Here as some comparison photos for context.
This is the Peaceful Heritage Tree and another Pawpaw I purchased this year from One GreenWorld. The empty container is what the One GreenWorld Plant came in before I repotted it.
The One Green Plant is about 14 Inches tall
There is about a foot of growth ABOVE the graft on the One Green world Plant.
You can see there is the same amount of growth on the Peaceful Heritage plant but the One Green World graft is better secured and healed
For comparison this is a tree Purchased from Edible Landscaping 2.5 years ago. I set the tape measure on a garden post. This tree is a littler taller than 2 meters.
You can see the growth of the graft on this Plant that was the same size as the One green world plant. This plant is one purchase from Edible Landscaping. It has been in the ground 2.5 years.