trees for agritourism so that visitors could have a self guided experience using a cell phone. He quickly found that RFID tags are available for the purpose. When in proximity the phone powers up the tag giving you a website link to information.

I'm just now exploring the idea so haven't narrowed my sourcing and details etc but often see interest in tree tagging here and at this point it seems like this tech is available.

Wanted, probably from someone in the Caribbean or Central America, 10,000 turpentine mango seeds. Must be prepared and cleaned of all flesh and delivered to Florida. This will require phytosanitary certificate to bring in. These are to be used for rootstock and probably will require a test shipment much smaller than the total, then once quality and process is assured can be delivered in larger quantities to make the total needed. I'm asking for a friend who needs the seeds and will connect you to the ultimate buyer. Feel free to send me a PM. Se habla espanol.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / ID for probable Eugenia species
« on: March 28, 2021, 08:14:02 AM »
If anyone can help now I'd appreciate it, I can't recall what these are I get a lot of plants in trade. One out of 3 plants has flowered and fruits have set. These have been in the ground about 3 years and are approximatlely 2 feet tall. If this isn't enough I'll take more photos when fruit gets larger or ripens. Thanks for any advice or keys you'd like me to check for to help ID.

Tropical Fruit Buy, Sell & Trade / Want to buy Palora Dragon Fruit cuttings
« on: February 15, 2021, 08:03:25 AM »
Want to buy/trade Palora Dragon Fruit cuttings.

Could anyone help me identify this tree? I got it unlabeled in a trade and also can't remember who I got it from. I believe it is a fruit tree. It has a distinctive double leaf pattern.

The nursery inspector visited me for annual inspection and I asked about the Lychee mite progress.
I was told that an eradication program will begin soon beginning on the East coast and progressing to the suspected origin on Pine Island, Lee County SWFL. Trees will be defoliated and sprayed weekly over 8 weeks with wettable sulfur at no cost. All debris will be disposed, likely by burning.

Here is a .pdf fact sheet:

Webpage with map:

FAQ on sulfur miticide:

Inside information from the inspector was that the effort was delayed by funding and getting an Emergecy Use Authorization for the use of sulfur as miticide on Lychee. I was told that insecticide companies are loathe to pay costs associated with getting their products "listed" for minor crops. He also showed me a GPS based phone App which had been developed showing all known infested trees in the state which is very detailed but still needs further work.


Tropical Fruit Discussion / Low cost irrigation emitter
« on: April 27, 2020, 07:23:00 PM »
Some may have seen this already especially at nursery outlets which is where I saw it first. The method is especially good for recently planted trees it may not be enough for mature trees.
The method uses small diameter flexible tubing approx 1/4 inch (~6 mm) and pieces of irrigation tubing to diffuse the water exiting the small tubing.
First cut pieces of the small tubing to the desired length, make angled cuts on each end, I use a very sharp standard pruning shear.
Then cut 2 inch (50mm) pieces of large diameter tubing.
Using a standard punch or other tool punch a small hole in the 50 mm long pieces large diameter tubing. Using a suitable angled piece of plastic, I use an old stake emitter, ream out the small hole by stretching it but not cutting into the plastic.
One the hole is enlarged, work the angle cut end of the small tubing into the diffuser piece. The plastic will stretch and then tighten back to hold tight.
Repeat the process at the location needed along the run of the irrigation line close by the desired root zone of the plant or tree.

Hope this helps. The small tubing seldom clogs, but sometimes rats or squirrels do chew on the tubing and it needs to be replaced. I got mine in a 1000 foot roll at the irrigaton supply house.
here are some pictures:

I am propagating the vine from root cuttings off well established plants, one male and one female. They have been in the pots over six months and while they quickly established roots to the bottom of the pots no top growth has begun.
In the picture you can see a round growth at the top which has formed on one but seems like undifferentiated tissue not a vine sprout. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to spark some top growth in these? They are held in a shade cloth house with ordinary water and soil, not much fertilizer.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Good idea- Freeze dried Miracle Fruit
« on: January 01, 2020, 07:16:52 AM »
Some one registered in Homestead Florida is selling very high quality freeze dried Miracle fruit halves without seeds.

Price is $1.25 per berry, packaging is 175 halves for $69.99

Close look at fruit:

These have been around for a while, from Taiwan.

I practice some techniques that aren't always common in standard orchards. I interplant under over and around my trees with different plants trying to emulate something more like nature. I plant legumes, vegetables, herbs, flowers and ground covering plants dense enough that they form a community. Every so often I go through and trim these plants so they aren't competing for light, moisture or space. I call these cuttings "chop & drops" because usually the prunings are left in place as a mulch.

About 1-1/2 months ago I did a chop & drop in an area and this week noticed that two trees in particular had just taken a huge stride in growth. They had been poking along all summer and even though we haven't had any change in rain or weather something had really happened. They are nearly 3 year old Rollinia which hasn't really done too well, looked a little yellow and hadn't grown a lot through the season and a 3 year old Breadfruit . Around them was a great growth of a ground covering plant called Longevity spinach(Gynura procumbens). When cut it probably amounted to a wheelbarrow load of fresh green matter that I put aroud each tree.

I've heard some people speak of how pruning adjacent plants sends "information" out into mycelial networks communicating signals for growth and renewal. On the other side, when plants die off or senesce, an opposite signal might occur towards a reduction of growth or a dormancy and pulling back of resources. The reaction of these trees to just the stimulus of pruning around them has really got me thinking.

What do you think?

here is an article explaining some of what science research has found:

here is the Rollinia, it has flushed better than it ever has, about a foot of growth:

here is the Breadfruit, it did Ok through the summer rainy season, but has suddenly jumped nearly 2 feet:

Tropical Fruit Discussion / How do you train and prune avocado?
« on: November 07, 2019, 07:13:37 PM »
I see many references to pyramid and cone shapes but most trees I see growing in the tropical orchards pinch young and train to multiple leaders. This is one of mine, a Brogdon just pruned heavy to remove top growth. This is an example of what I am seeing recommended down south of the border. The pramid form may just be an old tradition or have something to do with California vs more tropical climate and varieties. I am wondering what others experience has been.

This grafted variety is known in the area and was propagated by the nursery which used to own my place. Does anyone have experience with it? I am waiting for this to ripen.

I have several trees of the Mountain Soursop from which I am willing to sell leaves. They are used medicinally. I also would offer them dried and packaged for long term storage, and have enough to wholesale them to a distributor. Please respond and I can PM you with info to discuss a price. Even if you aren't personally interested I would appreciate any sales leads.

Two years ago I planted six soursop trees. Now that they are fruiting I have discovered they are Mountain Soursop (Annona montana) instead of ordinay soursop (annona muricata). I should have been more discriminating but was not very well versed and the vendor wasn't fully honest. The trees are healthy but I would prefer the muricata for fruit. I have a source for plenty of scions from ordinary soursop and may be able to get some named varieties.

My question pertains to how to go about the project. My options seem to be to either cut the trees low and graft onto sprouts or cut low branches and graft onto sprouts coming from slightly higher up. It seems to me that the difference would be dealing with rootstock sprouts later on and maybe healing problems of a large cut trunk compared to cuts on smaller branches. I have already been removing low sprouts anyways but have seen several soursop trees which seemed to have trouble healing damaged branches.

If anyone has done this I'd be interested in any comment, and especially from Har(Guanabanus) and Adam(Flying Fox Fruits) who I see as knowledgeable in this. Here is a picture of a typical tree in the row. They are about 8-10 feet tall and 3 inches trunk diameter.

A polyculture of Dragonfruit and Pineapple. Ground cover is a mixture of Perennial Peanut and Sunshine Mimosa. This row was planted October 2017.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / Unusual crested pineapple
« on: May 16, 2019, 09:36:45 PM »
This pineapple was grown from a grocery store top I believe it is an ordinary Dole Gold variety.
If my count is correct there are 12 individual rosettes on top of this fruit.
I'm not sure if it happened from a curse, nuclear radiation or alien influence but it sure is strange.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / 50 mango tree orchard- 1 year update
« on: April 06, 2019, 01:51:06 PM »
here's a one year update on my orchard.

No fertilizer, no pesticides, no water.

Would like to buy or trade for cuttings of Elaeocarpus serratus. I understand it comes with fruit in blue or green.

Tropical Fruit Discussion / 53+ pineapples fruiting now
« on: March 13, 2019, 06:50:02 PM »
The cold weather this year has stimulated a very good fruit set on my pineapples.
Here is a video:

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